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Fandom Looking for One-on-One IT (Stephen King) or Stranger Things RP!


New Member
Hey again, everyone! Currently, I'm looking for any sort of IT or Stranger Things rp! My muses for Stranger Things are: Will (primary), Eleven (or Jane), Steve, Jonathan, and Max.

Some background information for each of the characters that might differentiate them from canon are as follows.

I HC Will as gay. If we are to RP him at his current age in the show (thirteen), he'll probably be navigating his sexuality and might be insecure about things. He knows he's different, but isn't quite sure why others see that as a bad thing. If he's aged up to say, sixteen, he'll be more comfortable in his sexuality and show his understanding of the social mores and oppression that takes place in Hawkins, Indiana. It's interesting to imagine his development and relationships with others when he has been outside of the group not one, but two times. He also has PTSD from the events that have taken place both in the Upside Down and with the Shadow Monster. There is also the possibilities that he has powers similar to Eleven's due to his dealings with the Shadow Monster!
Eleven is typical Eleven! I might not make her conform as much to the typical feminine looks or gestures - as she was raised in a lab and she wouldn't really... understand it or feel a compulsion towards that sort of behavior. I also headcanon her as bi!
I HC both Steve and Jonathan as bi! Steve has dealt a lot with internalized homophobia. His popular status prior to Season 2 portrayed attitudes that might conflict with this new realization for him - though, is it new? Speaking of the pair, they never really got a resolution, because it was pushed aside for the love triangle with Nancy, but that would be something I would love to possibly play out!
Max. My daughter. Her relationship with her step-brother is s-t-r-a-i-n-e-d. The family dynamic that her mother and her step-father are trying to force doesn't strike her as functional, but she appreciates the attempt at normalcy, unlike Billy. She tries to make things work and is very logical, which is why I imagine that her and Mike clash heads so much.
My IT muses are: Eddie (primary), Stanley, Bill, and Beverly. They're pretty spot on to their canon-counterparts. Something I noticed when comparing my Eddie to another's interpretation is that my Eddie tends to be a little more headstrong than most? He's determined in a way that Eddie probably shouldn't be for his own good, but yeah! I also have a Will Moves to Derry starter that is a crossover of the two!

In terms of plot, I would be interested in doing things in-universe, but if you have any AU's, I'd love to hear them!

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