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Fandom Looking for Marvel rp partners

Hi guys! I'm looking for some marvel rps ^^ Both the MCU and Deadpool. I have a few basic ideas, and then I have some pairings I like. But first let's go over the rules!
- Please no one liners. I need something to work with. I'd like at least a paragraph, but the more you write the better.
- Please have decent grammar. I'd like to be able to understand what you're saying. It doesn't have to be perfect, mine isn't either.
- I accept only 3rd person, sorry. I'm not a fan of 1st person. Also, please use " for talking and ' for thinking. It gets confusing otherwise.
- I don't expect a reply every day, but please let me know if you'll be gone for more than 3 days. Don't just drop the rp, please let me know if you want to stop.

Now on to the fun stuff! I'll start with the pairings. I will highlight the character I'd like to play.
Steve x Tony
Steve x Bucky
Thor x Loki
x Loki (got a plot idea down below)
Deadpool x Vanessa
Strange x OC

Now on to the plots! I only have a few, some of them without romance but that will be clear from the plot details.

1. This one takes place after Civil War. Peter and Tony deal with the aftermath of the big fight. Peter struggles with his 'death', while Tony struggles with his guilt for having dragged Peter into everything. Peter keeps ending up at Tony's place, looking for comfort. This is NOT romance! I see it more as a fatherly bond. Romance can be involved, but not between Peter and Tony. I'll be playing as Peter. Really craving this one.

2. This one takes place after the first Avengers movie. Loki escapes his prison on Asgard and comes back to earth, ready for a fight. Cap is the first one on the scene, and after a brief fight Loki manages to brainwash him. Cap starts helping him, and they actually end up becoming good friends. After a while of Cap helping Loki, the brainwash gets broken. Steve struggles with his new friendship with Loki, and the fact that he was used to fight his friends.

3. This takes place after GotG 2. Yondu survives his heroic rescue attempt, having been saved just in time. After recovering from his near death experience he and Peter bond for a bit, making amends for their past actions. Yondu is now officially a member of the Guardians. This is NOT a romance! There will be romance between Peter and Gamora in the background, but not between Peter and Yondu. I'll be playing as Peter.
Have any specific ideas for Steve x Bucky?
I love your Peter and Tony ‘family’ style story. Would you be open to doubling, we could add in Steve for Tony and a love interest for Peter to add some romance to the plot, it also keep a focus on the developing relationship between Peter and Tony.

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