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Multiple Settings Looking for MxM partners (OCs only)


New Member
Hey everyone. ~

I'm looking for MxM roleplayers who don't mind starting from scratch and building worlds/ scenarios/ OCs. Please don't approach me with pre-made characters; I like it when they're made specifically for an RP. I don't mind darker/ more mature themes.

Must be 18+ (not comfortable RPing with anyone younger, sorry) and literate (3 or more paragraphs please).

I've been RPing for about 10 years so I have some experience, though I've not been so active for the last 4 years due to prioritising university. But I'm back and excited!!

I'm from the UK so my timezone might bother some people, but I can't see it being an issue if we're crafting long, detailed replies. :P

Below are some RPs from my wishlist (I've got about 100+ in my mind), but I don't mind RPing something you come up with instead!

Roleplay Wish List

Immortal: Character A is immortal, occupying a new body every time their host body dies. Character B is also immortal and hunts down Character A for eternity.

Countdown Timer: Character A and Character B have countdown timers on their arms which reach 0 when they find out who their soul mate is.

Popstars: Character A and Character B are in different pop groups whose fandoms hate each other. They develop a friendship to try and bring their fandoms together, but rumours spread, and everything becomes chaotic.

Virtual Reality: Character A and Character B are friends in an online game, but don’t know anything about each other’s real lives or what they even look like. Character A wants to meet up, but Character B is having other thoughts.

Roomates: Characters A and B are assigned a room together at college, but they’re complete opposites.

Pixie dust: A is a fairy sworn to protect B no matter what, but B doesn’t believe in magic, let alone fairies and as they keep stubbornly asserting that belief, A begins to fade away…

Imaginary Friend: Character A is Character B’s imaginary friend, but what happens when other people begin to see him too?

Love Game: Character A doesn’t believe in love, instead every “relationship” is a game,and everyone around A knows how destructive they can be. Character B is the new kid, and Character A makes it their mission to get B to fall in love with them, all for their own amusement.

Thanks for reading!

Hey SS,

I'm Ara and a few on your wishlist sound really fun and just my style! ^^ I'm interested in Popstars (although I'd prefer a kpop type popstar style because I'm more familiar with them and would be more interested that way), Virtual Reality (It would be interesting if one of the characters played a girl character online, but is not a girl. That one is the one trying not to meet up or for a twist the one playing a girl is Character A and when they meet tries to convince the other it doesn't matter while taking on a more dominant role than in the VR, but goes with the flow still in the game), Roomates, or Love Game from those listed.

I like a lot of comedy, slow burns, and romance when rping. I love the chase in a story and having characters overcoming obstacles.

I also love plotting and would love to hear about more of your plots. ^^ Pm me if you are interested in discussing it and possibly rping with me. ^^ Thanks.
Hello, I would be really interested in Love Game. I can't start private messages quite yet but maybe you could shoot one my way and we can try to start something.

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