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Looking for Long term Roleplay Partner


King Rahmanus
Hey there! I'm new to the site but I am a very, very old time and experienced Roleplayer. I am just coming on this site to hopefully make a friend and hopefully have somebody who is as passionate for adventure and has an imagination that will only improve and satisfy mine! (^U^)

I do have a few strict enough rules that I do feel I need to elaborate before anybody considers so I'll start with those.


  1. Literacy is key, I would like a partner who is able to spell, I don't mind the odd wrong spelling, typo or grammatical error but shortened words such as "ur", "u" and abbreviated sentences aren't something I'd be willing to work with.
  2. Somebody who can play as multiple characters simultaneously. I never enjoyed being limited to a 2 character roleplay as I do like to expand my roleplay universe a lot while I play. The person would also have to give each character a refreshing and new personality, recycled personalities are not fun to work with.
  3. Preferably the partner must be a girl. I know how sexist and potentially creepy thought sounds in hindsight but I will explain the reason. Firstly, Sexual themes etc. are not something I am keen on so they will be entirely excluded from the roleplay so there is no worry of that. The main reason for searching for the opposite sex is due to the fact I need somebody to roleplay as the girl characters. While I have roleplayed in the past as both male and female characters at the same time it just isn't something that I feel is quite manageable. Therefore that is my reasoning behind this.
  4. It is a 1 to 1 roleplay. I don't do group roleplays as I find them overwhelming to manage.
  5. NO ONE LINERS... Description, description description! please!!
  6. Contribute to the story, give me ideas, tell me how to jazz things up a bit.

Example of how I Roleplay (v.basic)

*John gets home and opens the door to his house, as he enters he notices all the lights are on despite being positive that he had turned them off before leaving for work*

John: *mutters to self* I could have sworn I turned those off... weird....

???: You did, I just wanted to scare you, that is all.

*John turns in terror to the sound of an unfamiliar voice and also an unfamiliar face*

John: Who are you?!? how did you get into my house? I'm calling the cops.

*??? puts their fingers to John's lips gently lulling him* shhh.. shhh shh.... Relax John... there is plenty we need to discuss, before the fear kicks in.

Where I am willing to Roleplay (sites/apps/etc.)

5: PM on this site, although this would be most inconvenient.

Fandoms/Nation Building

I combine a large manner of ideas, stories, concepts from just about any time period, genre and fandom within reason into one giant expanded universe and I take a great amount of care in making sure that characters from these fandoms etc. do not lose their sense of identity or turn into a character they are nothing alike holding onto only their visual representation.


Below I will list off a few of the Fandoms I adapt a lot of my Roleplay from, if you have any questions how one or the other work together do let me know. I'll give an example at the end.

  1. Star Wars: General concepts, mostly villains, main cast excluded entirely. Focused more on concepts
  2. Final Fantasy Series: Just about anything
  3. Anime: Just nothing like Naruto, One Piece or Dragon Ball Z, I find those characters far too OP
  4. Any Video Game: I am willing to research/learn about ones I've yet to play too.
  5. Books.
  6. DC Universe: Mostly villains, characters like Batman/Superman wouldn't be my cup of tea to use in a roleplay, mostly focused on villains for plot etc.
  7. Movies are allowed too
  8. Nothing involving real life people etc, I don't like that.


All characters are acceptable as long as they are not real images of people both famous or randomly found online, I find that really creepy and hard to roleplay with seeing how these are most likely people who are living day to day lives I'll stick to art, concept art, fan art, anime style art, comic art, even your own personal drawings are more than acceptable.

Characters can be from any race provided they aren't furries. I have nothing against furries it just isn't my cup of tea on a personal level. Races with animal ears, tails and minimal traits are acceptable though.

Here are a few of the races I have worked with in the past.

  • Hume (Human)
  • Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Spirit
  • Vampire
  • Werewolf
  • Fairy
  • Orc
  • Dark Elf
  • Diclonius
  • Demon
  • Angel
  • Catgirls/boys
  • Doggirls/boys
  • "Weapons"
  • Mermaid
  • etc.

Original races and other races not mentioned above are entirely accepted as well (*U*)

I do hope somebody shows an interest in this! (^.^) I'd be delighted to start ASAP and please! any further questions do not hesitate to contact me on this site or on any of the other forms of media I have mentioned above (<3)

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