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Multiple Settings Looking for partners! (different fandoms and oc’s)


The First of Her Name
Hi there! The name is Clementine and after a bit of a hiatus I have returned to RPN in search of rekindling my writing spirit. A few things to know about me -

- I am in the eastern time zone
- I work a lot but I’ll still have time to pop on a few times a day.
- I have been role playing on and off for ten years and consider myself decently advanced.
- I write a couple paragraphs per post, usually between 3 and 8.
- I’m super easy to get along with and I love making friends!
- I can play females or males and I’m comfortable playing love interests (also LGBT+ friendly).
- While I am into fandoms, I’m usually more into the world and would rather play an OC in that world.

So, now onto what I’m looking for!

Fandoms -

- The 100
- Game of Thrones
- Sailor Moon
- Shadowhunters
- The Walking Dead
- Skyrim
- Harry Potter
- Percy Jackson
- Anything Marvel
- Assassins Creed

Original Ideas -

- Vikings
- Good ole fantasy adventure
- Vampire coven
- Supernaturals in a city
- Dragon Riders

As you can see I’m into mostly fantasy and sometimes a bit of slice of life, so if you have any ideas as well send them my way!
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Hi there! The name is Clementine and after a bit of a hiatus I have returned to RPN in search of rekindling my writing spirit. A few things to know about me -

- I am in the eastern time zone
- I work a lot but I’ll still have time to pop on a few times a day.
- I have been role playing on and off for ten years and consider myself decently advanced.
- I write a couple paragraphs per post, usually between 3 and 8.
- I’m super easy to get along with and I love making friends!
- I can play females or males and I’m comfortable playing love interests (also LGBT+ friendly).
- While I am into fandoms, I’m usually more into the world and would rather play an OC in that world.

So, now onto what I’m looking for!

Fandoms -

- The 100
- Game of Thrones
- Sailor Moon
- Shadowhunters
- The Walking Dead
- Skyrim
- Harry Potter
- Percy Jackson
- Anything Marvel
- Assassins Creed

Original Ideas -

- Vikings
- Good ole fantasy adventure
- Vampire coven
- Supernaturals in a city
- Dragon Riders

As you can see I’m into mostly fantasy and sometimes a bit of slice of life, so if you have any ideas as well send them my way!

I'm interested in marvel, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, and The Walking Dead
Ehmm, I have a few Viking ideas one in paticular!
Im interested in either vikings or fantasy. But if you know it, I absolutely love the witcher world
Hello! I'm interested in a dragon riders roleplay! Do you have any specific plots in mind or should we discuss?
Im intrested in marvel
Anything particular you have in mind?

I'm interested in marvel, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, and The Walking Dead
I would loooove to do a Shadowhunters rp for sure. Shoot me a pm?

Ehmm, I have a few Viking ideas one in paticular!
Shoot me a pm! I’d love to hear it!

Im interested in either vikings or fantasy. But if you know it, I absolutely love the witcher world
I would be down for a fantasy rp for sure. I have a few ideas if you’d like to pm me!
Hello! I'm interested in a dragon riders roleplay! Do you have any specific plots in mind or should we discuss?
I have a couple ideas! What would you prefer? Because I could go large scale and create a whole world for that or we could do something more simple.
can we do marvel, im kinda rusty, but im good at gotg
Do you have anything in mind?
Yes, i can send you the list in pm so we can discuss it
I'd love to do an assassin's creed, harry potter, or fantasy adventure m x m rp using ocs if you'd be interested!
I would love to do a supernatural RP, drop me a PM and we can do over the details! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi! Are you still looking for partners? ^u^

I'm new so I don't know what I should include in an introduction, but for now, I'll try and match everything you've said so far so here goes~

-I'm Australian; timezone is AEST! xD

-I'm not too fussy about how often I get replies, but as a general rule of thumb, I try to reply on the same day I get a reply so my RP partner isn't left hanging. I don't mind how often we exchange replies, but whether you're on often or just occasionally, I'm more than happy to match your pace :333

-Sadly, I've only got a quarter of your experience (around 2 and a half years if that X_X) BUT, if you're willing to talk anyway, maybe we can work something out? ^^;;;

-Uhh... my reply length varies wildly depending on the current mood and pacing of the RP (same with the length of my paragraphs since I like to divided them up so that they're easier to read) but I took a few random samples from one of my other RPs and the average is around 1000 words-ish? My latest reply was just shy of 4'000 words (I can show you in a PM if you'd like! x'DDD) but I don't want anyone to feel shortchanged, so if that's not enough, let me know and I'll match whatever pace we're going at! ^u^ (Having said that, an RP is meant to be fun, so I'm not too fussed about length so long as we're both enjoying ourselves which is meant to be the whole point to begin with :333)

-I can't speak for whether or not I'm easy to get along with or not (for all I know everyone could just be too scared or polite to tell it to my face @_@) but me too! I love making friends, and if you do too, we should get along just fine! x333

-I'm also comfortable with playing males or females of any age or preference on the LGBT+ rainbow, so I don't think this will be a problem! ^u^

-I don't mind fandoms OR world, but as it so happens, my preference is world, too! ^u^ Nothing against fandom (especially if everyone RP-ing with me is enthusiastic and make the experience really fun :333) but world is very customisable and it's very freeing to be able to tweak everything to suit any RP - bonus is that it involves a lot of OOC chatting and chances to bond with your RP-partner(s) and hopefully future friend(s)! x333 Having said that, one thing I DO like is kinda 'mixing and matching' - taking certain aspects you like from some fandoms and bringing them together into a customised world. Want a magic school/academy but not into Hogwarts of Camp Half-blood? Pick out the parts you like and mix-and-match! ^_^ DOn't see anything you like? Well, nothing wrong with building from ground up either! xDDD

-Bonus info: This might be obvious already, I know, but I tend to ramble a lot @_@ If I start going off on too many tangents either IC or OOC, don't be afraid to say 'Hey Cloud! Put some cake in that cake-hole!' ^^;;;

-Bonus info: I use Australian English, so that means I tend to use British spelling./ I'm flexible, though, so if it bothers you, I'm willing to switch ^u^

Now, moving onto the fandoms~ :333

-Game of Thrones - I'm definitely interested! ^u^ But since I'm a relatively new fan, if we hit any snags about any organisations I can't recall at the drop of a hat (e.g. Warlocks, Brotherhood without banners, golden company, second sons etc. etc.) hope you don't mind if I ask you about it OOC ^^;;; (Although, if you'd like, since we both prefer world anyway, I'm happy to just take some of the stylistic elements and RP our OCs in a world with some elements taken from it - if you're still accepting, let me know what you think! ^u^)

-Harry Potter - I'm definitely down for fantasy adventures or even just RP-ing a few years at Hogwarts and go from there! xDDD I'd be interested in either or any suggestions you might have (although, like I mentioned already, I don't mind just taking a few elements of the Harry Potter universe and customising our own RP from it - I don't want to make this post longer than it is already, but if you're willing to talk it over, we can chat over PM any time! ^u^)

-Percy Jackson - Sorry if I sound like a broken record by now, but again, I'm open to making an adventure out of it that doesn't necessarily focus on the main characters (apart from maybe a few mentions) or even Camp Halfblood - Percy goes on a ton of adventures already, so why not us? xDDD (Or, if you don't like the idea of a camp, we could change it into a school or have our OCs go on an adventure like Jason and the Argonauts :333)

-Assassin's Creed - not sure how much you can change it up from the original seeing as the title says it all, but who knows? Maybe we could dial it back from the Italian Renaissance and do a mix and match with a medieval era like Game of Thrones? Just throwing out random ideas here! ^^;;;

For all of your world suggestions, I'm good with all of them (particularly the middle three [Vampire coven - I'm not sure if a coven is like a clan or like a witches' coven, but I'm eager to find out :333 ; I'm assuming supernaturals in a city is like people with abilities hiding amidst normal society in the modern era? Sounds cool regardless! xDDD ; And who can say no to a 'good ole fantasy adventure'? Certainly not me! xDDD]) BUT, that doesn't mean I'm not open to the other two either. I don't know much about vikings, but if it's something you'd desperately like to do, I'm willing to put in the time to research so that we can have a good time! ^u^ By Dragon riders, do you mean something like Eragon? Or like ([il]legal) breeders in the modern era, in something along the lines of 'supernaturals in the city'? (Which would be cool if that was the angle you were going for! xDDD)

Regardless, I'm pretty flexible, so if you're still interested in new partners, please PM me so I'll know! ^u^ And if not (and I haven't scared you away), would you consider a future RP? :)

Looking forward to hearing back (or not - no pressure)! ^u^

-SugarHighCloud9 :333
Do you have any specific idea for vampire coven? I have some ideas for vampires, but not particularly about vampire covens.
I'm actually in Harry Potter, PJO, Marvel and Assassin's creed. Mind a roleplay of any of those?

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