Looking for Collaborators

Tuesday's Eyebrow

Heirophantic Demiurge of Oneironautica
I don't even know what to put here. Seriously, I don't even know what I'm looking for other than someone who wants to work on some worldbuilding. I don't know what it will be like, because I don't have any reference points other than some vague ideas and obscure theme mashing. Maybe ask me some questions if you're interested... Doubt I'll get any bites though... I suck at fishing. xD

EDIT: To follow the advise of Alexandra, I will lay some bait that consists of some actual details.

Vague ideas and obscure theme mashing include the following points:

1) I find surreal stuff fascinating. Think "Salad Fingers" but less disturbing. Or "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" but less unsettling, or the Cube Escape/Rusty Lake games, but less lonely, or "Courage the cowardly dog", except less...whatever the hell that is, or... or homestuck, except I've never actually read those... so, I don't know how similar it would be.

2) I want a world that feels like people actually live there. That's where allot of the examples I gave fall apart. I don't want it to feel isolated, just alien.

3) While it should feel lived in, I don't think there should be much progress. "Humanity" should be far separated and ill suited, though finely adapted, for their environment. They should rely so much on bartering and trade that war is unfeasible. Skirmishes over access to resources can be a thing, but a long, political or especially deadly affair should be far too terrifying for all but a few "maladjusted" types to agree with.

4) To make an alien environment, and separate humanity, I want to use a modified version of "Ghost Circles" from the graphic novel series "Bone", wherein the aforementioned concept can be described as bubbles of nothingness that either lead to nonexistence or memory or something, it's not entirely explained what or how one of the characters is able to traverse them, but no one else can, but it happens.

4a) instead of there being small pockets of nothingness(I'm going to call it, The Aetherium from now on, as a reference to Treasure Planet.), there are large pockets of somethingness (Called "Worlds" from here on out as a reference to Kingdom Hearts) that contain bits of the world.

4b) This will resemble continents and islands floating through a "void" of some sort. Whether entirely empty, or resembling a colorful sky, I haven't decided.

4c) There are places called "Subways" where the bubble has torn open, allowing one to pass through a cave, doorframe, archway, or other similarly enclosed shape to go to another world, rather than having to traverse the Aetherium.

4d) To traverse the Atherium, you'll need an airship or steampunk spaceship or glider or something like that, I haven't decided yet, but it should be complicated, messy, and mysterious.

5) "Humanity" is not bound by the same fundamental laws that govern our universe. For example, lets take any given person, if you give them an office job, their body will change to reflect that, perhaps their eyes, head and hands will grow, but the rest of their body will shrink, but give that person extensive physical training, and they may just turn into a two and a half meter (just over 8 feet) tall version of themselves, or they could get ridiculously "swole" arms or legs, whatever it is, it reflects that person's lifestyle. and occupation. Some people, on the other hand, might know how to concentrate their power, so to not give away their strengths, and at the same time, increase them. This shouldn't be an easy, or harmless process, else it would be OP. But the HOW is something I have no ideas about.

6) I want there to be some sort of magic like ability, but I don't have any ideas yet.

7) I would like to use cliches as dramatic irony, that is to say, use people's expectations from other things to pull wicked and mindmelting twists.
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I think you need some bait if you're going to have a fishing expedition :)
I'd suggest detailing your obscure theme mashing; people love to see works in progress.
That is some excellent bait.
Have you heard of Welcome to Nightvale? I suspect it would fit well with your surreal inspiration. 
(as a side note, I can't wait for the new Rusty Lake game...)
Might be useful: 

I am reminded of Spelljammer, Summerland, The Strange, an idea The Fuzz had ages back, and this old thing: 

Might all be useful reference material for you to butcher and reassemble as suits you. 

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