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Looking for partner for incest/jealousy roleplay.


Hello there.

My name is Forchii and I would like to present you a roleplay idea of mine.

I prefer to write detailed, but my partner could write casual if they prefer it.

This is Charlie.


Age: 16-18.

Race: Caucasian.

Height: 5'5''

Occupation: Goes to high school.


Now Charlie here, has a sister. After their parents divorced, when the kids were only as old as 10, the siblings didn't see each other anymore. The mother and father did not keep up contact, and that's why their children somehow both ended up in the same high school. One of the sisters could transfer in later.

Charlie is a cute girl, and landed herself a boyfriend quick. That boils up jealousy in her younger sibling, as Charlie was always loved in the other's eyes.

I would love to see some drama and romance in the roleplay.

I do
not plan this to go anywhere sexual.

I would prefer it to be sisterxsister, but it could also be sisterxbrother.

If anyone is interested, please tell me.

I'm totally interested in the sister/sister. Although for the appearance I'd have to just use a face claim on a model, mainly because I'm not an artist xD
Wow, I didn't expect a reply so fast!

And, that's not my drawing either. I can't draw for shit.
As strange as it sounds, I would prefer you not to use a model's face. A realistic drawing or sketch would be ideal.

I don't know why human faces creep me out.
Haha, I scroll through this forum like a hawk circles its prey :D

Alright, I think I can find something on tumblr :3

How old would you want the younger sister to be? Also, do you mind PMing me so we can talk more?
Sorry, I have never roleplayed as a male before, and I'm not planning to try it anytime soon.

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