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Multiple Settings looking for fxf roleplays!


Junior Member
hi there. you can call me pegasus. i'm currently looking for one or two fxf roleplays, so if you're interested keep reading!

about me
i reply a few times a week at least.
my reply length depends on what's happening in the roleplay. i can guarantee that i'll never send you a one-liner, but i'll also probably never send you a wall of text. i'm someone that likes casual roleplays. i'd say two or three paragraphs is my normal length.
i'm very picky when it comes to romance. i only really like relationships that develop slowly, so slow burn, and, although i'm cool with mostly fluffy relationships, i prefer ones that start out angsty or sort of tense. like, rivals or exes who had a nasty break up. obviously the end goal is for them to be happy, but it's always more fun if the road to that point is a bit difficult, in my opinion. i hope i'm making sense.
i like playing lots of side characters. makes the world feel more full to me.
i only use drawn face claims, typically anime ones. using real people just feels weird for me.
i only roleplay in private messages.
i'm ghost-friendly.

what i look for in a partner
someone who can reply a few times a week. i will of course understand if you can't sometimes, but just generally i'd like frequent replies.
someone who matches my length. doesn't have to be exact, but, like, i don't want to be typing out two paragraphs while you type out one sentence or seven paragraphs.
someone who will contribute to the story. i understand that it's hard to come up with ideas, but please add something. i lose interest pretty quick if my partner is not contributing to the roleplay.


i'm mostly looking for school slice-of-life roleplays, think like anime shoujo anime, but i'm down for anything else, as well.

good girl / bad girl
study-bug / failing student
poor / spoiled rotten
cool girl / clumsy
popular / unpopular
hothead / shy
werewolf x human
vampire x human
wolf girl x hunter (think like princess mononoke)
royal x guard
assassin x prince/princess

plot snippets
one student tutors the other
two students who usually don't like each other join together to get their respective crushes' attention (and of course end up falling for each other)
one student is a part of a group of bullies, the other retaliates against them
rivals who slowly fall in love with each other but are too proud to admit it

that's about it. if you're interested, send me a pm!
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