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Multiple Settings Looking for long term partner

Lovely Raindrop

New Member
So I used to have a long term partner but her role playing was ridiculous. So I'm looking for someone to 1x1 and to brainstorm if needed. Heres a list of what I want/dont want to do.

  • MxF/FxF/MxM Does not matter to me, I'm open to anything.
  • Someone who can do multiple characters/multiple genders. I do not like just playing guys.
  • Maybe another artist? Not mandatory, but it would be nice to draw things with another person though. (examples of my art -> Mu2
  • Can message over Discord.
  • 18+ Please?
Don't want:
  • OP Characters. My last partner had one character who was basically a demi-god, and could revive people, regrow others limbs, and "Bites down onto her neck and injects life force into her, regrowing blank's ovaries." (Actual quote from Partner 2019.) NO. STOP. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES--- I HATE OP CHARACTERS.
  • One Liners. Its hard to work off one liners. but Paragraphs are not necessary, I do write long paragraphs sometimes though.
  • AU's are fine, but I don't like role plays of AU of anime/cartoons with the canon characters in the role plays. Only the producers can get their personalities right, not us.
Roleplays I'd like to do:
  • Dark Souls AU
  • 1920s Gang RP
  • Demons slaves rebelling against their human owners.
  • Etc.

Message me more and we can brainstorm, even if theyre not roleplays I'd like to do. Thanks!
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I like the idea of the gang one.
Playing as a set of twins, one in the gang and one not, where your character is trying to get the dirt on the gang and thus befriends the twin not in the gang, using him just to accomplish his own goals.
Hello! I'd totally be down for the demon slaves idea you have there, and of course adding onto that. I have two twin demons I'd love to play around with more

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