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Multiple Settings Looking for...anything, really! (m/m) C:

M u n e

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey again guys! I'm still kinda tentative walking back into roleplay as it's been a super long time (okay maybe like six months but cmon) and I find myself wishing for a really good roleplay again.
Just to get some things out of the way, here's some info about me as a roleplayer!

-My name's Ramune, but I go by Ramen too. I'm an experienced writer and have written for about...four years now!
-I write in third person and past tense exclusively. I can switch but it's harder on me because I end up all my tenses.
-I prefer to write m/m only, as the m/f and f/f stories I've written with people don't really strike chords with me....yknow?
-I will write a few paragraphs as a response typically. I tend to mimic responses, so big paragraphs will be met with big paragraphs haha.
-I am an excitable writing partner!!! I love sending music/art that reminds me of our pairing, and would love love love to muse on different things they could go through to strengthen their bond! (or break it...)
- ANIME refs only, realistic and cartoon aren't for me,,,

Now, here's what I've been craving to do!

-Demon shit, gimme gimme
-Angsty stuff??? Yeah, gimme
-Soul Eater type stuff.
-Got anything? Lemme know!

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