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"Dying for the stars to fall"
So I am not new to this site but took a bit of a break. So looking to start up more rp's, so here are my ideas.
I write at least a paragraph in my posts, and I'd like you to do the same.
Also, I would like to do it over PM.

Performing Arts

It's your first year at the prestigious Art Academy "Tring school of Performing arts" (TSPA for short). Many famous people have come from this school, actors, singers, dancers and artists. A new year has arrived, Character A is coming to study commercial/ hip-hop, a new class the school has started, accommodating the need for background dancers. Character B, is a ballerina, her life's dream is to dance ballet on the stage and here is where her dream starts. Even though there is a dislike between the classes, the pair somehow finds themselves falling for each other. How will it affect their school work and their dreams?

For this, I would like you to be Character A, which is male.

Angels Wings

In a world where the supernatural are real, humans pay a high price for them, well parts of them. A werewolves ear is like a rhino's horn, a vampire's tooth are elephant tusks. But the most prized, an angels wing. Character A is a hunter, rich men pay him to kill the supernatural and cut off the wanted parts and give them to the buyer. Character B is a fallen angel, and now being hunted for her wings. In the modern world, the supernatural world has learnt to disguise themselves, making it harder for the hunters looking for them. But when the hunter finds her and realises that they mean no harm he questions his work. Will he help the supernatural, or continue on the job?

For this one, I would like you to be the hunter which is a male.

Home, Sweet Home

Years ago, Character A moved to HollyWood, chasing his dreams of being a singer. And his dreams came true, his songs are in the charts, his tours sell out in minutes, he is a star. Years of touring and the star finally wanted to return home to see old friends and family. But he wanted to avoid one person, in particular, Character B. Before he left, they were "a thing", not dating, not in a relationship, but everyone knew they had a thing for each other. But when Character A left, he left without saying a word, without writing, without anything. How will they act when five years have passed?

I would like you to be the Star, who is male.

Thanks for reading, don't be afraid to PM me any questions or ideas of your own.

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