Looking for creative partner!


Unlucky Member
Hello there! I just recently decided I wanted to get back into this whole RPing thing again and would love some active partners! I would prefer someone that is imaginative and descriptive. It's hard for me to get into a story if it's just a few short sentences at a time (there are exceptions, some posts can't and shouldn't be dragged out of course). I would also enjoy someone who can reasonably critique me and help me improve.

My preference is usually fantasy, but not necessarily the magic and mystical creature type of fantasy. I don't really do monsters either. I would be open to just about any genre though, romance, realistic, sci-fi, or even horror. If you're interested just shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you. Thanks! =)
What do you mean by "fantasy"? That's an awfully broad brush! I prefer the medieval type of fantasy, but it doesn't have to center around magic -- mundane swords and crossbows work just as well. I'm definitely not into the whole werewolf/vampire thing (ick!).

I might be amenable to other options if I had a more clear understanding of your definition of "fantasy". :)
Kharmin said:
What do you mean by "fantasy"? That's an awfully broad brush! I prefer the medieval type of fantasy, but it doesn't have to center around magic -- mundane swords and crossbows work just as well. I'm definitely not into the whole werewolf/vampire thing (ick!).
I might be amenable to other options if I had a more clear understanding of your definition of "fantasy". :)
I mean fantasy as in the medieval type. ^-^ But really any type of fantasy goes with me. I'm pretty open to anything. =) (except for, as I mentioned, the whole vampire, werewolf, monster sort of thing)

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