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Multiple Settings looking for advanced literate partners ♡


New Member
hey, i'm esmé.
i'm pretty new to this site and still not one hundred percent sure of how it works, but i'm really keen to meet some literate, long term partners to roleplay with, so if you think we'd get along please feel free to message me (:

◌ i'm 17, currently studying at college but finished for the summer so i'm generally very active (though i do work so will be busy at certain times)
◌ i consider myself to be an advanced literate with 5+ years experience roleplaying (don't be put off by the lower case writing - i promise it's purely aesthetic and won't be used in any actual roleplay)
◌ expanding upon this, I tend to enjoy detailed and lengthy responses, so preferably multiple paragraphs where possible
◌ i write pretty much exclusively in third person past tense
◌ i'm from england, so am in the gmt timezone (however when i get invested in something, i'm more than happy to stay up into the early hours of the morning to accommodate time differences haha)
◌ i play as female and typically prefer mxf pairings, though i'm open to fxf and also willing to play as male if we double up
◌ i'm open to pretty much anything plot-wise, though I generally lean towards darker/ edgier genres such as horror or crime (i have tonnes of potential plot ideas but prefer to do most of the detail development with a partner)

◌ while i do love romance, i prefer that it develops naturally within the roleplay instead of being a core, forced element of the plot
Hi! Ii'm Tabby, I'm 19 and have 7 years of rp experience under my belt. I live in the EST time zone and can usually guarantee a reply a day. I'm totally interested in doubling up, and I have a few plots in mind if you're interested.
cool (: i'd be more than happy to double up - i'd love to hear your plot ideas.

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