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New Member
Hello. I'm looking for a Naruto RP. I need my partner to be consistent and to communicate openly.
My rules may seem long but I put everything upfront and I'm trying to avoid any more poor experiences.

-- Naruto roleplay, M x F
I'm looking for OC x CC and willing to double up. For my OC, I'd want you to play Naruto, Sasuke, or Rock Lee. If we're doubling, ask me who you'd like me to play.
I might be swayed to do NaruSaku or SasuSaku. I can play Naruto, Sakura, or Sasuke.
I can play multiple characters at once (male and female) and can share characters. I only RP with M x F relationships.

-- 3+ replies daily, long-term
I want someone actually invested in the RP. I'm tired of being the one who keeps things moving, especially when my partner is the one who initially wanted the RP. This also helps me keep a good flow. Sure, things come up in real life once in a while, but that's not what I'm addressing here--I'm talking about people who give you the runaround, aren't really committed, don't match your style or "flow," aren't being honest about what they want, or plan out a bunch of stuff for days but after you give them a starter they vanish or don't put in effort. I'm off from work for a bit so I will be around a good deal, essentially on and off throughout each day. I'm looking for long-term roleplays. I have kept roleplays going for years and I have almost 15 years of experience :O

-- Open communication, in and out of the RP, and no ghosting
I will tell you what I want; my partner should do the same. We should be able to tell each other if something came up and we won't be able to reply for a while, what ideas we want to try in the RP, and if we want to change the direction that the RP is going. I have NEVER ghosted unless I have felt unsafe. Don't ghost when we can talk something out, it's rude. We're having fun, but we're also adults.

-- No horror/gore, vampires, diarrhea, or miscarriage/abortion
I feel like other limits are the usual but if you have any questions or confusion just ask.

-- Mix of genres! I like comedy, romance, action, medical drama, angst, fluff, & slice of life.
I have ideas and would like to hear yours, too. I usually RP a mix of canon and our own ideas.

-- Semi-literate, build-up
My replies vary from a few lines to a few paragraphs depending on what's going on in the RP. I prefer someone who writes around the same. I like build-up.

-- Here isn't my first choice of RP location.
I'd prefer Discord or something as here can be buggy but I will try here if needed.

-- EST, and in my 20s
I prefer someone in or near my time zone for practical scheduling reasons. Mature content is fine as long as you are of age.

If you have any questions and/or are interested, I'd prefer you DM me. I am open to discuss and see if we are a good match. Best of luck to everyone on the RP hunt! Hoping for a good one.

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