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Fantasy Looking for long-term partners!


New Member
About Me:
  • I live in EST and I try to post once a day, depending on a few different factors. But there will be times I won't be able to reply for a day, or a few. But I can post rather frequently as this is my main form of entertainment.
  • I don't do fandoms. Only original plot/ideas. I don't like to RP as characters that are already made. But what I would be willing to do, with the right plot of course, is if both of us make our own OC and just have it set in the world of whatever fandom you choose. I never done that before and I'm very picky so
  • I don't know how many words I normally write, and I usually don't put a length on how much I write anyway. Usually, I like to write about 4 paragraphs, and more if I'm really inspired. But I try to write as much as my partner wants.
  • I like high fantasy to low fantasy but fantasy nonetheless. I don't care if there's darker themes, abuse, sexual assault (though not by my character obviously!), or any of that. If you're not into that, that's fine. I'm just saying that I'm comfortable with it. Nothing is off limits. I love darker themes anyway. And angst and drama. Just let me know if there is a topic you don't like though.
  • I can do M/F or M/M, never done F/F but willing to attempt with the right plot. Any of my plots can be turned into M/F or M/M, just ask beforehand.
Perfect Partner:
  • 18 Min, 21+ Preferred
  • No minimum post length but I do prefer longer posts. With that said, quality over quantity. Just no one liners. Can't do them, don't like them. I will lose interest quickly.
  • Not ghost friendly because I feel it's incredibly rude to not have communication with your partner. If you aren't interested, just tell me. It won't hurt my feelings. I would be willing to offer a different RP, maybe even come up with one together even? Either way, if it's because you've lost interest in the RP, I'm more than willing to listen and try a different RP!
  • Post somewhat frequently. I'm not asking every day or every other day. Just don't make me wait a month between each reply. If you do need more time, I'm very patient. Just give me a heads up if it's going to be a significant amount of time though.
  • Willing to plot ideas, or even just go ahead and throw in a twist and turn even if it wasn't something we discuss. I like to be surprised about the RP as I don't like it to know every little detail. I want the RPs I have with my partner to feel like their's as well, not just mine. That's why I prefer to write with someone and not just by myself!
  1. Magic is illegal as the Church is in power. A young boy was caught in the middle between the war on magic. After being taken by a witch, she cursed him into being a wolf shifter, now making him an illegal being entirely as revenge since his father is part of the Church that forbade magic. Many years later, as an adult now, he escapes her clutches, and now needs help from his best friend since he could be arrested and put in prison for simply existing despite it not being his fault.
  2. Two roommates wanting to graduate from the hunter's guild early, decided to hunt down a werewolf they heard was near the outskirts of a local town close to where the guild was. One roommate ended up being bitten by the werewolf. Hiding the bite, she tries to continue with the lessons without letting anyone know but eventually her roommate finds out. He questions whether or not he should kill her and spare her or let her live life as a monster. Eventually, they both learn that werewolves are exactly like how the guild described.(No, they won't be teenagers, they would be young adults as it's not a traditional school. Just didn't want anyone thinking they would play a minor or anything. I don't rp as a teenager.)
  3. The world had been taken over by demonic animals. Nature started to take over the earth again as people were too afraid to go outside of their home to keep nature from taking the land back over. Now, each state was surrounded in an invisible shield that does a decent job of keeping out demons. No one dared to travel to different states. Two brothers, end up getting separated and presumed dead by the other, after a fire took their parents and home. One brother ended up being the cause and having a wolf demon take over his body, forcing him to live his life out in the forest. His brother turned into a demon hunter for the government to eradicate the demons and to look for the wolf demon he thought killed his brother, not realizing that it was his actual brother. Eventually, finding him, the two reunite and sets in motion their greater destiny.
  4. An ancient vampire roams around the streets during the Victorian Era. As he walked around at night, he noticed a lady being followed by a couple men who were about to attack her. After saving her, he noticed that she had different type of blood than others around there. She had hunter's blood in her which was a delicacy with vampires. She had yet to be awakened, and he doubted she even knew about what was running through her veins or else she would have known instantly that he was a vampire. So he used the opportunity to try to convince her to allow him to take some of her blood for experiments to help the sick, he's trying to pass himself off as a doctor. In reality, he only wanted her blood for his own taste buds. The more they spend time with each other, the more he realized that she seemed familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.
  5. A mermaid finds herself smitten with a man on land who she's never met before. A human who they were always taught to be fearful of as they would do experiments and all sorts of horrible things, or so the merfolk believe. Finally getting a chance to meet him after obtaining legs for only a single day, they are allowed to transform human under a full moon until the next nightfall. She spends the day with him. So I really don't know exactly what to do with this idea/plot, I will be honest. But maybe we can brainstorm together? If I do come up with more of a plot, I will add it. I had one where the mermaid was a adopted by the king and queen, treated like their own daughter until they finally have a child of their own. She gets legs with the help of a witch who makes her pay a price for it. While out looking around the town, she gets a couple royal guards after her, who didn't know about her, nor recognized her even if they had. While running from them, she gets mistaken by a thief from the shop owner as he noticed she was hiding from them and ends up kicking her out. Finding her bloodied and bruised, he brings her back to his place reluctantly and eventually learns of her secret. But that's really all I have for that idea. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears!

Please PM me if there's a plot that you would like to do. I am also willing to hear your ideas but let me tell you, I can be picky. If you do like one of the plots but not certain details and would like to change anything, feel free! I would love to hear your ideas! This is my RP just as much as my partner's and I value their opinion! I want this fun for BOTH of us!
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