Looking for Literate Partner

Faerie Grace

Goddess of Nowhere
Hello there!

I am always looking for a literate partner to role play with, so let me tell you a little about myself as a role player.

  • I average between 3 and 4 paragraphs.
  • I am comfortable playing any gender (male, female, non-gender, gender fluid, transgender, ect.)
  • I am comfortable with MxF, FxF, and MxM, so don't be shy to ask!
  • My plots are generally fairly thought out and structured.
  • My rule is: The more detailed the better.

Some of my favorite RPs are:

Zombie Apocalypse

Neverland, (Next Gen.)


Modern Fairy Tales

If you are interested in starting a role play with me you can message me here or over PM! Please don't be shy to ask me any questions or make a request. I'm very open and non-judgmental, and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible! Thanks!

Sol said:
Neverland, now what's that about?
It's like the story of Peter Pan, but with a new set of characters! A group of Lost Children who didn't like their lives in the real world are taken to Neverland where they never have to grow up. They just get to adventure around Neverland and fly and duel pirates and such. I generally focus the plot around Lost Kids becoming corrupt or starting to grow up or being oppressed by Peter Pan. But... yeah that's the gist of it.
To clarify the Lost Kids and the Lost Children are two separate groups? Ah this sounds interesting either way but I'm so very rusty with my Peter Pan knowledge xD  
Also, what stories are encompassed in the "Modern Fairy Tales?"
Hehe Lost Kids and Lost Children are the same I just mixed up my words, oops! It's really fun depending on how you play out the plot.

And in "Modern Fairy Tales" I'm open to doing a spin-off of any fairy tale in any way. There are lots of angles you can take, but for some reason I just really enjoy putting old time tales into the modern world. Things I've really enjoyed in the past are Alice in Wonderland remakes, Red Riding Hood, and then things similar to Once Upon a Time where there is a whole town full of a plethora of fairy tale characters and you can be whichever one you want.
So for The Lost Children these are the same boys who were under Peter Pan then? And we control them?

That sounds interesting too -has not watched Once Upon a Time...ever- but as usual my lack of knowledge is a glaring problem xD
It could be, but I prefer making new characters so I favor a "next generation". It just means that there is a new group of Lost Children because in the books all the original Lost Boys go back to the real world. Plus, with the term Lost Children, you can have boy and girl characters.

And you don't really have to watch Once Upon a Time, it was only an example of something similar to the plot! Just the idea of a a bunch of fairy tale creatures living as humans in the modern world appeals to me hehe.
That fairy tale plot sounds interesting at least the setting is. These characters they adhere to how they were in the books right?
Yeah they have similar if not the same relationships and jobs in modern times as they did in their respective fairy tale. Sometimes it's fun when your character and your partner are two of the only people who know the truth about everyone being a fairy tale and the plot revolves around trying to find a way to get everyone else to remember. Other times you can have everyone remember and try really hard not to let the outside world find out and there can be like mysteries and drama that your characters have to set right. Again, it can go so many different ways! Sorry if I'm overwhelming you.
Please, it takes quite a lot to overwhelm me. Well actually, I'm just looking for an RP so I'm down with any of your plots but sometimes, I like freedom too when it comes to characters. xD
I can understand completely! That's why I always look for ways to change stories up and add new characters. Like in the fairy tales I sometimes go for abstract characters like "Maleficent's Daughter" or something so that I can add more of my own personal spin and have little to no limitations on the character. So if it's freedom you want then that can definitely be arranged! :)
Well then, I'll go with whatever you want. I'm not that good at roleplaying yet but I aim to get better. (You can smell the BS from a mile away)
Haha alright, so you didn't have a preference between Neverland and Fairy Tales then? Also, would you mind if I took a look at an RP that you've posted in so that I can get a feel for your style before we begin?
Those two seem interesting and as for my posting, if you want recent posts let me dig up something
Yurt allowed his companion her momentary fit. She may have been stressed by the night's events and he could not exactly blame her. Not everyone was fit for this kind of job but she stepped up regardless. That took courage and Yurt respected her decision.

However, now they had a clear goal in mind instead of mindless meandering about until they find what it was Ezri was looking for. He did not even have to look far or wide for this apothecary that Ezri was looking for. She had spotted the building herself. It was a building with a sign that had nothing except for a mortal and pestle, like Ezri said. Additionally, they were looking for components to augment her magic but he could not help with that issue. He was not a herbalist and magic would only ever stay as magic to him, unintelligible and far too complicated for his mind. At the end of the day, he would still choose steel.

"It is alright, Ezri. You seem tired and tired makes mistakes. Let us just get what you need and I'll not weigh you down for the rest of the day. However, I would advise you take a break."

Yurt had half a mind to just wait by the side while Ezri went about gathering her supplies. A concern strayed into his mind though, did she even have enough to pay for what she may purchase? The tall man had welcomed them like any self-respecting shop owner did: Goods first, customers second. That was always the rule he was taught as he rehabilitated in a backwater border town up in the north.

Instead of leaving Ezri alone, he opted to become her shadow and just follow her wherever she was headed. Maybe she would be buy many things and she would need a helping hand to carry them over to the counters. Botanical ingredients, powders and potions didn't seem to interest her in the slightest. She instead went straight toward the jewelry as well as a myriad of item his head could only see as nothing too special. However, it held Ezri's interest which meant these were for magic.

An unexpected question came from Ezri. Yurt was sure she was fixated on whatever those things were.

"In the north? The climes in the north differ vastly from each other, though if I were to recommend an element, I suppose I would say fire. We'll need to learn how to control the fire that burns in the Northern lands. The fire would ward off the cold and there isn't much problem if things get too warm.....I don't exactly know. I'm have no experience in magic and barely know how it works Ezri. I'm sorry."

Michelle jerked awake, drenched in sweat.

There was something vaguely wrong about this day yet she couldn't exactly figure out what it was. The sky was clear, the sun was up and the day seemed to be progressing slowly, yet there was that feeling that she had forgotten something very important. Something was happening today and she was supposed to be there.

Michelle changed into something less drenched in sweat and proceeded to do her morning routine. For a brief moment, she wondered why her Occultus robes was out of the closet and placed very neatly on her desk. It was definitely ornate due to Michael's nearly insatiable standards but why was it out, it was never put out unless something ceremonial was happening. The motif of an eagle was embroidered at the back, it was black mainly because they had run out of colors to use and Michael concluded that black would go with anything. A series of interconnecting black lightning bolts spiraled down the left sleeve. In fact the lining was also black. Michelle and Michael were that devoid of resources, the only color they had on hand was black. And so it was.

Michelle collected the robes and tried to put it back in the closet. A note was left on desk, she took it and quickly scanned through the contents, her face was a mask of horror after she had finished reading. She donned the robes, opened window of her room and jumped out.

This is your other half speaking.

Today you have overslept. Today is the day new students enter the academy. Today might be the day you feel Principal Gwendolyn's axe.

Fly you fool.

For both our sakes,



Michelle commanded as she fell from the highest level of the staff dormitories. The eagle materialized in front of her, it fell as fast as she did. Diomedes locked eyes with Michelle before screeching once and disappearing.

Michelle could feel the winds shift as she fell and before long she was soaring spread eagle over the academy. She had to quickly find the auditorium, which was not that hard to be honest but who knew how much time had passed since the beginning of the ceremony. The last time she had been late to this ceremony, she had felt pure, raw terror trying to explain herself to the principal. Michelle didn't want to go through that again.

She spotted the auditorium and waited before she was parallel to the entrance of the auditorium. Then the winds that held her aloft dissipated leaving her free falling. The winds howled around her, possibly bidding her to call upon them to cushion her fall. Now was not yet the time, she tried to make herself as small as she could to fall faster, she became a missile. At the last possible second, she gathered up as much wind as she could to cushion her landing as she landed on both feet. One wrong move could have broken her legs but she was confident in her abilities. Michael surely wouldn't try this.

Without a second thought, her legs were already carrying her in run, bulldozing her way past upperclassmen who were leaving the auditorium. That also meant that Gwendolyn was done with the opening speech. There was not much time left before she finished addressing the first years and then she'd be in trouble.

Of course, Michelle was already too late as the headmistress herself was leaving the auditorium. In fact she almost ran into the bronze armored goddess of death. It was thanks to Diomedes, who had the sense of putting a wall of pure pressure in Michelle's way that stopped her from colliding into the headmistress. Sure it made Michelle stop abruptly and awkwardly but still it was a better alternative to colliding with the headmistress.

She gave a swift salute to the headmistress and stepped aside, keeping pace with the group before she had to stop and double over in immense pain. By now, the pain was almost natural at this point and it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

"Let me handle this, Mishi."

"You don't get a say in this."

And as the professor straightened up, a man was there where it was once a woman. No one knew how the transformation worked and his robes concealed the act. He kept pace with the headmistress, where once the posture was slouched and crude, it was now straight and refined. He drew the hood back to allow all to see him and, more to the point, it was blocking his vision.

"I am sorry for my tardiness, headmistress. I will endeavor not to repeat last year, I swear it."


Michael bit back the urge to land a hard backhand across his assistant's face. Instead the slap turned into a vise grip on Maxwell's shoulder. He was tired but he had to say something to his assistant. To the thickheaded man he'd worked with for Paralda knows how long, something he had explained almost twenty times in the past year.

"Clean out the grit in your ears and listen, new blood. I've explained this twenty times in the past, I'll explain for a twenty first and a twenty second. Michelle has only be alive for as.long.as.I.have.been.teaching. What would you expect from a three year old child I wonder? Sure she may have my memories but that's just a reference book on what has happened the entire time I've been alive. She does not own those memories and more to the point she can't feel those experiences and the emotions. Now do you think that someone can effectively learn from a textbook? Only a genius can and if you think you're a genius, just say it and I'll resign later today, hand the reigns over to you."

He let go and turned back to form up on the group.

The fact of the matter was, his two coworkers were little children. Michelle may have learned a lesson today but he doubted Maxwell did. Perhaps a term as the Head Aero Occultus would straighten this little boy out. He quite wasn't there but he'd be as belligerent as Michelle given time. Michael wouldn't dare leave the aero collegiate under the incapable hands of either his other half or his assistant. The job was forced onto his hands and he could see why. It took a patient kind of person to tolerate the constant insanity of being an aero magus, especially with the large number of gemini on campus. Maxwell would drill fear into the hearts of those two faced students and they'd make his life hell. Most, if not all, gemini he's seen would never bow down to authority. The boy had talent but he has no maturity and Michelle may have been right, the boy may not be able to see past his own nose. A pancake for breakfast would have made a better aeromagus head than either of these two, but he went on to express his interest in resignation.

Wow, you are really amazing! I'm not sure I've been at that level before but perhaps role playing with you will get me there. I've started working on the plot and stuff, but it's 1AM here so I'm thinking that I should just finish it up when I get up so that I can think more clearly. Hope that isn't a problem, and if you have any more questions or suggestions just message me and I'll see them when I get up!

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