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Looking for partners!! (Always excepting!)

Beautiful Disaster

Howling, yet alone.
Hello lovely Roleplayers!! As the title says, I'm looking for partners! Someone who is willing to equal my writing and write as much as I do. It doesn't have to be a lot, I just don't enjoy 1 liners!!


  • Please!!! No one liners. I except at least a couple paragraphs. I will equal if not write more then you do.
  • Grammar isn't big for me. So it doesn't have to be for you. Just as long as it makes sense and you aren't just being lazy.
  • Romance is welcome! I really don't want it to be the main plot line tho.
  • I would like to play the female part for at least one of our roleplay's! That doesn't mean you have to be a male to RP with me, just have to play a kick-ass part.
  • Fighting, murder, brutal brutal torture is also welcome..
  • NO GOD MODDING. If you don't know what this means, let me explain. If my character severely hurts your's, or if you character is hurt for any reason, don't turn around and magically heal your character in an instant. Or make them immune to everything. Just don't. :)

Now that you hopefully read the rules, here are some Rp's I'd be interested in starting. It doesn't have to be these either, you can send me your ideas as well. I'm down for whatever!

Roleplay ideas/ some have plots:

Vampire x Hunter:

The hunter could be part of a Vampire hunting organization. One of the top hunters in fact... Let's see what happens when they are turned into a vampire.. but not just any vampire. THE vampire. The one every hunter has been out to kill. The most powerful vampire in existence.

Assassin x Target or Assassin

All I know for this one is I want it set in Victoria Age London.

Dragon Rider X Dragon Rider:

I would like this one to take place during a war maybe? Or if we come up with a different plot, totally fine!

Demon x Human or Demon: Plot ideas welcome!


Destiny RP:

If you know what Destiny is, I would like to try and do a Destiny RP! If you are interested in this one, ONLY pm me about it. We can talk more about it there.... I'm serious about my Destiny.

Inuyasha based Roleplay

Wolf's Rain based Rolplay

I would love to do a human x demon, and would prefer to be a male, hopefully human. I have some ideas floating around but nothing really sticks yet. :)
I can do Assassin x Assassin/Human, we can discuss detail in a pm which you will likely need to start since I am currently unable. Otherwise I look forward to it.

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