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Multiple Settings Looking for Partner

Were you hoping for more Fandom of Fantasy? Got any plot ideas? Or perhaps something you want to RP specifically?
Some questions:
a) What kind of pairing are you looking for? MxM, MxF, FxF?
b) What genre (fantasy, modern/real life, fandom)?
c) Age range you prefer to rp in?
d) Preferred tropes? (Such as roommates, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, etc)
e) Setting/Timeline?

Let me know and I'd love to work something out with you!
I'm not super picky about all of that information so all of it can be discussed depending on what my partner would like to do. I'm pretty easy going and I like to be accommodating. So I can give the best answers I can to your quetions but again....all of the things you asked are variables that I don't care one way or the other about lol
A) I'm used to MxF pairing but I don't mind doing any of them
B) I'm up for anything but I do tend to do a lot of fantasy and fandom
C) Typically nothing under 18 (the exception being pokemon RPs) and my werewolves are over 600....so somewhere between there is fine XD
D)No preferences here, whatever my partner wants is likely fine by me
E) Again...my partner can pick or we can discuss it...I dont really care

Sorry that probably isn't terribly helpful but I didn't see any of those things to be super important for me

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