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Multiple Settings Looking for LongTerm RP


7th Level Procrastinator
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Heylo!! I'm just looking to scratch that rp itch again. I'm not super picky, but I do prefer my partners to be over 18 even in a PG13 setting. I'm not comfortable rping with minors, sadly.

What I'm looking for:
  • Decent replies
    • I don't really care how much you reply as long as every post progresses the story. I'd prefer more than one liners if possible though. I naturally write at least a paragraph, so I'd like that much unless its a quick-action type scene. I do tend to write longer over shorter depending on where we are in the story. And basic grammar is a must. If I don't understand what you wrote, I'm not going to be able to respond. I'm not perfect on grammar/things myself, and sometimes my brain switches out words and I dont notice until I reread XD So I'm not harsh on this. I just want to be able to understand what you've written. I'm more about the story than you writing purple prose.
  • Plots are conversations
    • I like to talk over plots and build a story together. I think of any ideas I have as starting points and we change it to our tastes as we play or talk about the story. We need to have either a separate PM or thread or something set up where we can converse over OOC about things in the story and plots.
  • Romance is a side dish, not the main course
    • I love romance in any story, but I like for it to develop over time and be more of a spice to the story rather than complete theme. A lot of rps I've been in that focus too much on the romance seem to fizzle out quickly and be overly shallow.
  • Nothing Fancy required
    • You dont have to do a face plate ( or image of your character) unless you want to. You also don't have to do provide a character sheet unless you would like to. I don't usually do them these days myself, but I am willing to make one if my partner prefers them. I also will not be decorating my post. I used to care more for looks, but I find the coding tedious when I just want to RP. xD
  • Thread or PM?
    • Either is fine. I like PMs a lot, but I'm not super picky.
  • Gender Preference / Roles
    • I prefer to play females roles, but I will do male roles as well. Usually I double up if I need to play a male. M/M or M/F is preferred for pairings. I can play however many roles the story needs to progress and be interesting. I just ask that my partner take a fair share of roles as well, as needed.
  • Ditch Friendly
    • I'd prefer you'd tell me if you lost interest, but if you ghost on me, I won't chase you down about it. Sometimes things happen and we just lose interest in things. It's life XD
  • I draw sometimes
    • if i like our stories a lot, I might draw our characters. Let me know if you're not okay with this. Its usually just random doodles between trades/commissions.

Word Bank
Beauty and the Beast with a twist ·· Winter King ·· one night stand, but turns out to be more ·· right place, wrong time ·· werewolves ·· dragonshifter

Plots - open for discussion/changing
Sailor x Mermaid
Vague idea - Mermaid saves a drowning sailor and deposits him onto a small island. The island seems abandoned at first, until the sailor finds a town full of life. Little does he know, those people are also the resident mermaids/men of the sea.

Devil x Reaper ( modern setting )
Vague idea - They both work in a business corporate building, maybe rivals in the scene? There would be business politics drama here.

Demon x Angel ( modern setting )
Vague idea - Demons and angels work at specific corporations run by the big guys. They aren't usually around humans, and the competition between both companies is high. Until there's a merger one day, and they have to work together on teams...

Vigilante x Thief King
Vague idea - Vigilante goes around town and thwarting the thief king's plans in regards to his rule. He has taken over the eastern part of the city, and paid off most of the police there. So a vigilante takes justice in their own hands and tries to thwart the king's rule one mission at a time. Until she is caught and brought in front of the Thief King to see his judgement of her "crimes." ( old favorite of mine, and I prefer the vigilante role here >__< )

Vague Ideas
These are genres I like in general if you want to throw you own ideas at me:
Sci-fi ( sorta picky ) ·· Western ·· Fantasy ·· Mixing Genres ( I love to do this ) ·· Slice of Live ·· Steampunk ·· Victorian Era

I'm not looking to do Fandoms at this time.

PM me if interested, and we can talk things out :3

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