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Multiple Settings Looking for long term male partner


shining silver sweet sad souls
Don't want to rp here well then for my discord post


hi there :D
im new to the site , i always play female roles and i only do M xF and i am quite a sucker for romance and yes i know , some are strange , leave me be :(:closedeyescryingfrown:
Roleplay XP : 8 years

Genre : Romance

Strange Level : MAX

Suggestions : Open 50 %

Care for Grammar : Low

Care for Partner : MAX

Love for RP : Great

Active Level : Depends

Charm : That's for you to decide

be warned though , i wing my rp's after a short plot, you have been warned

i have a few rules

- don't leave the rp without saying goodbye at least
- tell me if you are going to be gone and for how long
- respect the way i rp because i don't care for grammar or spelling because i know mine isn't great
- have fun and share your ideas in the rp

1. bold (or on the right ) is what i will rp

2. Craving ($$$)

Don't give me a plot if it has nothing to do with my pairings


  • > Prince x Princess (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    bandit lord x captive (1)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    Crime Lord x Rivals Daughter (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Demon Lord x Demonic Servant (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Cannibal x Lost Girl (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    Dragon x Dragon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Pirate Captain x Pirate Musketeer (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Necromancer's Apprentice x Necromancer Daughter (1) ---------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Gang Leader x University student (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE

    > Demon x Demoness (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Killer x Victim (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > demon x angel (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Exiled Demon x
    Fallen Angel (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
    > Naga x human (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE


Star wars Old Republic (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

  • Sith x Jedi (1)

    Jedi x Sith (1)

    Jedi Master x Padawan

    Sith x Imperial Agent

    Sith Lord x Apprentice (1)

    Sith Lord x Fallen Jedi Padawan (1)

    Sith x Bounty Hunter

    Bounty Hunter x Bounty Hunter

    Sith x Sith (1)

    Jedi x Jedi

    Bounty Hunter x Smuggler
My Little Pony

  • Pony x Pony

    Alicorn x Alicorn

    Changling x Pony

SCP Foundation

  • SCP x SCP

    SCP x D-class

Plots so far right below

Anthropomorphic hybrid x Human <----
Pure Anthro x Human <----
Anthro x Anthro (Plot 3 Specific) <----

  • Humans and anthros have never been friend, humans believe anthros to be monsters and anthros believe humans to be cold hearted, it is a rare sight to see an anthro in a human town and vice versa back in the days, today humans and anthrose got as far as visiting and staying in each others cities but they don't really see eye to eye until one day a connection happened

Naga x Human <----

  • The world of Astra was a normal place , humans build and thrived here, i was a place of peace until one day something happened, the entire Astra had an outbreak of monstrous creatures attacking every corner of Astra causing the Nightmare war, now centuries and centuries after the war monsters and humans try to rebuild what they had, a lot of places the humans once hand now rests in the hands of the monster , humans and monsters can't stand each other but is it possible for that to change

Lab Hybrid x Human <----

  • A human research facility has been working on a new experiment, they took a human fertilized egg and injected the DNA into it .Over the years the creature grew strong and power, powerful enough to escape the lab and run as far as possible The creature found it's way deep into a forest far from the lab where he found a cabin and shed, there a lone person stayed

Demon x Angel <----

  • Angels and demons have been at war since the beginning of time. .(ME) is a valued angel, and important member of the high heavens council. One day the demons manage to capture (ME), and brought before (PARTNER). Even though (PARTNER) is cruel ,he has his heart captured by (ME), and so over time a they fall in love with one another.

Tribal werewolf prince x tribal werewolf princess (#66FF33) <----

  • (ME) was the only female royal offspring in all 5 tribes in the region thus a competition for (ME) hand was brought to the attention of the other four tribes which they agreed to , during the competition , the males try to draw her attention with their skills but for some reason she always seems to only be interested in (PARTNER) , in the end (PARTNER) doesn't win but (ME) has on of her servants take a note to him after the competition , saying (ME) rather prefers (PARTNER) , they begin hanging out (WING IT FROM THERE)

Bandit Lord x Captive (#FFFF1A) <----

  • Talon and Raiodon are at war, both their kingdoms are just sewn together alliances while the Etharr empire is one massive kingdom and it is advised that no bandit, thief , assassin or any type of criminal even dare set foot their because of the fact that each corner of the Etharr kingdom is armed to the teeth and has a military so powerful that it could wipe the talon empire and raiodon empire out at the same time (ME) works in one of these empires , how (PARTNER) encounters (ME) while be seen in the rp

Orc x Human (#4747D1) <----

  • Humans and orcs are constantly at each others throats , combating for nearly 2000 years non stop , their conflict seemed eternal , (ME) got tired of all of this , deciding to leave the human kingdom to live in a land that has been untouched for years , she found seclusion there , using magic to conjure home in the land to live in peace , however (PARTNER) found this land as well and investigated the land coming upon the house that she built

Demon x Demoness (#FF0000) <----

  • War has ceased between heaven and hell after the connection was broken and neither side could reach one another anymore , demons started turning on each other but surprisingly war only broke out among a few demon kingdoms , (ME) is the daughter of a well know and feared demon lord , most demons are at war with him so to protect (ME) he sends her away to a citadel he thought hidden from any other demon or demon lord however he never thought about (PARTNER) father , who had sent (PARTNER) to claim her

Death Knight x Priestess <----

  • Nora is a world were anything related to death except the graveyard is frowned upon , those who aligned themselves with death are sent off to the distant land of K'err were they can do as they please as long as they don't set foot in the land of Trios, (PARTNER) being the popular death knight that he is decided that he was going to prove to everyone in K'err that he is willing to take a step so far that no Death Knight or Necromancer would take , he was going to kidnap someone from Trios and he made everyone , respect and love him more when he said he is going to kidnap (ME) , the king's royal Priestess

Anubis x Human Slave (#FFFF00) <----

  • (ME) is a slave that has been with a slaver caravan for about 15 years , learning the ability of speech and writing from a female slaver that had mercy for her for being a slave so young , after their long journey through and around Europa , they finally traveled downwards towards Egypt where they heard Slaves are traded daily , however they first come upon a temple dedicated to (PARTNER) , the priests no longer having any sheep to sacrifice decided to buy (ME) for the sacrifice , upon them binding (ME) to the sacrificing table and speaking the chant they usually do (PARTNER) , for the first time in history appeared after the chants though was not happy at the sigh of what the priests were doing

Crime Lord x Rivals Daughter <----

  • (PARTNER) is a highly feared , cunning and cleaver Arms trafficking master , so much so that even the authorities feel like giving up on catching him because he is always not 1 , not 10 but always a 100 steps in front of the police but he does have a snag in his plans each and every time , his rival , not an arms trafficker but the head of an Assassinations Syndicate , but he has a few flaws , he isn't as clever as (PARTNER) and he has something that gained (PARTNER) attention quite quickly , the head of the syndicate has a daughter (ME) , (ME) , as far as (PARTNER)'s people knows ,isn't part of his syndicate ,(ME) is rarely seen , the information only reached (PARTNER) because one of his agents overheard it

Lab Hybrid (Creature) x Lab Experiment (human) (#006600) <----

  • 2 experiments , 2 different methods of experimenting , 2 different results and both of these gained the ability to escape . One , a human egg that has been injected with the Experimental DNA , leaving the egg to form successfully into a creature , capable of mass destruction and with it's defenses , it gain it's ability to escape it's facility , unable to be harmed easily by bullets , batons , shock collars an tranquilizers , the second being a girl that was taken at a very young age from her family , her memory wiped of her family , years have gone by , the scientists kept injecting the same fluid into her brain not getting any results until they believed she was a failed experiment to which the fluid became active once she was in danger giving her the ability to escape, after their escape from the different facilities , the creature has gained such anger towards humans that none would be safe near or from it bit it made it's way into the forest while the girl has gained a great distrust towards humans , forcing her to flee into the forest as well , (PARTNER) would be the one that finds (ME) in the forest and realize that (ME) is also an experiment after a brief form a violence because of her human appearance.

Alien Hivemind x Uncontrolled Servant $$$ (#FFA31A) <----
Alien Hivemind x Uncontrollable Human $$$ (#1AC6FF) <----

  • The hivemind lord has grown a bit of an ache that he can't explain , he tried to wish it away and he tried sating the ache with his usual deeds of enslaving every planet he comes across but the ache doesn't seem to want to leave so one of his most trusted controlled servants that is part of his court mentions that maybe the ache is seeking a challenge but with his power and reputation across the galaxy no challenges arise anymore so another trusted controlled servant suggest that he creates and command a servant that isn't linked with him thus isn't under his control , he does so but this servant brings more then a command challenge , for his mind and nearly dead heart slightly betrayed him and made the servant's DNA with aspects that would wake his nearly dead heart up.

Assassin x Contractor (#669999) <----

  • A few rumors has gone around the land of Taviss , the rumor of a lone assassin that does jobs for the highest bidder , a rumor of an assassin that mindlessly goes around the villages and picks out target to take out for his own pleasure , but those rumors are about at true as the rumor of the moon being made of cheese , in fact the feared assassin is actually part of a guild of assassin that has standards and go after targets that cause misery (almost like assassins creed ) , each assassin has their own contractor , all relationships within the guild however one assassin and giver can't help but slowly develop feelings other then normal friend feelings

Dragon x Dragon (#0080FF) <----

  • Dragons , monstrous lizards that fly high in the skies , dive deep below the ocean surfaces and prowl the forests , plains, mountains and deserts , one of these dragons , a rare kind , this species is a rare almost extinct species (My dragon ) , they are the only type that can adapt to all environments but there is another rare type , though not known for their adaptive abilities , they are known for their violence and for always coming out on top of a fight (Partners dragon ) , basically a rare highly violent and dominant type , dragons in this world of Talia are worshiped ad dragons typically leave humans alone , even the rare violent one but wht they don't leave alone are each other , dragons always just try to find other dragons to fight for dominance , this rare adaptable dragon is aware of this and evades other dragons at all times but for once it this rare dragons life , she will not be able to escape as easily this time

Demon Lord x Demon Servant <----

  • A manor that was once the most well known in the city of the Great demon lord , now lies is ashes and rubble because it's owner bragged about getting the best servant , more beautiful then that of the demon lords servants , this had triggered the demon lord and he refuses to take insults like that so we banished the manor owner and his family and burned the manor down , if this servant was so good , why shouldn't the demon lord of the city not have her as a servant and that was exactly the plan , before he burned down the manor he retrieved the document that proved "he" is the one that asked for her , forging the names a bit of course but soon his demon servant will arrive

Necromancer x Apprentice (#1AFF1A) <----

  • A young necromancer that has been on his own pretty much his whole life , his parents were killed and he wanted to take revenge but he was more concerned for his parents at the time , he learned about necromancer , learned the spells and went back to the bodies of his parents only to find that those that killed them also burned them , thus he used his power to go to a nearby army graveyard , raising the dead and basically destroying the bandits and adding them to his army , now after a few several years , he built his necropolis and his old home and has gained a few acolytes along the way , the strange thing about this is he had also gained an apprentice , but there is a reason he took her as an apprentice , she shared almost the same type of history except her parents were killed by assassins due to their rich status and company competitors , he despised life and everything about it until he took this girl as his apprentice , she may not be powerful enough yet to raise her own necropolis but she did manage to teleport her family's old manor to a mountain side near her masters necropolis

Murderous Wolf x Exiled Wolf (#39AC73) <----

  • Two wolves roam the wilds , alone , one with the will to survive (Partner) and one with the knowledge to survive (ME) , one wolf was left behind as a pup by his pack (Partner) while the other was exiled by her pack because the pack was to large to feed every mouth , both living on their own but wanting to be part of a pack despite being left behind and thrown out by their original packs yet it proves to be a challenge for both always end up finding lone , violent wolves , one manages to always get the upper hand and end the life of the violent wolves (Partner) , the other always manages to end up evading the violent wolves (Me) , what will happen if these to find each other

University Jock x Nerd (#28324E) <----

  • Credit to : Matr1x2er0

    Well it is not uncommon for the University jocks and cheerleaders to have fun at mocking and teasing the nerds and geeks of the university but then again they always forget that they also use these nerds and geeks to do their math , science , biology and history homework , however luckily one of these nerds (ME) isn't targeted quite as often because the one people could say is the "head jock " is also the big brother of her and he cares for his sister so the other jock watch their tongue with her but the cheerleaders still go on with their teasing , one day one of the jocks (PARTNER) lost his science research project before he even started with it and was stressed the entire way because in this university , Science , History ad Math are a dominant subject and failing to hand in a complete project from one of these subjects can get you kicked out

    On due date when the projects were being handed in the teacher called (PARTNER) and he had nothing but before he could say that , my character , that found his project and completed it came into the lecturing hall and asked if (PARTNER) attended this class to which the the teacher said yes and my character gave the excuse that he dropped it outside in the hallway ad handed the project to the teach to which he replied "you are lucky that she found it " and (PARTNER) goes to thank her after class to which a relationship started developing

Killer x Victim (#FF4D4D) <----

  • Well (Partner) is a brutal murderer that has escaped justice every time it caught up with him , there isn't one type of person that (Partner) hasn't killed , excluding children of course because partner doesn't see them as much of a challenge, the youngest he would go is teens starting from the age of 16 ,(Partner) is known among the law enforcement as the devil himself , not killing for money , not killing for fame , not killing because he finds it sexually stimulating but killing for the fun of it , (Partner) for some reason always had this sadistic liking to watching a life leave a body at his hands however one of his chosen victims (ME) had a certain aura around her that left him unable to kill her , of course like many of his woman targets , he would kidnap them and take them quite a distance from where they lived in order to kill them and (Partner has killed a lot of people with very innocent auras around them however (ME) had an aura that was a bit to innocent , they say everyone in the world has a match , did this heartless killer finally and involuntarily found his special someone and was proven that he at least had the heart not to kill this one person

Gang Leader x University student (#B300B3) <----

  • Credit to : Matr1x2er0

    In the fictional city of Hillona or better known as "The Gang Grounds City" a new university has opened up in one of the territories , in the past there were multiple gangs but over the years all these gangs have battled it out so much that only the smartest , most cunning , skillful and deadliest gangs survived which to count is 4 , these 4 gangs basically run the cities , with their parents in high positions , it's easy for them .

    The 4 gangs in control are the Kraken Tamers , they control the sea side of the city , the father of their leader (Devon "Sharkscar" Pierce) owns the import houses , so currency is no problem for them , The Centurions posses the heart of the city , the leaders(Ajax "Slasher" Vennd) mother is the mayor and they have no problem with the authorities , the houses and mining side of the city is held by the Sons of Night , their leaders (Mitch "Darkfang" Triaz) father owns the mining company and with the control of the houses he has enough recruits and the gang in control of the Education and Military area are the (PARTNERS GANG) and their leaders (PARTNER) father owns the base and his mother is the Chancellor of the new university .

    (ME) is a student from another city that has been brought down by criminals that overthrew the government , those criminals did it there because they tried it at Hillona too but didn't even come close because Hillona did not just have it's own military but the 4 gangs won't stand for it either, they already took over , (ME) goes to the city's new university though has no knowledge of how the city really is but to everyone in the city , it is clear from appearance that she isn't from there and the four gang leaders that goes to the same and only university know this, she one day accidentally (literally) runs into (PARTNER) while she rushes for class , she quickly apologized and continued , from this short encounter the two start a connection

Necromancer's Apprentice x Necromancer Daughter (#00FF00) <----

  • It's not strange for a necromancer to have an apprentice nor a daughter but it is strange for the apprentice to fall in love with their masters heirs , this happened , here in the heart of the necromantic land of Tiv-zekul , the most feared necromancer and leader of the land has given invitation to all necromancers looking to be an apprentice to him , they all came but only one made it and that was (PARTNER) , the only other person that now knows his master , the leader of this land has a daughter , (PARTNER) thought it impossible but he fell for this girl , not strange for a necromancer to fall in love but (PARTNER) thought he would never be one of them

Exiled Demon x Fallen Angel <----

  • Two beings , both responsible for the shattering of the connection between heaven and hell yet they know nothing of each others existence , both were banished to a world that appeared in place of the connection and this world had danger of it's own , (ME) was a caring yet fragile angel that wanted the war to stop , (PARTNER) was a great demon that for some reason wanted to leave the war , both find each other in this world and learned about each other , how they meet each other is a different story

Explorer x Tribal Queen (#B3FF66 ) <----

  • Credit to : SailofSouls

    (Partner) is a famous explorer that started ...basically from a child since his parents both died in a shipwreck , he literally became known as the youngest explorer to explore the world but as he entered his teen years , the exploration came to a halt after he explored everywhere , but still the fame and wealth that was offered to him never topped the freedom and rewards of the exploration life gave him but a new adventure came along , a challenge , a island said to be inhabited by a tribe that is most hostile to those who don't prove themselves true of heart , a perfect challenge and who knows , maybe he will find more then just one adventure on this newly discovered island

    (Me) is the young queen of the so called Tribe of Trials by the outside world but that , isn't their name , the tribe is in quite a happy go because their current queen is quite young and that means longer fortune to the tribe from the gods above , though it still bites her to know that her mother passed away from an illness but she keeps her head high for the tribe and in the name of her mother .

Cannibal x Lost Girl <----

  • Credit to : THEECLIPSE

    The Story starts with a young girl that was kidnapped by a group of bandits , though she wasn't touched by the bandits because they still had to take her back to the bandit lord. She had a secret side to her ....well not to her more to her family's history , history she knew nothing about . Her family's past seemed fine but some members of her family in the past was not revealed to her because they were cannibals. She always did possess the curious urge but never gave into it because of her severe lack of knowledge to it in her family. During the trip to the bandit lord , the bandit caravan was ambushed by soldiers form the near by kingdom , neither side wanted to stay longer in this specific area then they had to because of the rumors , rumors of a creature living in the forest , human remains were found inside these forest , bones still fresh but stripped clean of flesh however the girl didn't know about this and thought this is a good time to make a run for it and so she did , into the forest , not looking back , even though non of them noticed .

    In these forests though there is no beast or monster but rather a lad that had left his home at an early age due to abuse , this lad one day came upon a dead human body , still fresh and out of hunger and his own curiosity , he took a bite and another , then eventually the entire body , leaving nothing but bones and organs surprisingly , this young lad now grown still can't get away from his addiction and it has unfortunately grown to him attacking life an well people on the roads. Thanks to the strength he gained out here alone in the forest and from building his home , hunting animals ....and people .... he has even grown strong enough to take down fully trained soldiers by himself

    However when the girl ran to the middle of the forest at such a long distance , her breathless lungs, tired legs and rapid beating heart couldn't keep up with her tired brain and she huddled up against a tree falling asleep/passed out . It was here where the lad found her , though it's not strange for him to find woman alone on the road , something about her stops him from thinking of her as just a meal and.....maybe as friend .....he could tell she was different and unlike other woman on the roads , she might actually be the first one he spares from the fate of becoming his lunch , he picked her up and placed her among the fur pelts he was dragging , dragging her back to his home

Prince x Princess <----

  • Credit to : SailofSouls

    (Partner) , the soul heir to (Partner's Kingdom ) has had a good life as a young little boy but times change , you grow up , things are expected of you but what was expected from him was something a bit unthinkable if not dangerous for the only heir to the throne of his kingdom , one of the kingdoms lasting rivals has had a change of throne and he was sent there to try and discuss a peace treaty with the new holder of the throne ....boy will he be surprised by a strange encounter while there and he will be even more surprised to find out where that leads

    (ME) is a young princess that unfortunately had to ascend to the throne before her time but her guards and guardians see her as capable enough for the throne and so did the citizens , however her knowledge about the kingdoms rivalries is rather limited because her father never spoke of anything like that , during a rush to the throne room , she runs straight into someone that she hadn't seen before .....she doesn't know that he was the prince of one of her kingdoms rivals ....but she also didn't know where this encounter will lead and she will also be surprised

Pirate Captain x Pirate Musketeer <----

  • The Seas can be rough and the military justice can be swift , but there are still those who challenge the military , and take what they want on the high seas . (PARTNER) is a feared pirate captain , hunted by all military groups , bounty hunters , pirate hunters and other pirates , one of these other pirates is also known through the seas but not for himself but for his crew....or more importantly his first mate (ME) , a sharp eye on the seas and a fierce combatant close up but what gave this first mate the name was the talent in wielding a musket , sharp shooter and quick reloader , she is in any way the first mate a captain would want , but her oh to confident captain sought trouble with the wrong pirate (PARTNER) and he lead them all into a fight they could not easily win

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