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Fantasy Looking for Partner!


Hey all! Being stuck at home has kind of sparked up a want to roleplay again. I've been roleplaying for about 6/7 years now. I'm happy to do other plots but below is one that I've been particularly interested in lately.

-Happy to do MxM or MxF with me playing the female
-Feel free to roleplay in first person. I roleplay in third because I tend to write a lot better

Muse A is a new 'witch’ who just discovered she had powers. Her grandmother had hid it from her to give her a normal life. Muse B is the town’s playboy who goes after most of the women in town, flirting and sleeping around.

One day, muse B messes with one of muse A’s close friends and muse A gets mad, trying to figure out a way to get him back. She decides to cast a love spell on the male, not expecting it to actually work as she is a beginner in casting spells. However this plan completely backfires on her as she is the woman that he ultimately falls for.

Awkward hell ensues as he pines after her, trying to win her over as she tries to figure out how to reverse the effects of the spell.

Here's the starter I usually put up for this Roleplay so you guys can get a feel for my writing!

A pair of emerald eyes looked down into the pot of mixed potion that Stella had just whipped up. She had only been aware of her status as a witch for a mere few days. As a child she had done some magic but had quickly been reprimanded by her mother so she didn't think twice about it. At least until someone had randomly popped up at her door with a letter from her grandmother and a leatherbound book with incantations and weird recipes that included strange ingredients. The letter detailed how her mother and grandmother had both been part of a coven of witches which Stella hadn't known about because her mother didn't want her involved in anything magic until she came of age. At first Stella thought it was a prank devised by someone to be cruel but soon found herself trying out some of the spells within the text. The results had her astonished as she found that she was actually able to perform them.

Within the next few days, after some diligent research and practically locking herself in her house, Stella had almost mastered the words of some of the spells. Of course, since she was self taught and had only just discovered this, she still had much to learn about them. One of the spells that particularly caught her interest: the love spell. She snickered at the thought of it. It could be used in a prank of sorts. The town playboy had messed with yet another female and she was tired of his antics. She decided she would teach him a lesson by making him fall in love with someone. While she didn't have the faintest clue how the spell would actually go about choosing, she decided to still try it.

As she finished the incantation that went along with the spell, she threw a picture of the man into the pot and closed the book. She smiled, slapping her hands together in triumph and began to clean up around her. This would be perfect. 'I'm going to enjoy this.'

Little did she know, this was going to cause her a lot more trouble than she'd had in a long time.

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