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Multiple Settings looking for casual, slice-of-life roleplays!


Magic Eight Ball
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

hi everyone. now that it's summer i'm looking for some casual, slice-of-life roleplays. a lot of my ideas are inspired by anime/manga i love, because i'm always chasing nostalgia, but if you simply like light-hearted, slice-of-life roleplays, you may find something you like here!

anyway, without further ado...

about me
  • i am in my early 20s.
  • my pronouns are she/they.
  • i'm pretty free this summer so expect frequent replies (unless something comes up, in which case i will try to let you know i won't be replying for a while)
  • i can write a good amount but i'm not looking for novella roleplays at the moment. 2-5 paragraphs is what i prefer to write right now!
  • i usually write men, but i don't really have a preference, so i'm open to playing any gender.
  • i'm only open to doing m/f and f/f at the moment.
  • i prefer to use art for face claims, using real people is a bit weird for me.
  • i only roleplay on-site, in private messages. ooc talk can take place in pms or on discord.
  • i only have one trigger; large age gaps.
what i look for in a partner
  • be 18+.
  • no-one liners please. i generally don't mind how much/little you write, but one-liners are difficult for me to respond to.
  • contribute to the plotting of the roleplay.
  • let me know of any triggers you have. a lot of my ocs have dark backgrounds, but if there's anything specific that bothers you, let me know and i will omit it.
  • when you send me a pm tell me about yourself! i like to get to know potential partners a little before starting a roleplay together.
slowburn. small towns. big cities. opposites attract. summer romance. high school/college/university. school clubs. pining. forbidden relationships. rivals. childhood friends. magic schools. love trianges/harems or reverse harems. cafes. fake dating. second-chance loves. friend groups. stargazing. libraries.


= preferred role
  • bad boy/girl x good boy/girl
  • unpopular x popular
  • rich x poor
  • academic rivals
  • fake dating
  • artist x muse
  • model x fashion designer
  • werewolf x human
  • vampire x human
  • werewolf x vampire
  • royalty x royalty
  • royalty x commoner
  • witch x wizard
  • witch x familiar
  • yokai x reincarnated lover
  • yokai x human (arranged marriage)
  • demon x human
  • anything ghibli-inspired
plot ideas/snippets

= preferred role

(a lot of these are inspired by media i enjoy, so i can't claim any originality)

The Space Between Worlds [M/F or F/F / Yokai x Human / College/University-Aged Characters] - muse a is a broke college/university student. on one unfortunate night they find themselves with nowhere to say. on a whim, and possibly against their better judgement, they decide to stay at a shrine they know to be abandoned. it's just for one night, right? and there's a good chance no one will be there. only... muse a finds that the shrine is not in fact abandoned, and that it is populated by a group who may be more dangerous than any human she could possibly encounter... it is populated by yokai.

* - inspired by the anime/manga Kamisama Kiss. i'm open to playing this is a reverse harem, meaning i'll play a few love interests for you to choose from.

Bully [MxF / Bully x Victim / Rich x Poor / High School-Aged Characters] - muse a is a lower class student attending a prestigious academy on a scholarship. studious and high achieving, she wants nothing more than to ace her classes and make her parents proud. muse b is a spoiled rich kid, his attendance at the academy secured thanks to his parents' money. there, he is a student of significant popularity... and also a feared one. muse b is a bully, and a member of a so-called gang that terrorizes the school. muse a wants nothing to do with muse b or his friends, but when she stands up for a friend who is being made fun of, and catches muse b's eye... it's over. then begins a vicious back and forth between the two of them, a game of cat and mouse in which both are too stubborn to back down, and where feelings of affection blossom in tandem with feelings of hate.

* - this plot is inspired by the anime/manga Boys Over Flowers. it obviously involves darker themes than some of my other plots, so please only message me if you're comfortable with it!


(i don't roleplay canon characters so this would have to be oc/oc)

  • avatar: the last airbender/legend of korra
  • harry potter
  • dragon age
  • hunger games

that was a lot longer than i originally intended it to be, but in any case, please shoot me a pm if you're interested in rping together!
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