Looking for an RP Partner


I've been on this site for a while now--with a huuuge hiatus in the middle of it--and I have to say, I've had a lot of pretty satisfying RPs and still have a few. On hindsight, most of those RPs didn't really last too long. In other cases, there were RPs wherein I liked the idea and certain RPers but never seemed to get the RP the way I wanted it to be. So, now I guess I'll venture into 1x1 RPs.

I was sort of hoping to find a partner who can be:

  1. Literate: By this I mean 2 paragraphs on average with around 6-7 sentences per paragraph.
  2. Consistent: This concerns frequency and quality of posts
  3. Opinionated: (In a sense) Since I can't really have a very good plot if it's just me planning, I'd need my partner's opinion in what to do next. AND
  4. Fun. (Not the band, the adjective.)

So, if anyone's interested and would like to start plotting and what not, I hope you don't mind posting a sample of your average reply length.

And just in case you're wondering, here's one of my best replies:

A sample from a Hunger Games RP

Sylvia forced herself to at least look a little less idiotic during the parade. She smiled and tried making eye contact while deep inside, she was cursing herself and some other people for not being in a better district. The careers had it all, she thought--the skill, the charm, good stylists. She was starting to realize that the Games, well... They weren't simply games. As she looked at the ignorant faces of Capitol people rejoicing at the thought of having kids battle it out to the death, she started to have a sudden paradigm shift that made her look at the other side of things. As a little girl, she loved the thought of Capitol and how flamboyant and rich everything there was. But now that she was finally in it, she realized that it was full of cold, mostly stupid people.

Having survived the parade was a great relief to her. As soon as they got back to their apartment, she dashed into the shower, making sure she got rid of every inch of the horrid looking green paint on her. Then, once she was sure that she was clear of any green paint, she sighed in relief and changed into a pale pink dress they'd set for her. She pulled her hair out of its awkwardly messy bun and started to brush it until it felt softer and a bit more familiar against the back of her neck and her shoulders. She put on the beribboned ballet flats that they'd chosen that matched her dress before looking at herself in the mirror. She sighed in relief seeing that the green skin was gone and she could finally see her Capitol-polished, pale freckled skin again. She looked like herself, as far as she could remember but maybe she wasn't just there to prove a point to her parents. Maybe she needed to find herself and find out the truth about the seemingly perfect world Capitol appeared to be. She opened a drawer and was glad to see that they'd taken care of the lace choker she brought from home. Wanting to feel a bit more like herself again, she took it, ran her finger along the engraved names of Lovelace girls in the past and put it on. She smiled at her reflection before walking out to the dining room.

Seeing Jett and her mentor were already there, she made brief apologies for taking so long in the shower and sat herself down. Dinner started out quiet and the only thing she could here was the clattering of utensils and plates. She watched as the Avox were here and there getting food on and off the table. The food was delicious, actually and she thought she'd eaten more in that one meal than she ever had in her entire life. But what she was really focusing on was her partner, Jett. While other tributes might have already been comfortable with their partners at this point of time, Sylvia knew that she and Jett barely knew each other. Especially now that she had the feeling that he thought she was some kind of shallow, spoiled brat, she didn't know how to open up communication with him. Both of them seemed like introverts and besides, Jett had sort of a conspiracy going on in his mind. She liked him for some reason. Probably because he seemed smarter than other boys their age. Probably because he seemed like a deeper thinker than them. She sighed, trying to grope around for any conversation starter she could while avoiding the parade topic at all means. "Umm..." She pushed her food around her plate. "

So, first day of training tomorrow, huh?"

Okay, so it might not be the best you've seen but I'm pretty open to challenges and to improving. ^_^

I'm pretty much open to just about anything (especially romance) but I'm not much of a sci-fi or anthro player. I'm pretty interested in good fantasy RPs with good backgrounds, slice of life RPs that aren't too cliche and I've had a particular interest in medieval RPs just recently. I also prefer playing girls and I'm slightly, just very slightly uncomfortable with playing same-gender RPs.

A few plots that have come to mind are:

a: Two people from different eras (i.e. A Victorian girl and a present day guy) wherein one goes and finds him/herself in the other's era.

Or a closely similar one which is

b: A girl from a book and a guy from the real world somehow manage to go into either person's world.

c: Technically anything Victorian-related

d: Better plots that you suggest! :)

Hope to see interested RP-ers!
Hello! It is lovely to see someone else who is interested in fully literate role-playing. I'm still fairly new to this site, but certainly not role-playing. Four years ago, I'd ventured away from it to pursue and focus on my studies, but now I am more than eager to get back in the game; there's nothing like a good characterization exercise to really get the creativity flowing, if you ask me.

Now the things that are most important to me are:

  • Characterization and meaningful development
  • Well coordinated and thoughtful plot
  • Full, literate posts with a strong sense of character (Though I do not see this being a problem here)
    As well as
  • Communication between RP partners, on matters such as preference, idea bouncing, and general understanding between the two people as to where they want to take this RP.

I love historical fiction, thought-provoking slice of life, supernatural in the real world/fantasy world, and anything that can contribute to a well-educated/educational (research involved sometimes) role-play- though those are just my personal preferences. I'm a fairly open person, up to any challenge and/or idea thrown my way, and I hope you'll find it fun to work with me, should you like.

As for a quick sample of one of my replies, here is something from a Supernatural 1x1 Mob role play I have instigated outside of the site:

As scheduled.

Marcus adjusted the hood on his jacket for the third time, knocking it down so it rumbled on his shoulders, the tough fabric no longer covering that beacon of golden hair. Not that he would have been hard to find anyways- he was the only one you would find for miles wearing a royal purple jacket in this dump part of the city. It was warm and vibrant in colour, unlike the faded, muddy surroundings.

The bar itself was in such a sad state of disrepair, it was a wonder the place was open. There were all of a staggering two customers, both just drinking coffee out of dirty chipped mugs that had cooled over the time period that they had been sitting there, neither person bothering to order anything else. It was fairly obvious that this place was far in debt, and in no reach of getting back on it's feet. The lighting was dim, the main light over the door flickering pathetically, clinging to life like the establishment itself, waiting to burn itself out.

Marcus' legs hung over the bar stool, not even touching the lip to support any height-appropriate person's feet. For the past while, he'd simply been spinning around on the circular seat, casually catching a glance at the door, and the worried sweat on the bar-keep's brow each time he went around. The man kept looking over his shoulder, as if expecting the small, childish boy to do something terrible, jumping at the sound of the door opening.

At first, the man looked like he was about to run before he shit himself, but held his hand to his chest in a panicky relief, his facial expression noting to the young woman entering that she was not who he was expecting. If possible, he looked to be in an even worse state than the bar he was working in, and by the looks of things, was expecting a lot worse to come his way any moment.

Seated directly adjacent to him, in full view of the door, Marcus had stopped turning mid spin, waving the girl over when she locked eyes with him. "G-d'evening Ellie-girl~" He chimed, none to be shy about simply shouting this across the bar. He was wearing the exact same thing that she'd seen him, and stripped him in, three days ago, wearing the exact same grin plastered across his face as well. "My good friend here and I were just talking about you-" He said, half turning to the sweaty balding man cowering behind the bar. Marcus beckoned for her to sit, waiting for her to do so before he spoke again.

"Well, it took a while and some digging, but I finally found you the connection you wanted," He started, looking rather proud of himself, "Little Ellie, it is my pleasure to acquaint you with your desired business partner, Ralph Gribbsle." He announced, gesturing at the terrified man who flinched the moment the young blond man pointed his way- not once looking at Nicore. He seemed to be preoccupied watching Marcus's every move, as if just by breathing, he could remove the man's head. "You won't believe how hard it was to find a 'Ralph' in all of our contacts- it took two whole days to look through that name roster and find this guy, and I had to pull a few strings to find the place too," He turns back to the man named Ralph, who looks like he's about to cry, "You were pretty damn well hidden buddy- name was all scratched out an' stuff, and you had the wrong address written in our books like, fifteen times!" Marcus exclaimed in a cheerful manner before quarter turning back towards the young woman sitting near him, "It's like he was hiding or something!" He said with a huff of a laugh- something that seemed foreign to the boy's vocal chords.

As per my general post size, I like to range from around 5-8+ paragraphs, which is usually dictated by the speed of the actions and it's relevance to the plot in the RP.

If you have any further questions, or would just like to chat and muse on possible RP topics, then please shoot me a message here or by PM~
Sorry for replying just now. :) But I sure am happy that someone is interested in my ideas. :) I think I'll communicate via PM

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