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Fantasy Looking for long-term established Roleplaying Partner


New Member
Hello friends. I am in search of a highly literate, moderate lengthy to lengthy roleplaying writer who matches my style and preferences. I typically am more interested in fantasy genres, but I am wiling to be adaptable for the right story. Post-apocalyptic with fantasy elements or mild sci-fi elements also is appropriate. I am not into anime RPs or most fandom RPs, so would prefer to keep it original stories only, though I do have an exception list below.

To start a little about myself:

I'm a 40's female with 2 cats and a lot of time on my hands for writing. I've been roleplaying since the 1990's in various genres, styles and applications. I am also an aspiring author in my spare time and have written much fanfiction.


I can get bursts of writing that will have me posting up to multiple times a day depending on the pacing of the story, and the current interest. Typically you can expect at least 1 post per day, most days. If i'll be vacant for longer than a day or two I try to communicate this ahead of time.


I am looking for multiple paragraph posts. I don't like to set limits, as the pacing of the story may call for shorter or longer posts. However, be prepared to read and write a lot with me, as I enjoy descriptions and depth to my stories and charactesr.


- I only do MxF pairings for the main story / characters, but am open to a few supporting characters being any pairing at all. I typically take the male role, but I'm adaptable if you'd like to take him. I don't double, too much to keep track of for me. I prefer to keep a single main character set. I will do supporting character scenes so long as they don't become a main 2nd set that requires extra emotion being inserted.

- I'm fine with most things. I will however draw the line at extreme NSFW or detailed abuse, and if it gets too bogged down with negative. My stories usually have ups and downs, and balance it out. If the characters are too positive or too negative for extended periods it can impact my mood, so I prefer to keep it fairly balanced with swings here and there ocassionally. If you like fade to black or want to be intimately involved in the description of 18+ scenes, either one is fine. Just know if I'm at work it may delay posting, for obvious reasons.

- Partners MUST be 21+. No exceptions. I'm over-the-hill, I feel weird RPing with those that are extremely younger than myself. Generational gaps are real. I've found that most of those who I make exceptions for don't last and don't go well, so I'm just going to draw the line. I won't check your credentials, but let's be real, you'd probably feel weird RPing with your mother, right?

- I do third person, non-controlling / non-god-moding style. I won't tolerate my character being puppeted, manipulated or moved by my partner, unless of course they are unconcious or otherwise incapacitated. Each person controlls their own character and springboards any action off the other person. I understand this is a more old-fashioned style of writing for some, but I see it as playing D&D... you only control your own character, everyone else plays their own too. NPCs and secondary characters can be arranged to be shared, or we can dish them out, I'm flexible here.

- I am a slow burner, liking to write scenes articulately, carefully and patiently. I've partnered with people who feel the whole plot must be outlined, carried out, defined and realized within 2-3 posts. This doesn't sit well with me. It may take days, weeks, months, or even longer until we get to the *real* start of the plot. I enjoy the leadup. I enjoy the tantalizing details dropped, the subtle hints, the building of the characters and the world. Once it gets towards the end of the story as the plot is fully realized and developed, I can and have lose interest if it goes too fast, so I prefer to keep it at the pace of a novel. Think of this as writing that 600 - 1000 page book. Pace accordingly.

- Don't ghost me. Please. It's only polite. You wouldn't walk away from a conversation you were having with someone without saying "Excuse me! I'll be right back!". If you need to take a break, or aren't interested in the story, talk to me. We can adjust, rewind, start over, or do something new. Or take a break. I'm good, so long as you don't vanish without a word for weeks. To me, this is the epitime of rudeness, that sadly I run into a lot. I wish I didn't. In return I promise to always let you know if something in the story or character doesn't work. Talking out issues is the key to communication.

- Don't get emotionally attached and take things too personally. Come on, we're having fun. This is a story. If you get so emotional that you are upset with something that happens, take a breath, take a step back, calm down, then let me know so we can fix it. I don't want to upset my partner. I'd rather re-do or toss something out than lose someone I spend hours crafting stories with.

There are likely more little quirks that you'll find out, but these are the hot topic ones. Any questions, just ask I'm happy to discuss.



- Fantasy
- Dragons
- Curses
- Non-Cliche worlds & Characters (Lets break some stereotypes!)
- Medium to Low Fantasy (I prefer my worlds to be less on the magic end, more gritty and realistic. Think Game of Thrones or Tolkien. I love D&D but I don't wanna RP wizards and sorcerers tossing spells like candy, magic should be rare, come with consequences, and be purposeful)
- Modern + Fantasy blends


Tenth Kingdom - It's a bit more magic heavy than my usual, but I've gotten an itch to want to do a sequel or sister-story. This would be my top pick of non-original stories.

Star Wars - Ask me about this if interested. I have been a bit burned out lately, but for the right person can maybe pick it up again.
Landover - If you know what this is, I love you.
Avatar - Both blue people and Pre-Korra bender versions are nifty. But we'd have to have the right plot and application.
Dragon Prince - Maybe? I've enjoyed watching the series, I could see doing an original story in this universe.
Dragon's Blood DOTA - I have a thing for dragons.... Especially transformations.

Contacting me:

Please PM me, don't post here. I'd prefer to RP via Gmail, Google Docs, or Discord. I can use this site only if it's done in PMs. To contact me just send me a PM and we can go over suitibility, chat a bit, and see if we'd work to form a story. If so we'll take it from there.

When contacting me, please put some effort into describing why you would be a good fit. Story ideas, post examples, and responses to anything in this post are appreciated, and will be more likely to generate interest. I won't reply to one-sentance posts that ask if I'm still looking for a partner with nothing else to go on, I mean come on how am I to work with that? If you wanna craft a story, show me!

Thanks for bearing with my long wordy post :)

~ Jen

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