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Fantasy Looking for more roleplays


Hello everyone, I was looking to add a few more plots to my roster! I'm friendly, am a geek, and love plotting when I'm not working. If you like any of these plots just PM me to discuss further.

What you can expect from me:
Genders: My main character is usually female. I can play any gendered NPC.
Pairings: I’d love to do FxF or MxF
Doubling: If you want to double just say so. :)
Speed: Post every other day. Sometimes more often.
Favourite themes: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Horror, Supernatural and Gothic

What I would like from a partner:
Posting a least twice a week. The more the better.
Someone friendly and likes to brainstorm plots.
At least two decent sized paragraphs. Quality over quantity. :)

Here is a list of pairings that I am currently interested in doing. If there is an asterisk (*) beside the pairing that means that is the plot I am most interested in doing. A bolded part of a pairing means I would prefer to play that role in the pairing.

If you had another idea not listed do not be deterred. Just PM me your ideas. I love hearing ideas and the worst I can say is no. :)

Prison Guard x Prisoner

Prisoner x Prisoner

Necromancer x Vampire *

Paladin x Cleric *

Knight x Witch

Witch Hunter x Werewolf Hunter *
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