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Fantasy Looking for one-on-one partner for historical fantasy (1940s)


New Member
I'm looking for a one-on-one partner - no recuirement, but the character has to fit the period (so no time-travellers).

A war-torn Europe is slowly rising from the ashes in the late 40s. Our RP takes place in Paris, where a clan of sorcerers has taken control of thugs, gangmembers and politicians while the world was at war - they rule France from the shadows.

My character
  • Name: Jaque Celui (the One)
  • Age: 26 (born August – exact date unknown)
  • Looks: 1,85 tall with dark, oaky hair, a strong jaw and marked cheekbones, you’d think Jaque had popped out of a romance novel. After serving in the army he kept his body trimmed, although an injury to his right ankle gives him an unsteady walk. The green emerald of his eyes are mixed with the cold, blue, Nordic sea. He dresses as a refined man, often seen with a shirt and tie.
  • Personality: Calm, quiet and decent – the ideal young man for any unmarried lady. But beneath the surface lurks a soldier who’s seen comrades shot to death, the enemy deserting and families been torn apart. Raised in an orphanage without any family, a cold, selfish heart has taken over what once were kind. Although he means no direct harm, nether does Jaque wish to be a part of anyone’s life. He’s preparing an unholy artefact that will eradicate all cruel or corrupted hearts off this planet, only leaving the pure to create a utopia. He does not care who’ll perish, and he has long accepted that he will be one of those to disappear.
  • Loves: Jaque loves to sing and can often be found on the bar Nuit Noire where he from time to time performs. The bartender knows his favourite drink and prepare it for him as soon as he’s spotted in the door. He also loves his apartment, a little space below the roof with a view of the Seine. Also, his cat Souris.
  • Likes: Cooking – a silent, calming activity he often enjoys with his cat, Souris. He likes calm, dark colours, silence, and the sound/smell of rain on the river.
  • Dislikes: Although he’s often seen surrounded by women on Nuit Noire, Jaque does not like attention and has never brought anyone home. He doesn’t like superficial relationships – in fact, he doesn’t like relationships at all, it being platonic or intimate.
  • Special item(s): Souris, his cat – a ragdoll with a taste for spaghetti, who always brings home leaves, which Jaque put in an album, to Souris’ great joy. Jaque has an artefact in his vault, but only he knows what it is, looks like or does. Lastly, his own dog tag from the war and half of his friend’s, who was shot dead during the Battles of Narvik.
  • Nationality: French, although the nationality of his parents is unknown.
  • Rank & Powers: Jaque practice magic drawn from the energy between worlds. He’s a sorcerer of rank C – his powers are usual for those who’s learned it from scratch without a natural gift, but because he rarely use them, they’re bottled up and explosive to few attacks – or whatever hides in the vault.


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Sorry it took so long her she is:

Name: Amelia (Just that she abandoned her birthname)
Age:25 (Her commission date is somewhere in March)
Looks: Weight= 120 lbs Height= 5"2
She has dark chestnut hair that fall in heavy waves, can be somewhat curly if left untamed. Her eyes are a sea blue that hold no emotion from years of training. She is petite, most people say she has a doll like figure, some people sometimes mistaken her as mannequin in stores. Her style of clothes can vary depending on the job, but her preferences are dresses. On thing she can never seem to break the habit of is putting flowers in her hair.
Personality: Amelia is the type of person that knows that she works better alone; that being by herself is what is best for her line of work. However that doesn’t mean that she is heartless in any way, she had a passion for helping people, wanting the world to be a better place, a safer place. That is the reason she became a spy, someone had to do it and she neither had family nor friends that would miss her if anything were to happen. She had a particular soft spot for children, they were the future and most be protected at all cost. Her own childhood was dark and bleak, having grow up in a rundown orphanage, and she would do anything to prevent that for other children. When it came to dealing with adults she was cunning and witty, the type of person who was approachable but preferred formal introduction to take place first. Let just say that Amelia knows how to read a room and act accordingly.
Loves: To sit by a body of water to just think and be at peace with herself. As mentioned earlier she adores children and often visits orphanages to entertain the children however she can. She has been told she is a great story teller, but her songs are what the children request the most.
Likes: She is a lady who knows her liquor, since most Intel can be found at bars or nightclubs alcohol has become her friend. A good book or time in a library with a good spot of tea is one of the things she calls a luxury; in her line of work knowledge was key so the more you know the better.
Dislikes: Narrow minded people. Power hungry people. Child labor.
Special items: Since her job requires to move around often the only things important to her can be found in her bag. The ribbon to which she use to hold flowers in her hair, a notebook from her childhood, and a picture of her orphanage. Everything else is either replaceable or unnecessary.
Nationality: She report to England, but her actual nationality is not known.
Rank & Power: Amelia has a talent for magic, from a young age she knew how to control it with ease. That is why she was recruit to become a spy in her early teenage years. She was put through a lot of train, physically, mentally, and magically. She has a specialty with elemental magic but her key skill is in her Claircognizance. As a spy it came in handy since her intuition was much stronger than most, so when she had a lead all power was put into investigating it, and most of the time they came out with more than they expected. Even with her preference to be alone she is highly regard in the MI6

Sorry it took so long her she is:

Name: Amelia (Just that she abandoned her birthname)
Age:25 (Her commission date is somewhere in March)
Looks: Weight= 120 lbs Height= 5"2
She has dark chestnut hair that fall in heavy waves, can be somewhat curly if left untamed. Her eyes are a sea blue that hold no emotion from years of training. She is petite, most people say she has a doll like figure, some people sometimes mistaken her as mannequin in stores. Her style of clothes can vary depending on the job, but her preferences are dresses. On thing she can never seem to break the habit of is putting flowers in her hair.
Personality: Amelia is the type of person that knows that she works better alone; that being by herself is what is best for her line of work. However that doesn’t mean that she is heartless in any way, she had a passion for helping people, wanting the world to be a better place, a safer place. That is the reason she became a spy, someone had to do it and she neither had family nor friends that would miss her if anything were to happen. She had a particular soft spot for children, they were the future and most be protected at all cost. Her own childhood was dark and bleak, having grow up in a rundown orphanage, and she would do anything to prevent that for other children. When it came to dealing with adults she was cunning and witty, the type of person who was approachable but preferred formal introduction to take place first. Let just say that Amelia knows how to read a room and act accordingly.
Loves: To sit by a body of water to just think and be at peace with herself. As mentioned earlier she adores children and often visits orphanages to entertain the children however she can. She has been told she is a great story teller, but her songs are what the children request the most.
Likes: She is a lady who knows her liquor, since most Intel can be found at bars or nightclubs alcohol has become her friend. A good book or time in a library with a good spot of tea is one of the things she calls a luxury; in her line of work knowledge was key so the more you know the better.
Dislikes: Narrow minded people. Power hungry people. Child labor.
Special items: Since her job requires to move around often the only things important to her can be found in her bag. The ribbon to which she use to hold flowers in her hair, a notebook from her childhood, and a picture of her orphanage. Everything else is either replaceable or unnecessary.
Nationality: She report to England, but her actual nationality is not known.
Rank & Power: Amelia has a talent for magic, from a young age she knew how to control it with ease. That is why she was recruit to become a spy in her early teenage years. She was put through a lot of train, physically, mentally, and magically. She has a specialty with elemental magic but her key skill is in her Claircognizance. As a spy it came in handy since her intuition was much stronger than most, so when she had a lead all power was put into investigating it, and most of the time they came out with more than they expected. Even with her preference to be alone she is highly regard in the MI6

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Awesome! Would you like to PM me and start, or should I PM you?

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