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Realistic or Modern Looking for partner


So close and yet so far.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello I'm August.

I'm advanced literate to novella role-player, writing up to 700+ words, though I prefer much more frequent replies of 200 to 300 words.
I will promise to reply weekly at least, if not then hit me up cause I may forget(though there are times when life goes awry and then I will give heads up.)
I don't have favorite tropes and can adapt quite well, obviously nothing sexual or extreme gore like:

spilling insides/body quartering/desecration


He's a orphan who didn't know his family, a bit of troublemaker in orphanage but he did realize he didn't bring attention to himself, seeing that no one care he slipped out often for long periods without notice. Committing minor crimes and other things alike. One day he sees a monster chasing the teen, he doesn't react at first but then decides to "help" in a near death scenario he awakens his powers, manifesting dragon scales. It just happens the teen who he rescued was part of the same clan, the clan adopted him and since then he was Aristoi

1)Arranged marriage - pretty self explanatory.

2) Unmasked - Sigismund is discovered as mage by your chara, either because she was nearby or she got rescued by him, he can be your colleague/classmate/client at restaurant you work or attend.

he's a former gangster/delinquent who left the gang due to the group breaking old oaths, with his friends dying and drugs being spread in the neighborhood he was banished from the city. Alex does feel resentment towards them but decided to let it go and part ways with criminal underworld. Since then he distanced himself from any trouble and works usual 9 to 5 job either at restaurant or some other establishment.

1) Y/C meets Alex at restaurant or bar he attends for karaoke night.

2) Alex likes fighting, in fact he wants to become professional either as boxer or MMA fighter. It's rags to riches type of story, where he develops both physically and mentally. He could be your trainer at local gym or guy you see jogging every day at 4/5 AM.

3) Unfortunate circumstances forced him to return to underworld. Either it's to cover expenses for his friend/family operation or something along those lines. Despite that he promised to be only a muscle for the gang/mafia/yakuza he works for. This one could explore his moral conflict, between doing what's right and not succumbing to bad environment.

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