Antisocial Weirdo
Hello fellow human, I'm looking for someone who;
- is willing to play the male role
- posts at least once daily (unless you are busy, then just give me a heads up)
- puts effort in their posts. (i.e. no one liners)
- posts at least one paragraph (six lines). (Sometimes this rule can be broken because of writer's block, busy schedule, etc.)
- prefers romance in their roleplays.
- will let me know if they are no longer interested and not just disappear randomly.
- is literate. I understand if you make some mistakes (I make them too), but try to keep them at a minimal.
A little bit about me:
- I'm a sucker for romance.
- I love detail!
- I'm interested in anything Modern/Realistic.
- I'm online frequently because I don't have a life.
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