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Multiple Settings Looking for Partners. MxF😺


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Hi Everyone!

I am a new user who is keen to jump into the action. Please send me a message if you're interested in roleplaying with me, or would like me to join your roleplay. I am very open to new idea's.

Themes I enjoy:
Fantasy, Historical, Western, Romance, Time Travel, Gender-Bender, Post-Apocalyptic, Pirates, Horror, Assassins, Vampires, Zombies, Thriller, Realistic, Bounty Hunters, Demons, Angels, Mythology, Modern, Good vs Evil

There are so many more I am interested in, so it's well worth having a chat with me to see what else we have in common.

I have not done a fandom yet, but I'm very willing to.


A sample of my writing style is below.

Rain slashed down upon the group of friends who jogged towards the ominious castle. Haggard due to the lack of upkeep, it was covered in vine & moss - showing it's age. It probably didn't always look this ominious, on a bright and sunny day it would probably look magnificent. Annabelle didn't get much time to acknolwedge it's exterior as they rushed to get away from the downpour. They were all laughing at the sudden weather turn. It had been forecast such a lovely day this morning.
As they came upon the large oak doors that made way for the enterance she did pause to bask in the intricate detail that was carved into them. She ran a finger over one of the many spiral shapes. It was beautiful.
"Come on, Annabelle! We are going to miss part of the tour. We are already late." Jeremy huffed with annoyance, taking ahold of her upperarm and trying to tug her along with him. Annabelle shared a look with her friend Kelly, smirking. Jeremy had been the one to plan the trip today. He loved historical areas such as this, and always dragged them along whenever he found a new one to go tp. He had found discounted tickets for a tour of the castle. She was not surprised, the place looked like it was gasping for funding. Kelly was another of her friends, they had been in school together since they were 5. They met Jeremy when they turned 16 and they all went to college together. Kelly was a plump girl with red, curly hair and freckled cheeks. Jeremy was tall, and very slim. Buzzed, brunnette hair covered his head. He was always pushing his glasses up from the tip of his nose. Annabelle was also brunette, her hair trailed loosely down her mid back, and a fringe shaped the top of her face. Her blue eyes were her favourite feature. She stood at 5'7, now draped in wet blue jeans and a red tank top, covered with a black cardigan.
Finally meeting up with the rest of the tour group, the young man who was guiding the tour couldn't have looked more bored as he started taking them around. He would stop every so often, drone on about an artifact in the most mundane tone before moving onto the next. Tourists snapped photos left, right and centre, chattering in their different languages.
As the group came to a stop in one of the corridors, the guide gestured to a family portrait on the wall. It was a painting of the royal family that once lived in the castle. There was an older man and woman, the guide explained they were the King & Queen. The Queen was sat in a red pillowed chair, it's exterior edges golden. The King stood tall behind her, his hand upon her left shoulder. There were four others in the photo, two men, a young boy and the princess. The young boy stood by the Queens leg's, and held her hand. The two other men stood either side of the princess. She did not catch the name of them all before the guide was shooting off to the next exhibit. He clearly wanted the tour over with quickly. Jeremy and Kelly rushed off after the group, keeping up as they turned the corner.
Annabelle continued to gaze at the portait of the family in awe. It was so strange to think these people once lived here, and walked these corridors. She lifted a hand towards the painting, before jumping with shock as a loud crash of thunder sounded from outside. The old lanterns that were placed along the corridor walls flickered, threatening to go out. Butterflies of nervousness fluttered around her stomach. She should get back to the group. She jogged down the corridor in the direction they had gone, and looked around the corner. They weren't there. She made her way down the next corridor, until she came to a fork. Left or right. She looked down each of the new corridors. They looked the same, eerie and dark despite the window down the one on her right. The overcast sky did little to brighten it. A lightening flash shone down that corridor, followed by another rumble of thunder. Within the shadow of the lightening that flashed, she saw a figure. The tour!
"Kelly!" She shouted, though not too loudly as she did not want to embarress herself. She headed in that direction, pausing in front of an open door as she saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned to look into the room, lit from the window that held an overcast sky, and a candle that flickered gently upon a desk in the corner of the room. She took a few steps in and looked around. It held a bed, desk, bookcase, mirror...it was clearly a bedroom.
She sighed with frustration, the tour wasnt even in here. Admitting defeat, she fished her phone out of her pocket. Searching for Kelly's number, she clicked the little green phone icon and lifted the device to her ear. As it rung, she had another look around the room. Another flicker of light. This time from the mirror. She squinted her eyes, and stepped towards it. Another flicker. What? A blurred shape started to form into the mirror, it refined slightly to look like a person sitting on the bed watching her. Her stomach dropped, "Anna? A-nna whe- re y-ou?" Kelly's static filled voice spoke down the phone. Annabelle stayed silent, terrified to turn in case the figure was actually behind her on the bed. This was like something out of a damn horror movie. She sucked up her courage, and spun on the spot to face the bed.
The windows slammed open, the shutters crashing against the walls either side of it. A powerful rush of air blasted into her body, thrusting her backwards and off her feet. She tensed, expecting the impact against the glass to shatter against her. Her mind swirled as the breath was sucked from her lungs, unable to scream, speak even. Finally her back hit a hard surface, and she sucked in another breath, winded. She lay on her back, legs towards the mirror, head towards the bed.


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