Looking for creative 1X1 rp partner


New Member
I have a very relaxed style of rpging. Usually I play a character, and you play one and then we each play one for each other. (be it romantically, or for comic relief or whatever) I'm open to any worlds, any characters taken from anything (s0 long as you send me a pic and some info if I don't know them) and we don't have to even have our characters in the same world. It's a completely open way of expression. Plot happens based on dice roll, or plot you want to add to the story.

I rpg over IM, will do PM if I have to, but I like being able to be on at the same time if possible. This is what a sample of my notations looks like

Raygan:: ::smirks and steps off the front porch of her house, out into the rain:: /it's warmer than I had expected./ ::turns to the man standing beside her:: Did you remember the umbrella?

So yeah! Avatar (last airbender of course) , Harry Potter, Animes, Book series. Whatever you like.
Hey, are still looking for someone to roleplay with? If not, I'd be willing to try your style. Also, I'd prefer PM rather than an off-site IM.
if you are still looking for a partner message me i have a few decent ideas for rp's

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