• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Looking for female partner(s)

What is your Favorite Genre?

  • Fantasy (modern)- Mages and monsters in highschools... yay?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fantasy (medieval)- Dragons and knights and wizards oh my!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-Fi (mecha)- GIANT ROBOTS!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-Fi (Fantasy)- Magic and lasers? How about laser that shoot magic! Hell yeah!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Horror (thriller)- for when you want your heart to stop when nothing happens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Horror (slasher)- Blood can make grown men scream too!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-Fi (horror)- Aliens + humans = someone is freakin dieing!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steampunk- Gears, cogs, and fancy outfits? yes, yes, and yes!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Heya, Torvus here with another revamp of my search thread as partners like to come and go and stories slow down so its that time again to find another partner or two to help with story dry spells from the few partners i have left, as a warning my sleeping patterns can be kind of weird at times so bear with me if i end up posting at weird times sometimes (Get some popcorn and a drink because i just got done looking my post over and it's a long read, and i hope you enjoy everyone ^^ also you can pm, do threads, or use skype, just remember to follow the rules of the site when asking for roleplays on skype and use pms for such things, i tend to preffer pms or skype because the stories feel more personal that way hehe, also disclaimers i place down are very important)

Things i like in a partner

  1. Inquisitive - can't get your plot and story done the right way if you dont answer the 6 W's of writing
  2. Literate- i'm not going to be a grammar nazi i mean i'm making mistakes as we speak but i like for what i'm reading to be clear as long as i understand whats being written and it sticks to the plot i'm satiated
  3. communication- i'm not saying setup a skype to speak with me, but let me know if yer going to be gone for a long time so i know that it will be some time before i get to see a reply to that particular story
  4. Honesty(ties in with communication) - If yer tired of roleplaying with me let me know, if you wanna do a new story and throw the current one away let me know, dont leave me hanging on something i do a lot of pm rps especially and i dont care much for clutter
  5. Witty- i like seeing fits of cleverness from time to time granted i dont expect someone to be a savant in witty banter or not use a cliche'd line from time to time but i do like seeing some things that are different, i wont expect anything out of anyone that i wont expect out of myself
  6. Can deal with cheesy- Because it aint easy being cheesy! Sorry had to use that line, but yeah i'm a pretty cheesy guy when it comes to pairing and romance stuff, i try not to do cliched stuff all the time which covers back to number 5 but yeah my joke unfortunately for myself is if i were food i'd be "a grilled cheese sandwich covered in cheese sauce with cheesy fries on the side" so yeah if you do something with me be prepared for something cheesy, although i try with all my power to avoid puns >.> i'm not even that cheesy, if you see it its an accident not intentional
  7. Play their genders- I'm not going to judge people for playing the opposite plumbing but i tend to feel uncomfortable when someone with a plug wants to play the drain

Now for the part everyone cares about

Prefered Pairings and plots

Disclaimer- i can be a bit destructive to my characters not necessarily that i try to kill them but i'm bad about messing them up usually for the sake of character progression or to spur something between the two main characters still for character development purposes, so if you aren't in the mood for a potential emotional rollercoaster ride then i'm a bad partner lol, i'm also bad about sometimes writing big posts because of having dialogue between my character and an npc so bare with me if you see posts like this i'll try to avoid them if you really dont want something that big posted, also i only do MxF pairings when it comes to romance, if i do anything else its something like two brothers much like the legitimate Supernatural story where the brother and brother is literally that, two brothers, alright enough of my gabbing time to get to what people wanna see

Pairings- (Skip if you dont want to do romance rps skip to genres and fandoms)

* - Favored Pairings/ Plots/ Genre

Bold- Prefered roll in pairing

~- new update to a list

Furry x Furry *

Furry x Human *

Supernatural x Supernatural

Supernatural x Human

Royalty/Noble x peasant class (servants, villagers, thieves etc.) * - (The amount of requests for this one tends to stay in everone's lists but people have been respectable not to push having it as the direct one so thank you everyone for being respectable with this pairing)

Alien x Alien

Alien x Human

Fantasy Race x Human

Fantasy Race x Fantasy Race

Superhero x Supervillian

Outcast/ estranged student x popular student * (been having the school student rp ich, i like magic school bases and normal school bases whether high school or college kids so pick which ever i dont do the harry potter fandom though xD )

Bullied Student x Bully

Investigator X Client

Hunter x Monster (Demon or other various humanoid creature)

Concepts for pairing base-

Childhood Friends*

Star-crossed lovers

Circumstantial Incident* (this includes arranged marriages and other such instances that would cause them to have to interract with one another) 


~Warring kingdoms- This one is more of a plot honestly then a concept but this is one of the few ones that i dont mind actually being royalty in, look to the Opener's section for a "plot" example pertaining to this concept


I have no particular preference in plot because the plot is what makes the story interesting, if i did the exact same plot every time just because i loved it i would just be doing the same story just with different characters and that would get boring rather quickly sometimes my plots like to be open ended i like to make the opener and then the plot get set based on the actions of the person i'm playing with you be surprised at how many stories you can get from the same setting and starting character between three different people just because of their choice in character and their idea to deal with the situation, I'll place in a couple openers so people have something to choose from though

~Openers- (I may add more to this part in the future so always check in for additions)

  • ~ A king with a sinister reputation wages war against several major kingdoms for the purpose of unifying them together into one great country, but no one truly understands the man behind the crown.
  • ~ A wandering vagrant stumbles into a person's shop wounded and sick, the shop keeper tries to nurse them back to health
  • ~ A street urchin tries to pass themselves off as nobility, or royalty in one way or another in hopes of leading a better life * (yes this sounds like Aladdin and A Knight's Tale, its a good story base dangit! lol)
  • ~ A snake-oil merchant with some rather amazing skill with a revolver tries to sell some of his "home made cure-all" to a town running himself a little more michief he would have honestly liked to have. (This one came to my mind when writing up my western genre segment xD i thought it might be a fun one because it could cover some pretty interesting stories.)
  • A princess on the run, her father expecting her back to fill the roll she denies, and a simple traveler justtrying to get by in whatever way they chose. (This one is subject to the be a prince and a female traveler as well so feel free to talk it out.) 


  • Realistic (modern)- I dont do this one often but when i do it can be fun and i enjoy furry stories the most with this one
  • Sci-fi (mecha)- I love giant robots, and i'm a huge battletech/gundam fan
  • Sci-fi (general) - i dont spend much time in this one because laser guns and space travel get boring sometimes
  • Steampunk- I love the idea of gears and steam powered tech, i'm really bad about mixing it into a lot of different genres especially using it as the tech base for a fantasy story
  • Fantasy (medieval)- who doesn't like dragons and knights? well there are some that probably dont, but you know what nevermind next genre
  • Fantasy (modern)- i love mixing magic into stuff just as much as i like mixing steampunk into things
  • Distopien World- Post apocalyptic non zombie stuff (the zombie trope is getting tiring) from judge dred like mega cities to fallout and tank girl / trigun style wastelands i enjoy them all
  • Martial Arts- always been a martial arts fan, and it mixes really well with other genres as well
  • Crime- This particularly like to rotate around western, and 20's style mobster stuff
  • ~ Western- i know this got covered a tiny bit in crime but i felt it needed an honorable mention as its own, i grew up on westerns and action movies back when acters like Sam Elliot, Clint Eastwood, and John Wayne set the stage for the feel of a cowboy , the genre where horse riding isnt dignified, shooting a revolver was an art, and brandishing a sawed-off shotgun was how you really had a man shaking in his boots i love this genre and everything tied to it the action, the adventure, and the romance have a wonderful place in my heart

Fandoms- This is small so dont hope for much lol

Monster Hunter

Tales of (Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss)

Dark Souls


Legend of Zelda

Disclaimer- I dont dive into fandom stories much because the world feels limited when it's based on someone else's work, but if you have what feels like a really good plot for a fandom story feel free to bring it up, i prefer original characters still in fandoms because i just like to use the worlds but i dont judge people who wanna use pre-established characters for particular reasons as long as the plot is good i'll try to run with it
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Things I'm up for!!: ( underline means preferred.)

Furry x Furry *

Furry x Human *

Royalty/Noble x peasant class (servants, villagers, thieves etc.) *

Alien x Human

Fantasy Race x Human

Childhood Friends*

Circumstantial Incident*


You can choose from these! would you like me to set up a PM???... "^W^ (Sorry, I'm just really in the mood for a good RP) @TorvusVulpes
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ShurikenPhoenix said:
Hmm, I was going to say noble x peasant class, but everyone is picking it, so perhaps a medieval fantasy idea xD
yay ty for breaking the mold even though the original intent was to hop of the band wagon lol i dont mind either way but go on and pm and we can work something out
I would like to do any of these.

Royalty/Noble x peasant class (servants, villagers, thieves etc.) *

Fantasy Race x Human

Fantasy Race x Fantasy Race
WynterMaddox said:
I would like to do any of these.
Royalty/Noble x peasant class (servants, villagers, thieves etc.) *

Fantasy Race x Human

Fantasy Race x Fantasy Race
alright send me a pm and we can work it out from there
I'm interested in the royalty/noblexpeasant class if you don't mind having more than one story up for it.
bump- added new stuff to the pairings list may try to add more as i go along but for now i think it might do looking forward to seeing what kind of new partners i might get along the way
TorvusVulpes said:
Heya so far i've been getting pretty settle in Rpnation since i've been a member for almost a month now i'd say, not completely sure haven't check when i signed up, i have a few partners i enjoy playing with but things like to slow down on and off so sometimes there are dry pockets so i'm always looking for partners to help soften those dry spells, as a warning my sleeping patterns can be kind of weird at times so bear with me if i end up posting at weird times sometimes (Get some popcorn and a drink because i just got done looking my post over and it's a long read, and i hope you enjoy everyone ^^ also you can pm rps with me or do threads i dont mind either one, and disclaimers are important)
Things i like in a partner

  1. Inquisitive - can't get your plot and story done the right way if you dont answer the 6 W's of writing
  2. Literate- i'm not going to be a grammar nazi i mean i'm making mistakes as we speak but i like for what i'm reading to be clear as long as i understand whats being written and it sticks to the plot i'm satiated
  3. communication- i'm not saying setup a skype to speak with me, but let me know if yer going to be gone for a long time so i know that it will be some time before i get to see a reply to that particular story
  4. Honesty(ties in with communication) - If yer tired of roleplaying with me let me know, if you wanna do a new story and throw the current one away let me know, dont leave me hanging on something i do a lot of pm rps especially and i dont care much for clutter
  5. Witty- i like seeing fits of cleverness from time to time granted i dont expect someone to be a savant in witty banter or not use a cliche'd line from time to time but i do like seeing some things that are different, i wont expect anything out of anyone that i wont expect out of myself
  6. Can deal with cheesy- Because it aint easy being cheesy! Sorry had to use that line, but yeah i'm a pretty cheesy guy when it comes to pairing and romance stuff, i try not to do cliched stuff all the time which covers back to number 5 but yeah my joke unfortunately for myself is if i were food i'd be "a grilled cheese sandwich covered in cheese sauce with cheesy fries on the side" so yeah if you do something with me be prepared for something cheesy, although i try with all my power to avoid puns >.> i'm not even that cheesy, if you see it its an accident not intentional
  7. Play their genders- I'm not going to judge people for playing the opposite plumbing but i tend to feel uncomfortable when someone with a plug wants to play the drain

Now for the part everyone cares about

Prefered Pairings and plots

Disclaimer- i can be a bit destructive to my characters not necessarily that i try to kill them but i'm bad about messing them up usually for the sake of character progression or to spur something between the two main characters still for character development purposes, so if you aren't in the mood for a potential emotional rollercoaster ride then i'm a bad partner lol, i'm also bad about sometimes writing big posts because of having dialogue between my character and an npc so bare with me if you see posts like this i'll try to avoi them if you really dont want something that big posted, also i only do MxF pairings when it comes to romance, if i do anything else its something like two brothers much like the legitimate Supernatural story where the brother and brother is literally that, two brothers, alright enough of my gabbing time to get to what people wanna see

Pairings- (Skip if you dont want to do romance rps skip to genres and fandoms)

- Favored Pairings/ Plots/ Genre

Bold- Prefered roll in pairing

~- new update to a list

Furry x Furry *

Furry x Human *

Supernatural x Supernatural

Supernatural x Human

Royalty/Noble x peasant class (servants, villagers, thieves etc.) * - this had been a heavily requested one so i might be trying to tone done the number i do of it but i wont say no to it either honestly been impressed with how creative people have been with it

Alien x Alien

Alien x Human

Fantasy Race x Human

Fantasy Race x Fantasy Race

Superhero x Supervillian

Outcast/ estranged student x popular student ~ (been having the school student rp ich, i like magic school bases and normal school bases whether high school or college kids so pick which ever i dont do the harry potter fandom though xD )

Bullied Student x Bully ~

Investigator X Client~

Hunter x Monster (Demon or other various humanoid creature) ~

Concepts for pairing base

Childhood Friends*

Star-crossed lovers

Circumstantial Incident*



I have no particular preference in plot because the plot is what makes the story interesting, if i did the exact same plot everytime just because i loved it i would just be doing the same story just with different characters and that would get boring rather quickly sometimes my plots like to be open ended i like to make the opener and then the plot get set based on the actions of the person i'm playing with you be surprised at how many stories you can get from the same setting and starting character between three different people just because of their choice in character and their idea to deal with the situation


  • Realistic (modern)- I dont do this one often but when i do it can be fun and i enjoy furry stories the most with this one
  • Sci-fi (mecha)- I love giant robots, and i'm a huge battletech fan
  • Sci-fi (general) - i dont spend much time in this one because laser guns and space travel get boring sometimes
  • Steampunk- I love the idea of gears and steam powered tech, i'm really bad about mixing it into a lot of different genres especially using it as the tech base for a fantasy story
  • Fantasy (medieval)- who doesn't like dragons and knights? well there are some that probably dont, but you know what nevermind next genre
  • Fantasy (modern)- i love mixing magic into stuff just as much as i like mixing steampunk into things
  • Distopien World- Post apocalyptic non zombie stuff (the zombie trope is getting tiring) from judge dred like mega cities to fallout and tank girl / trigun style wastelands i enjoy them all
  • Martial Arts- always been a martial arts fan, and it mixes really well with other genres as well
  • Crime- This particularly like to rotate around western, and 20's style mobster stuff

Fandoms- This is small so dont hope for much lol

Monster Hunter

Tales of (Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss)

Dark Souls


Legend of Zelda

Disclaimer- I dont dive into fandom stories much because the world feels limited when it's based on someone else's work, but if you have what feels like a really good plot for a fandom story feel free to bring it up, i prefer original characters still in fandoms because i just like to use the worlds but i dont judge people who wanna use pre-established characters for particular reasons as long as the plot is good i'll try to run with it
I'm very interested in roleplaying with you, we could do a roleplay that could include romance in the roleplay; though I'm fine with any genre whether its royalty or other sections.
rainythoughts said:
I'm very interested in roleplaying with you, we could do a roleplay that could include romance in the roleplay; though I'm fine with any genre whether its royalty or other sections.
alright just send me a pm with the possible things in my list that catch your eye or any ideas you may have in your head you might want to try and we can work out the details
TorvusVulpes said:
alright just send me a pm with the possible things in my list that catch your eye or any ideas you may have in your head you might want to try and we can work out the details
How about modern royalty? I know it sounds weird but its very twisted as it also seems though. if not then we can do a realistic or one from the medieval times like villagers/knights, etc. roleplay. I'll pm you after you decide which of these
i'm thinking between modern royalty and realistic but it depends on how you'd want the realistic to go, i usually do furry stories for realistic but i know thats not everyones cup of tea lol but either would be nice
TorvusVulpes said:
i'm thinking between modern royalty and realistic but it depends on how you'd want the realistic to go, i usually do furry stories for realistic but i know thats not everyones cup of tea lol but either would be nice
Oh, well the realistic i'm aiming for is about two internet best friends who meet in one place after years of planning and from then some changes become in the city they are in since robots are handling most jobs, which causes employees to be fired and robots who want to end the human race so these two bestfriends can have a relationship and at the same time fight off the robots and do whatever it takes to protect their city since its the only city in the globe with robotics.
rainythoughts said:
Oh, well the realistic i'm aiming for is about two internet best friends who meet in one place after years of planning and from then some changes become in the city they are in since robots are handling most jobs, which causes employees to be fired and robots who want to end the human race so these two bestfriends can have a relationship and at the same time fight off the robots and do whatever it takes to protect their city since its the only city in the globe with robotics.
i like it well work out more details in pm
Hey I'm new here, and although I have done roleplays before I'd rather do it one-on-one for now... please pm me if you're interested :)

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