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Multiple Settings Looking for long term and ACTIVE players <3


❤️ Run away with me, the world can wait ❤️
Vivian’s Role Play Thread

About Me:
I’m 31 years old (yes I’m old XD) and have been roleplaying since the stone ages. Haha. I started back when I was fifteen but took a break when I was in college. So, life went on and I finished college, moved to where I’m currently living, and married my husband. After an unexpected break from the website, I’m back and I’m BORED out of my mind Lol. So please relieve me from my boredom <3

What I’m Looking For:

1.) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE ACTIVE! I usually can post a couple times a day since I have a flexible work schedule. I’d LOVE it if you can do the same. If you’re interested in something I am really craving however, I may make an exception to once a day. Also, I will let you know if I can’t be online or I’d like for you to do the same. Just an FYI, I am in the eastern time zone.

2.) DETAILS AND DESCRIPTION! I would like posts to be around 400 – 600 words as this is my usual post length. Also, please know how to spell and use grammar correctly. I’m not asking for perfection; I just want to be able to read what you wrote <3

3.) NO GHOSTING! Please communicate with me if you don’t like my style, my ideas, my character, etc. It’s fine! Not everything is going to be an amazing story. Just tell me so I’m not disappointed in the long run and wondering what happened.

4.) COMMUNICATION! Brainstorming, random talk and thoughts about our roleplay – I love it ALL! Heck, even OOC talk is fine by me; just talk to me <3

5.) RP NATION ONLY! Sorry everyone but I will not chat in discord (I’m too old to know what that is lol). Only threads or messages on this website. <3


I prefer male/male or male/female roleplays. The characters I want to play will be italicized.


Addict x Non-Addict*


Bodyguard x Singer



Harry Potter

-Sirius x Remus-

Sirius x Lily-

-Arranged Marriage-***

(can be played with either Sirius, James or Draco. I would like to play the female or male whom is betrothed to the other)

Games of Thrones

-Jon x Sansa-

-Jon x Dany-

-Gendry x Arya-**


Slice of Life

Futuristic Romance

Asian Themes

Send me your plot ideas! <3

*~*~*~* UNDER CONSTRUCTION *~*~*~*~​
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This lady is an rp party animal! Ya won’t regret jumping on board with her yalllll
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Would be interested in a Harry Potter RP. Specifically either Sirius/ Remus but could go Sirius/Lily because I haven’t seen that pairing before and I’m curious as towhat you have in mind.
I am interested in a runaway role play (m x f) i do prefer the female role, but I am also more than willing to double up! Pm me if you’re interested :-)

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