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Multiple Settings Looking for Partners and Stories and Such


Whoa there are still custom titles -
Hey y'all I'm back from an awkward roleplaying hiatus and trying to get back into everything but I'm being impeded by my goodness they moved all the 1x1 roleplay buttons around o.o

But hey, I'm getting back into it anyways, and I've got a few plots to prove it!

Short little "About Me": Been a roleplayer for about 8 years now, give or take, sitting in college now studying politics and writing. I consider myself a pretty casual yet detailed roleplayer. I don't have a heavy preference towards any certain response length and I'm not terribly concerned about grammar, generally I'll just try to match my writing partner's. Anything from a paragraph to 10+ works fine by me! My schedule can turn rather insane sometimes, but I shoot for, at the very least, one reply every day or so, and if it's any longer than that, I'll let y'all know. I'm a fan of romance roleplays, I'm a fan of female characters, but at the same time I'm definitely open to branching out a bit!

So now plots!

Preferred role will be underlined o.o

1. [Modern, Fantasy] Goldenwater Academy is easily the superior boarding school for supernaturally inclined youth. It's certainly the most expensive, and even its lucky students can agree it's secluded island feels the least like a prison out of similar such schools. They're marketed as a great way for the supernatural to meet each other, grow up together, learn how to become productive members of society - those inside know that it's because society would rather not deal with them. Goldenwater provides enough comforts to distract from this fact, however. Students have their own single dorms - the beds are comfortable - the food is warm - the halls are immaculate. Aside from the odd magical spasm, the population is relatively calm.
That is, until a mysterious illness begins to infect its students. Their powers become near uncontrollable, and their personalities, crazed. Within days, they're found dead before first period.
This story would follow two characters. Their exact relationship is up for debate, although they are each very passionate about their opinions: One desperate for escape before it's too late, the other preferring to stay and find a cure before they become the next victim.

2. [Cyberpunk, Fantasy] For people of all ages in New York, modern magic is still a constant cause for wonder, a mysterious practice few could master. For those who have made magic a regular part of their nine to five, it has lost its wonder.
Character A has worked for years in the magical department of the police force, tired of dealing with so many similar crimes, but thankful enough it's a position not obviously selling out to a massive corporation like most are these days. It's an honest job and they've spent their entire time working with specifically magical crime, so there's little to really complain about.
Until Character B joins them for a ride along. A lawyer fresh out of law school, they specialized in studying magical law - at least from books, with little to no practical experience. To excel at their shiny new corporate job, however, their superior has demanded that they attend a ride along, for some idea of what they're up against, as well as how much worse their life can be if they make even a single mistake in the name of the corporation. For both characters, they want nothing more for this ride along to be over to spend as little time with each other as possible. They almost do so.
Until, however, there is an assassination attempt on Character B - right next to Character A. It's their job to protect them and they do, getting injured in the process.
It's an incredibly painful experience, made worse when they awake in a shared hospital room. Now they're stuck with each other even longer - might as well catch the criminal in the meantime.

3. [Victorian, Hidden Fantasy] Life in this modest Victorian city is perfect. There isn't a single thing out of place - except maybe the odd small library, but it's strangeness seems to attract all the crows in the town and keeps them from bothering anyone else, so they leave it be. The owner is seclusive, the texts are all weird ones no one would want to read anyways, and it's best to leave it alone.
Character A lives a life of luxury which is similarly perfect. They work a good job with a prestigious title, their home shared only with the best servants and their few cats. Their life is exquisite yet simple, starting each morning to pick up the paper with all the normal news. However, one day, they open their door not to find their paper, but an unconscious Character B lying on their doorstep.
They awake with amnesia, no recollection of their prior life or how they ended up there. Their clothes are expensive ones but, no one who sees them recognizes them as a citizen of the town. No one has even seen this mystery person before. But, Character A isn't heartless, they allow them to live there for as long as necessary to reach their company. That might not even be long - soon enough, someone reaches out to collect Character B: None other than the mysterious librarian. They insist they can take better care of Character B from there.
But, can they truly be trusted?

That's it for now! Send me a message if you're interested!

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