• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Multiple Settings Looking For Partners (M//, F//, M/F) (Always Open)


a beetle may or may not be inferior to a man
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hey folks. I'm Ollie! I'm a 17-year-old senior student that lives in the EST time zone. Hope this thread is alright! As it says, I'm new to the site. A few things about me:
  • Again, 17. That is my age
  • I use they/them pronouns for myself, usually, but you can use whatever you like when referring to me.
  • I'm very talkative and I like to joke around a lot.
  • I'm a PRETTY BUSY person, and I'm also super forgetful. I'm juggling writing, stage managing, my job, AP work, and applying to colleges, so I have limited time. Sometimes, I'll also open things and then forget I opened them and didn't reply. Point is, I'm not the type of person that'll get annoyed if you nudge me. Thought I forget a lot, so please keep that in mind. I usually don't mean to drop, and when I remember, sometimes I feel awkward coming back if it's been a while.
  • I'm a script writer! I write for about 5 different fictional podcasts at the moment, with scripts ranging from 21 pages to 63! Probably more, soon. Basically, some of the ideas you'll see are from my fictional podcasts, or from my list of future fictional podcasts. So, I'd really love it if...you didn't take the ideas. Please.
  • I don't really have anything that I'm against roleplaying, but I'll tell you if there's something.
  • I work at a wildlife rescue, so if you ever need a pick-me-up with cute baby animals, I'm your person!
  • I like talking with my partners! But I'm fine with, like, total silence other than the story.
  • I do almost all genres. I don’t do things like furry, though.
  • I do any type of pairings! MxM, FxF, and MxF are all possible.
  • I am adaptable with writing length. I’ll try to match you. The longest posts I make generally average at about 12 large paragraphs
  • I love to plot out stories, and love to hear any idea!
  • Also, some threads it takes me longer to reply than others! It depends on how creative I’m feeling on the subject. Be patient, please!
  • Please, please, please work with me on ideas!
Royalty x Servant

Best Friend x Best Friend

Werewolf x Vampire

Royalty x Peasant

Royalty x Prisoner

Assassin x Normal Person

Spy x Normal Person

Mermaid/Selkie/Siren x Sailor

Angel x Human

Demon x Human

Demon x Angel

Tourist x Tour Guide

Librarian x Book Worm

Mage x Royalty

Healer x Warrior

Business Man/Woman x Itern

Bodyguard x Celebrity

Scientist x Experiment

Superhero x Villain

Guard x Prisoner

Ringmaster x Performer

Mafia Leader x Police Officer

Moon x Sun (mages, gods, etc)

Death x Life (mages, gods, etc)

Teacher x Single Parent

Priest x God

Barista and person who has a ridiculous coffee order

you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling “batman” onto your stupid cappuccino

You buy a weird amount of flowers and I’m concerned as to why

You’re overdue on this book and I want it so I’m tracking u the fuck down

“okay I know that being in the woods at 2am is a weird thing to be doing but my friend called me and- wait, why are youin the woods at 2am, fuck I’m going to die aren’t I?”

first day at a new job and oh fuck my boss is the person I drunkenly hooked up with last weekend/night

We keep accidentally running into each other I’m not a stalker I swear

I really like you but you’re my best friend’s ex

The first words your true love(s) will say to you are tattooed on you and why the fuck are their first words something really ridiculous like ‘I’ll pay you a tenner to punch me in the face’ or ‘quick what’s your favourite animal’ or ‘fucking shit hell holy fuck wow oh my god jesus h Christ fuck me’ etc. or even worse a really ridiculous song lyric like the opening lines of uptown funk or a high school musical song or smthing did you have to serenade me the first time you saw me asshole?

You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or an overwhelming feeling that Thatcher was a good prime minister or an image in my mind of a fucking unicorn

Siren and asexual pirate who doesn’t understand why all his crew are losing their shit that person has a nice voice sure but what the fuck is happening

We live in a world where the greek gods are real and you went and got yourself cursed and now I have to go on a fucking quest to sort this shit out why do I love you again?

I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck

We work in the same office and you have a goddamn squeaky chair and you wONT FUCKING STOP SQUEAKING IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT ANNOYS ME

Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this

It’s nowhere near Christmas it’s literally still November would you calm down about Christmas wait no why are you getting the tree out no stop please stop

You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to meand started flirting what do I do??

I sat down in the wrong class and I’m panicking but don’t want to get up and leave because the class has started and you think it’s hilarious and shut up you dumb fuck you don’t know me aahhh

You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close and the way you talk is kind of nice actually oh fuck no

A bunch of college students decide to try and summon a demon for fun, not actually expecting it to work. Well, tada, it worked. Now they're stuck with the thing until they strike a deal.

The lives of rangers dealing with the shit people pull at their parks during the summer

Summer Camp rp- either the kids trying to make the councilors' lives hell, or the councilors dealing with it.

So it turns out some conspiracy theories are right and no one else knows and uh-oh the government knows that weknow

I left my school project in school and I need to take it home TODAY but the doors are locked and no one is allowed in so I've planned a elaborate heist and you're a part of it whether you like it or not

We woke up in a strange facility and wow you can do strange shit that's straight out of a superhero movie, and so can I. Surprise, we need to escape this place now, and it's not easy.

So technically I'm not actually able to do magic but some how I got into a wizarding school and have to act like I can actually do stuff and I slipped up so now you know that I can't actual do real magic please help me.

Technically I'm not actually a part of this college and I just sneak into the classes but no one seems to notice. That is until the professor actually calls attendance and uh-oh I'm not on there I wonder if anyone will notice

I accidentally took a calculator that wasn't mine and it's really fucking expensive so now I have to look for whoever owns it but seriously who the fuck is 'John-John McWeezleWub' I'm pretty sure that isn't your actual name. (bonus points if the person w/ the calculator breaks it and starts a long-standing hatred between the owner of the calculator and them)

So I accidentally broke into your house because I thought it was mine and I forgot the pass-code and while I'm really drunk you're pretty cool please don't call the cops and be my friend

I'm in need of money so I'm going on a quest for some people but I'm just a healer so I need someone who can actually fight please come with me.

All I wanted was a nice vacation to a secluded resort but now people are mysteriously dying and I'm fairly sure these aren't accidents. You're in the neighboring room and you can bet your sweet ass that I'm not staying in my room alone because sorry I like life.

An elderly man on a generation ship is convinced that the pilot computer is lying, and that the ship was not actually built, but created by God. He preaches his new religion and, slowly, he gathers followers.

After dozens of volcanoes erupt in a single day, the sky is blotted out by volcanic ash. With no sunlight, the earth begins to freeze.

When the government goes to war with a tiny, Middle Eastern country, the soldiers run into a little problem: no matter how many times they shoot the enemy, they keep getting back up.

The ultra-wealthy keep werewolves as exotic pets.

Only the Secret Society of Fire Fighters knows that seemingly ordinary house fires are caused by Fire Elementals. In order to put out the fires, the fire fighters have to kill them

In order to avoid a blizzard, the mayor of a small town has to sacrifice to the Snow Demons

A powerful advertising company announces that it is building its own city. Fifty thousand people move in and are given free food and housing, as long as they watch commercials on television. However, the advertising quickly moves from television to the real world, and become more and more intrusive, gradually increasing to the level of psychological torture.

Character A is a well known detective in the 1930s. They get called into a lot of cases, but lately has been getting more gruesome ones that are harder to solve. They all seem to be connected, but how is the question. The other is how Character B fits in, as they have been seen on all the scenes of such crimes.

Character A runs a haunted flower shop. Character B is the mischievous ghost that haunts said shop. Character B seems to think that Character A is the one that killed them, and that’s why they’ve set out to make Character A miserable. Character A knows that they haven’t killed anyone, thank you very much, and they set out to find who dunnit.

Character A has been losing a lot of stuff, lately. Actually, everything from their jacket to their extra buttons has just up and gone. Character B, a fairy-like creature currently residing in the basement of the house, seems to be the cause of it. But Character A can’t figure out why Character B is even here in the first place, or what they need all this stuff for.

Character A is a witch. Unfortunately, they’re a witch without a familiar. So, they set out to find one. Character B is one demon they come across, but seems to have no interest in helping them out. Character A tries to convince them

Character A is an assassin. They're used to going in, getting a job done, and leaving without anyone else figuring out what happened. Unfortunately, their plans keep getting thwarted by a civilian that seems to know their every move. Character B is able to keep A's targets alive in a pacifist manner every single time, and A isn't sure how the hell they do it.

  • CANARY: A group of 6 miners(can be adjusted) get trapped in an abandoned mine. While finding a way to escape, they must survive the dangers that have risen up over time, as well as a malevolent spirit that uses their fears against them.
  • WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JONATHAN GREEN: After a camper disappears from Sunny Shores camp, a few campers band together to figure out what happened to him, and to find out what is causing the weird happenings around the lake.
  • EYERIS: CHI, or Conserving Human Ignorance, is a company run by supernatural creatures to keep the supernatural world hidden from humans. Humans souls are delicate, and having them influenced by the unnatural happenings that are around them would surely do some damage. However, as a group starts to place magical artifacts into the hands of humans, CHI is going to find its a lot harder to hide something that doesn't want to be hidden.
  • SUITS: The seven deadly sins are, and always have been, humanized. However, as time goes on, they find themselves being forgotten and the feelings they represent abused. In attempts to gain some significance, they go out to show the world how horrible they make people in the best way they can think of. They start to work as an almost spy-like group, bringing out the worst in bad people and then showing it to the public.
  • THE INN-BETWEEN: The Inn-Between is a inn found on the plane between life and death. Like purgatory, it is where lost souls go when they can't move on. The employees try their best to make sure everyone gets a chance at the afterlife.
  • DEATH AT A LOW PRICE: Hotspots are pocket dimensions that can be accessed from a set point in every dimension. They allow dimension hoppers to travel to whatever dimension and time period they like, simply having to go in and then exit, appearing at the same point they entered each time. These are managed by the Hotspot Association, which is a strict, military-like organization. However, one of the hotspots is extremely different. It's a convenience store.
  • OLD UNIVERSES: In the future, almost everything has died out. All thats left down on planets are ruins of past civilizations. Any living organisms, alien or human, now are on scavenger ships, flying the universe without purpose. The catch is, however, that none of them know what happened, and why all society has been wiped from existence.
  • ORIGINS: After a dimension hop gone wrong, a crew crash lands in the past. They soon realize that they have altered the time line, and that they are what society viewed as the greek gods.
  • LABYRINTH: Dimension hopping was supposed to be easy, but a group seems to be stuck in a never ending loop of pocket dimensions, facing different dangers as they attempt escape.
  • SEASIDE: After waking up in a strange room with a voice in their head telling them what to do and no memory of who they are, a person must decide whether they should think for themselves to find out whats going on or go with the flow.
  • DEPTHS: Empyrea-12 is the most well known prison in the galaxies. Its basically its own planet, with its own system of gravity that can be shut on and off. However, its also built ontop of layers of OLD prisons that were used in the past; levels that are now abandoned and left to disrepair. After being falsely accused due to some devious plot, [ character ] finds themselves in what is known as the 'depths', on the run from the guards with several others, some of whom are legitimate criminals that were there for good reason.
  • HILLSDALE: Stuck on a bus when the zombie apocalypse started, the Hillsdale Hornets, a highschool baseball team, must learn that teamwork isn't only important to the game. Their survival might now depend on it.
  • THORNBURROW: After the plantpocalypse starts, the city of Thornburrow is sectioned off, leaving the survivors to die. After 2 years, a group bands together to find out what caused it.
  • DEAR MR HOPKINS [ sort of an alt thornburrow ]: Stuck in a sectioned off area that has had a frightening decrease in temperature and never-ending snow, a trend starts going around with survivors: writing to a imaginary man called Mr. Hopkins, so they don't go insane from lack of human interaction. Through this, a group ends up getting together, and deciding they need out.
  • GEOCACHE!: In a modern day world filled with elves and dwarves, Geocaching has become popular. However, it is different from OUR version of geocaching. This is a dangerous, competitive sport. Those who play are like celebrities, taking on quests from the geocache app and going to the dangerous dungeons and areas where the caches are hidden. The rewards? For one, any object put into the caches will have a magical property when retrieved by the next group. The other is, if you become good enough, you will be entered in the championship, to compete against other players and teams for a generous cash prize.
  • ACCIDENTAL HEROICS: Magic is banned. That has been a rule for many, many years. The only people allowed to use magic are the three heroes, raised from childhood to wield artifacts that are able to bond with someone. These people are trained to be heroes, and to bring the artifacts to their proper temples, never to be used again til the next batch of 'heroes' comes along. A petty thief accidentally ends up stealing one of the artifacts, the Book of Knowledge, and bonding with it, so its intended wielder no longer can.
  • THE WIND MACHINE: The gods are gone. All that's left of them are god stones, scattered across the land, filled with power that could kill anyone that attempted to use them. This has caused issues. The land below the floating islands is now flooded, and all the poor, unfortunate people are stuck in a dangerous, watery apocalypse. Meanwhile, the floating islands are faltering, beginning to fail. Sky travel, by air ships, is now very dangerous without the help of the wind god. However, when an inventor is captured by a band of pirates, its found that they have found a way to wield the power of the god stone of wind through a machine they built.
  • END OF LIGHT: A lighthouse caretaker is stuck down in a watery apocalypse, in the world mentioned above, making sure that their lighthouse is always running for the safety of others. They must do this no matter what, and they face various problems, including storms and angered sea monsters.
  • DEAR CARNATION: Moving to a new town was hard. Finding out how weird it was was even harder. With things ranging from walking flowers being considered citizens to a unseen news anchor being considered a benevolent god, its going to be hard to stick around.
  • AFTERLIFE: A bunch of people, 17 to 22 in terms of age, find themselves stuck in a boarding school of sorts without any memory. The staff claims that its so they can heal from a disease, which is tracked by a white band on their wrist, but there seems to be more going on. Once people in the Afterlife program begin to die mysteriously, it becomes apparent that something must be done.

New Plots:
  • Detective x Detective
  • You're my next door neighbor and while you're really nice, I keep trying to avoid you because the truth is you told me your name that one time you brought over 'welcome to the neighborhood' cookies and I can't remember it and it's been so long now that I can't ask without seeming like an idiot.
  • Pirate x Prince(ss)
  • I'm a criminal and I kidnapped you for a ransom because I'm in some deep debts but you just won't shut up so I'm reconsidering my life choices right now
  • I told my sister I had a date for her wedding and I really don't so literally I will pay you, craigslist person, to come with me to this stupid stupid event.
  • ASHEN PLAINS: In a futuristic world, a planet is covered in biopyramids where everyone lives. Each one is separated into a different sort of 'biome', with different ways of life such as cities and ranches, with different ways to get energy, such as solar and steam, and it's hard to get between pyramids due to strict laws. When a company start distributing 'Liquid Luck', a substance that makes you extremely lucky for a set amount of time but comes with the downside of being addictive, the pyramid system as a whole starts to fall apart, due to various reasons.
  • I'm the hero of prophecy that everyone thinks is going to save the world, but I'm avoiding it best I can, so can you PLEASE stop BOTHERING ME ABOUT IT
  • Aliens have taken over the earth and mind controlling humans to do what they want. The few escapees need to keep running to avoid capture.
  • Character A is a mermaid who is super inquisitive and ended up getting trapped in a hidden tidal pool after high tide. Character B is the fisherman that finds them.
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Ok ok ok I love these:

Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this

You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close and the way you talk is kind of nice actually oh fuck no

Message me if you're interested in roleplaying these with me!!
Ok ok ok I love these:

Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this

You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close and the way you talk is kind of nice actually oh fuck no

Message me if you're interested in roleplaying these with me!!
I'm really interested in roleplaying these with you! Unfortunately I'm still only on like...my 6th post, so the PM system hasn't opened to me quite yet. If it isn't too much trouble, could you start the discussion off?
Hi there! You sound like a really cool person, and some of your small blurbs sound absolutely funny and sweet. I'd love to start an rp with you if you're still looking for partners! (:
Just pm me if you're interested, I'm still <10 post count so I can't send PMs yet (:
Hi there! You sound like a really cool person, and some of your small blurbs sound absolutely funny and sweet. I'd love to start an rp with you if you're still looking for partners! (:
Just pm me if you're interested, I'm still <10 post count so I can't send PMs yet (:
I'm working on getting past the ten post mark myself! I'm almost there, though, so you can expect a pm very soon!
Hello!~ I love this thread you've got! it's really well-put together...makes me want to edit up my own thread and make it better. ^^;;

But I'd be interested in multiple of these accompanied with M//! Want me to message you with what caught my eye?
Hello!~ I love this thread you've got! it's really well-put together...makes me want to edit up my own thread and make it better. ^^;;

But I'd be interested in multiple of these accompanied with M//! Want me to message you with what caught my eye?
Ah, thanks! Honestly, I just keep editing it with every search I post, so that's the only reason it's nice looking to an extent.

But yes! Please feel free to message me.
I'm down for the Mermaid/Sailor or Royalty/Peasant-Royalty/Servant if you don't mind me playing a female!
I'm down for the Mermaid/Sailor or Royalty/Peasant-Royalty/Servant if you don't mind me playing a female!
I wouldn't mind that at all! I'm about to leave to do something, so if you could send me a pm, that'd be great!
We work in the same office and you have a goddamn squeaky chair and you wONT FUCKING STOP SQUEAKING IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT ANNOYS ME

you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling “batman” onto your stupid cappuccino

^^ Either looks real interesting to me. I tend to play female btw if your still up for either
Hi there
Im interested in
Angel x demon
Mage x royalty

Also would it be ok if we did female x female
Hey there! I'm interested in the following rp ideas, and I'd love it if we could roleplay one or more of these ideas mashed up together?

We live in a world where the greek gods are real and you went and got yourself cursed and now I have to go on a fucking quest to sort this shit out why do I love you again?

You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close and the way you talk is kind of nice actually oh fuck no

We woke up in a strange facility and wow you can do strange shit that's straight out of a superhero movie, and so can I. Surprise, we need to escape this place now, and it's not easy.

Character A is a witch. Unfortunately, they’re a witch without a familiar. So, they set out to find one. Character B is one demon they come across, but seems to have no interest in helping them out. Character A tries to convince them

Mage x Royalty

Superhero x Villain

Priest x God
Sorry for not replying to some of the people that replied later in this thread!! I actually didn't get the notifications. If anyone still would like to do a thread, I'm open <3

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