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Multiple Settings Looking for Adventure!


One Time Luck
Hey all,

I'm new here, but not new to roleplaying. I've been in it for over 10 years now. Took a bit of a break. Life can get busy sometimes! But I found my way here and I'm looking for a few RP partners. I'm generally game for almost any genre....dragons? Sure. Magic. Of course. Werewolves and vampires? I'm game for that too, I am always game to toss around a few ideas in the mix. I always have stories in mind, just need someone to share them with!

So a bit about what you can expect from me?
*I generally will post at least once per day, if you're on and I'm on, well if you get me a reply you can pretty much guarantee I'll get you one back. That being said, when I work I work nights and I work 12 hour shifts. Sometimes when I get home in the morning after a shift I can get a reply, other times I fall asleep on the couch while I'm waiting to let my dogs back in....it all depends on how exhausted I am. Though, if I don't post in the morning I will usually post by the afternoon when I get up!
*You can expect detail from me, generally at least 3 paragraphs. If it is an intro post it may be lengthy to get background on my character and build up the lore of the world. But, my goal is to make you feel like you're there, to really immerse you in the writing. I want you to be able to feel what my character feels, see what they see...
*If you want to chat, I'm talkative, I'm on Discord when I'm on my computer so, I'm always open to that as well. Especially if we have some plotting to do.
*I improv most of my writing, so....it isn't all planned out. We might have a general direction like they have to get a relic or whatever, but everything in-between. That's the story, that's the exciting part. I will throw curveballs at you....and twists and other fun things. It keeps the story alive and pushes it forward.

What would I like from a partner?
*Post once per day, if you want to post more let me know! If you want to post a bit less, okay! Just let me know. I know sometimes the creative juices aren't flowing (Happens to me as well) I'm super understanding.
*If you are bored with the RP or just lose interest. Just let me know. We don't have to continue it. I won't be upset. It happens! But if I can fix it for you, I definitely will do my best.
*Please don't reply with a 1 liner, try to give me something to work with. Build the world with me. I have a very hard time if I am creating everything in the RP and pushing it forward and I give elaborate descriptions of what is going on and then I get a paragraph in return that doesn't help push the story forward and doesn't give me anything to grasp onto. I'm not picky, just don't be afraid to be creative. That's why we're here right?
*If I bring in a side character, they are free game. Play them. I won't be mad. Just don't control my character and we are good. I feel that side characters can add depth to the story, make it feel more realistic. It gives more to work with and a bit more freedom.

Below is an example of my writing, a starter post idea that I worked up. As I said above, my starter posts can be lengthy in order for me to build the world and build up my character a bit....

The stark white of the tiles and the reflection of the fluorescent lighting was enough to cause most humans to go mad. Though, scientists, they spend days on end testing, re-testing, changing the formula...it is a never ending story with them. A woman stood in a lab coat, blue gloves upon her hands, a thin cloth mask over her nose and mouth. Clear safety glasses covered her beautiful bright silvery green hues. She carefully heated up a loop over the blue flames of a fire. The metal became a molten orange color as she held it there, moving it back and forth, sterilizing it. She then held it away from the flame for about thirty seconds before she dipped it into a specimen container. She scooped along the edges getting a bit of the sludge on the loop before she took it and carefully made back and forth stokes upon a Petri dish. She spun the dish as she worked carefully. Her breathing even, her mind focused.

Her name was Dr. Abigail Rowe, she was a biological research scientist for Gallagher Industries. A few years ago she had been the lead scientist that helped to stop cancer growth. She was currently working on the end of cancer. She was just a few steps away, so close to breakthrough. Her long dark hair was pulled into a tight bun upon her head, a few strands hung forward out of the hair tie, no matter how hard she tried there were always a few strands up front on either side of her face, but it added character. Others that she worked with seemed to like it. That’s what mattered right? Dr. Rowe took the Petri dish and carried it carefully over to the incubator where she had several other tests in progress. She slipped it on the metal plate and checked the temperature of the unit. 37 degrees Celsius, just where she needed it. The perfect body temperature, a perfect environment for the cells to thrive.

She closed and locked the incubator before she cleaned up her workspace. She carefully sealed a specimen container before she walked over to the refrigerator and placed the small jar inside with other specimens she’d collected. Abigail then sprayed down the counter generously and wiped it down before she finally moved to the sink where she removed her gloves and washed her hands. She stepped from the lab and walked down the hallway. She reached up and pulled the tight hair tie from her hair and ran her fingers through it carefully, allowing the strands to fall down.

“Dr. Rowe.” A man smiled as he walked up to her, he was clean shaven with dark almost black hair and dark eyes to match. He smiled to her. “Would you like to get that coffee tonight?” He asked as he walked with her down the hallway.

Abigail offered a friendly smile to him, a flawless smile. One that drew in such attention as she was getting now. Though, she didn’t wear a wedding band upon her finger. She didn’t have a significant other, her relationship was her work. “Dr. Pierce....” She began.

“I told you, you can call me Robert...” He smiled a bit more then as they stopped in front of her office.

Abigail gave another smile, “Robert.” She breathed, her eyes caught his a long moment. “There’s this thing...”

Dr. Pierce lowered his eyes from her. She turned him down constantly. No matter how many times he asked. He didn’t understand it. “I’m sorry, Abigail.” He spoke and looked away, making to leave.

“No....” She reached up and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Robert, I have this thing on Friday nights.” She spoke, “Sometimes on Tuesdays.” She thought a moment. “Sometimes I have this thing after work most nights of the week.” She chuckled and shook her head. “I get so busy with my work, sometimes I’m just too tired.” Her hand fell from his shoulder as she scanned her badge to enter her office. “Tomorrow?” She asked as she looked to him.

His eyes lit up, “R-really?” He cleared his throat, she’d never given him a chance before. “Oh...um...” He chuckled slightly, clearly nervous, his cheeks turned slightly pink. “Okay, t-tomorrow at Java House say....8pm?” He questioned with a grin.

Abigail gave a warm smile as she pushed the door open to her office. “That sounds, nice Robert. Tomorrow. You have my number, send me the address. I’ll be there.” She then slipped into her office. Abigail slipped her lab coat off and hung it on the back of her chair. Beneath her coat she wore a dark green blouse that caused the color of her eyes to pop. She winced slightly and looked to her arm. Her forearm had dark bruising on it, bruising that was in the middle of healing. She placed her fingers over the marks, it was the perfect mark of a grab. 4 pressure points where fingers had dug into her arm to tug her down. A chuckle came over her lips as she pressed on the bruise slightly.

Abigail sat down at her computer then and logged on. She began typing up a few documents. Noting what findings she’d made during the day. She placed headphones over her ears and turned the volume up, her head bobbed slightly to the music as she lost herself in the report. So much that she didn’t notice when Robert walked into the room. She was so focused on the report that it wasn’t until she felt the looming presence over her that she looked up. She could see his lips move, his eyes widened slightly, he was staring to the dark modeled bruise upon her arm. Abigail bit her lip slightly as she pulled the headphones away.

“Who did that to you?!” Robert exclaimed.

Abigail took in a breath, “Robert...”

“Who did that, Abbie?” He asked as he stepped over. He reached for her arm but she retracted it.

Abigail logged off of her computer and she quickly pulled on her winter jacket as she looked to the time. She gave a soft smile. “Robert I have to go. I’m going to be late.” She rushed from the room then, leaving him standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face.


“A winter storm advisory is in place for the metropolitan area. Authorities are urging residents to stay home in these hazardous conditions.” Abigail stood in her kitchen, a shaker bottle in hand. She stood in a tight fitting black tank top and a pair of tight fitting red shorts. She had a bruise on her thigh just above her knee, a scrape on her right knee. Her body was riddled with bruises...

She looked outside as the snow pummeled the city. “I’m not going to be late.” She muttered to herself as she set the shaker in the sink. She moved through her large home. Everything had its place. She had books that were alphabetized by author. Categorized. Her mind was very much a scientific mind. Her home was spotless. She walked into her bedroom where she grasped her grey jogger pants which she pulled on. They were loose fitting with a thick waistband. She then slipped on her running shoes. Abigail pulled on her black hoodie and then grasped her beanie from her dresser and she wrapped a hair tie around her wrist before she grabbed her backpack. She rushed through her home and clicked the television off as the weatherman continued to caution residents about the weather.

Abigail rushed into her garage where she climbed into her lifted black jeep. It had a tool fixed onto the front of it, a wench, huge tires. She wasn’t getting stuck in the snow anytime soon. It was equipped with a CB radio inside. Abigail was a doomsday prep. She lifted her eyes as the engine rumbled to life. Alone the wall of her garage she had totes lined and labeled. Food. Water. Weapons. Ammo. It was all neatly organized. She was busy all of the time, she’d turned Robert down because if she wasn’t going to this....engagement that she was headed to now...well she was busy prepping for the end of days.

Abigail pulled from her garage and clicked the remote as she pulled onto the streets. The snow was coming down so thick that it was hard to see. Though, that wouldn't stop her. Especially not tonight.

It took nearly an hour but eventually she made it to the heart of town. She parked on the side of the road and glanced around. The buildings were dark. Downtown wasn’t the friendliest of neighborhoods, but that didn’t really frighten her. She locked up the jeep as she climbed out and she pulled up the hood of her hoodie. She shivered slightly as she shoved her hands into the front pocket and she hurried forward. She rushed into an old abandoned building. She could hear shouting. A grin split her lips. Her heart began to pound within her chest with anticipation.

Abigail rushed down the stairs to the packed basement that was lit brightly. She heard the sweet sound of flesh on flesh contact. She poked head about, trying to see who was fighting. She caught a glimpse of one of the fighters she knew well, his fist slammed into the jaw of a man knocking him to his back and he was on top of him almost instantly. Pummeling him. The crowd went crazy. Abigail cheered as well.

“Abbie!!!” A man came up to her and kissed her cheek. “Hey there doll.” He had blood running down the side of his face. “I was afraid you weren’t going to come tonight.” He chuckled as he lit a cigarette and puffed it a few times. “You ready?” He asked with a smile. “I’ll put you in, if you’re ready.”

“Oh I’m ready.” Abigail chuckled and pushed his chest playfully. She was a completely different person here. She could be herself. She could relax. She could let out her pent up energy. She slipped her backpack from her back and pulled her hoodie off and then stepped from her sweatpants before she stuffed them into the bag. “But the real question is, is my opponent ready, Ty?” She grinned wildly then. She deserved to have such a large ego, she didn’t lose, generally speaking. She was smaller than most of the men that came to the underground fighting ring, so her movements were faster. This gave her an advantage.

Ty grinned as he watched her. He took her backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “I’m not sure anyone is ready to tackle you.” He winked to her before he turned and headed into the ring. “Alright ladies and gents.” He puffed on the cigarette. He glanced around the room. “Let’s bring in one of our favorite acts, huh?” He took a long drag of the cigarette and allowed the smoke to filter out of his lips. “Abigail get in here.” He called. The crowd began to cheer.

Abigail stepped forward. She kicked her shoes off at the edge of the circle that the group had made. She lifted her tank top from her body revealing her rather sculpted fit frame. She had a few more bruises upon her body from the fights a few nights ago. But, that wouldn’t hold her back. It never did. She stepped forward as they chanted her name a chuckle came over her lips. She lived for this. She lived for the feeling of fighting before the crowd. The pain of the impact of each punch that was landed upon her body. It was the only exhilarating thing that she did.

Ty grinned to her as he flicked his cigarette to the side. “Alright, who’s up....” He scanned the crowd. A few of the men adverted their eyes, they had been beaten by her before. He pointed then. “You.” He chuckled as he pointed to a newcomer. “Why don’t you fight? You look eager.”

The man stepped forward, he wasn’t much larger than Abigail. It would make for a challenge for her. He stripped himself of his clothing until he stood in just shorts before her. Abigail smiled to him. “May the best fighter win.” She bumped her fist into his, a wicked smile upon her lips. He lunged forward as soon as the fight commenced. Wrong move. Abigail calculated his movement quickly, she dodged to the side and brought her elbow harshly into his back knocking him to his face on the floor. She grappled him, her legs wrapped around him and her fists caught his jaw. He shoved her off after a few punches. Abigail stumbled back and chuckled a grin on her lips. This was all a game for her. This is why Ty liked her so much. Only a few of the fighters were like Abigail. Only a few wanted to be beaten until they could barely walk.

It was fight after fight. Abigail won. Swiftly. She’d play the game with the men before she would take them down. The night was wearing thin, she’d been in 3 fights already that evening. She had a cut on her ribcage that bled slightly from a strike that a man had landed on her. The evening was beginning to wind down as Abigail drank from her bottle of water. She had a wad of cash from her winnings. It was shoved into her backpack for safe keeping. She’d leave soon, only a few more fights and the night would be over, she figured she was done for the evening though.

“Abigail.” A man stood in the ring. The crowd grew silent as their eyes looked to him. He was a newcomer. Someone who hadn’t fought before.

Ty chuckled as he stood next to him in the ring. “Really man?” He questioned. He glanced to Abigail whom made her way into the ring. “You want to get beaten down so easily?” He looked to the man and snickered.

The man stood a head and a half taller than Abigail, her head came up to his chest. His muscles were sculpted. He had dark hair that was well kept and a beard that looked as if he’d just gone to a barber shop. He didn’t have a scratch on him. He hadn’t fought at all tonight. He grinned as he looked to Abigail. “I think I have a shot.” He spoke, his eyes wicked as he looked to her. His eyes had a darkness to them, one that she’d never seen before.

Abigail stepped forward. She looked to Ty whom seemed slightly worried about this contender, he knew she was tired. “Alright, if you wish to fight me.” She lifted her fist which had dried blood on it from her last fight. “Then let’s fight, shall we?” She grinned to him.

Ty chuckled and cheered, this caused all the others in the room to cheers wildly. “Alright then let’s have a fight!!” He shouted over the crowd as he ran from the ring to the edge.

Abigail bumped her fist with the stranger. He didn’t waste a second. His fist hooked into her rib harshly. She didn’t have a second to move before he hooked her again. The same spot. A place she was already injured. She buckled slightly, gasping. She was sure she’d felt a snap in her side. Abigail blocked his next punch. She wasn’t going to give in this easily. She brought her knee up into his ribs and she spun quickly, her foot lifted high as she jumped and it contacted with the side of his head. The crowd roared in response.

The man stumbled and came at her quickly. He tackled her to the ground and threw a punch, hitting the side of her head, her jaw. Blood splattered on the floor. Abigail let out a yelp. She usually wasn’t this easy to pin. She fought against him, gripping onto him. Holding him, keeping him from throwing another punch. She managed to grapple him to his back where she postured up and threw a punch before he caught her in her ribs again. She felt the air stolen from her lungs as she buckled against him, her breaths shuddered. “Fuck....” She spoke through bloody teeth. She brought her fist against the side of his head as she kept her body low against his. She didn’t want to give him any openings. They remained like this on the floor for several minutes. Abigail was breathing heavily before she finally broke away from his hold. She staggered back, her hand on her side.

The man snickered as he popped his neck. “Had enough?” He questioned as he watched her, her smile truly devilish.

Abigail spit blood to the ground and chuckled with a bloody smile. “I’m just getting started.” She breathed as she rushed forward. She dodged to the side then as he threw a punch. She climbed onto his back quickly, her arm wrapped around his neck and she pulled tight. She held her arm there as his face began to turn red. Soon enough he fell to his knees. She didn’t let up. Abigail wasn’t going to release him until he was unconscious. He reached up and ripped her from his back. He slammed her on the ground and then he stood and swiftly kicked the side of her head.

Darkness followed.

“Abbie!” A foggy voice sounded. It was familiar. Her body felt heavy. “Abbie get up!”

Abigail’s eyes fluttered open as she felt herself lifted from the ground, she could feel blood leak from her nose. She blinked a few times as she found herself staring into the eyes of the stranger. He grinned, he was preparing to hit her again. She made a swift move then, her knee connected with his groin. He dropped her and she fell to her back on the ground as he fell to his knees groaning. Abigail took in quick breaths, her ears were ringing. She’d never been hit so hard. She staggered to her feet. She held her side as she looked to him, he was still crumpled forward holding himself. She rushed forward and brought her foot to the side of his head. The man toppled over to his side, his body limp.

Ty rushed into the ring and lifted her hand up. “Would you look at that!” The crowd cheered. He glanced to the man that still lay unconscious on the floor. “I thought you were going to loose.” He muttered to her. “You would have owed me a shit ton of money, Abbie.” He kissed her cheek then and hugged her. “You okay?”

Abigail brushed a bit of blood from her lip and grinned, “I’m great.” She chuckled weakly. She allowed him to help her from the ring then. She pulled her hoodie on. “I’m done for the night.” She spoke and nodded as she looked to the time. It was nearly 2 in the morning by then.

“You’re going to need a bit of make-up on Monday.” Ty chuckled as he brushed his thumb over one of her bruises. “Here.” He pulled cash from his pocket. “Yours.” He smiled.

Abigail shoved it back at him. “Keep it, Ty.” She stepped into her sweatpants and tied her shoes on. “I won enough tonight.” She chuckled as she held her side. Her body hurt. She’d never hurt this much. That last fight had truly done her in for the evening. She glanced around at the others as they began to disburse for the night.

“Have a good night, Abbie.” Ty smiled as he ran off, he lit up another cigarette.

Abigail glanced through the crowd. The man she’d faced was no where to be found. She shrugged slightly as she pulled on her beanie and she lifted her hood over her head. She rushed up the stairs as she shoved her hands into the pocket of her hoodie. She walked through the thick snow, the silence of the night was welcoming. The thought of her warm bed at home was another welcomed thought. Though that thought was broken when something metal collided with her side. She gasped as she was knocked into the snow. She let out a yelp as she fell, her hand gripped her side. The same place that the man had hit her several times. Her eyes looked up to find his dark eyes looking down at her. “What you didn’t get enough?” She asked, her voice angry. “What the fuck man?” She pushed herself up.

The man didn’t speak back as he quickly shoved her against the brick wall, a chuckle came over his lips. “No, fighting you isn’t enough. If you only knew what you are.” He spoke with a smirk. “That’s okay, it’s better this way. You’ve no choice.”

Abigail struggled against his tight hold. She slammed her fist into him. “Let me go man! We only fight in the club!” She cried. That was rule of the underground ring. No fights outside. Don’t take it out of the ring. Even if you lose. “Get off of me.” She shoved against him.

The man snickered, though he didn’t reply as pressed the barrel of a pistol to her throat, it was aimed upward toward her head. “You still want to fight against me?” He questioned. Abigail struggled and managed to knee him. The man growled and he brought the butt of the pistol against her head.

Abigail’s vision faded then. Her breathing shuddered as she felt her body fall loosely into the cold snow. She tried to speak. She tried to move as she felt his hand grip the back of her hoodie and jerk her upward quickly. She couldn’t move. Her eyes fluttered as she fought to remain conscious...

So if you made it through that, or even part of it and you like it...Let me know. We can toss some ideas around. Create a world and some characters and have some fun and adventure!

Also, if you made it to the end of my request thread, thanks for having a look and I'll give you a swift pat on the back for making it this far! I hope to hear back soon and I look forward to writing with you guys!

If you're looking still, I'd be open to discussion on anything you're really interested in doing. Still a bit early in the morning for me to be spouting ideas, but I am pretty good at coming up with things when I'm not dead tired.

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