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Multiple Settings Looking for new RP Partners! FANDOM AND ORIGINAL!!


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey folks! Fae here, 21+ years old, and very happy to be here.

Open for Original with OCxOC or Fandoms with OCxCC! Doubling is always welcome, honestly, it´s mandatory by the fandom ones. Doesn´t matter to me if we do an intertwined storyline in the same fandom/universe with our OCs interacting or if we give them separate storylines! I just want to gush over my favorite CCs and want to give you the chance to do the same!

  • Be at least 18+, but somewhere between 25-35 would be preferable
  • LGBTQIA+ friendly, and comfortable with characters not fitting into the social beauty standard
  • Writing in 3rd person and past tense
  • Writing ~400 words per message. More is always welcome, less not so much
  • Active; at least one RP response should be delivered 1-2 days
  • Write on this site or Discord

I have so many ideas for an Original RP (though I am always happy to brainstorm with you too as long as we do not want completely different things) and way too many fandoms that I am just going to drop my DOC here, it´s a lot but it should answer any questions. Make sure to read until the end! And feel free to DM me when interested or when you have a question!
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