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Realistic or Modern Looking for new RolePlay partners.


Unlucky Member
Hey there everyone! I really want to these plots so if you’re interested, please message me. ((#clean #wholesome #triggers))

1st starter:
It was a cold winters night and you, as a police officer had gotten a job to follow up on a call for a domestic violence incident that a neighbour called in after they had heard screams and gun shots.

In the report you’d notice that a child lived at the address but looking up the name, she was not documented. All you could find out from the phone call was that the child looked to be about seven and her name was Adeline, but in fact, she was fourteen.

2nd starter:
Ami, a young girl at the age of ten had just escaped her kidnappers after five years of abuse and torment.
She was quite small for her age, being malnourished and covered in cuts, bruises and burns.

When no one was watching over her, she was able to sneak into a car and start it up as the driver left them in the engine.

As she drove, it was pretty much open area so she was able to escape but when she got to civilisation, she crashed the car and passed out.

Police and ambulance services were called and she woke up days later in hospital, having broke her arm and leg due to the accident.

3rd starter:
Amelia, the fifteen year old looking android who was only a couple weeks old before being abandoned by the person who made her.

He had thought he had removed her wires that made her function but he had left her in a dumpster.
After wondering the streets, she noticed humans looking for food and other things but she didn’t need any of that.

She decided to help out the others that were struggling as she walked into a store and picked up some edible items to give to the people who needed but moments later, she was stopped by security (your character).

She was the only one of her kind and she looked so real no one would be able to tell she was a robot unless she had any wounds (or said something weird).

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