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Fantasy Looking For Active Partner!!!!!!! Dojo



Hello! Once again... haha. So I did post a sort of plot, or rather an idea like this not long ago, but decided to make a real plot and some backstory. I think this way its far more interesting...
I am looking for someone who will be active and hopefully post multiple times a day. I deffinetly prefer quality over quantity, so dont worry too much about the lenght of the post. It would be nice if you used good grammar and all that...
Please massage me or comment if you are interested in this. Feel free to change anything you like, Im open to suggestions. The plot of the story isnt planned out, as i like to take it as it goes, with plot twist we havent discussed too much and bla bla bla... makes it more interesting!

So, my plan or idea was that maybe they could be paired up to fight against eachother so the masters would see what level he was on. After the fight she could be instructed to show him around and she would start liking him as a friend, even if he would be closed off or mean. She would continue hanging around and all that till they actually did grow a little closer. They could be paired up more and more, going on little training missions together and all that.

I have nothing against this becoming something romantic, but I would like that to happen over time. :bishiesparklesl:<3:bishiesparklesl:


So... I have a few pictures of the area and the masters (the ones that train the students) Just to get the imagination going!

Main mountain (everything exept the healing valley, air, water and earth temple are located on the top of the mountain):Main mountain.jpg

Main training grounds (this is where the hand to hand combat and melee training happens. Master Tokuda Shiro and Master Sumida also live in oe of the buildings.):Main training ground.jpg

Main hall/dining hall/weaponry (this is where students spend time together, relax, eat or store weapons):Main house, dining hall, weaponry.jpg

Student quarters (this is where students sleep and keep their belongings, though most of the time they only return in the evening. One house has multiple small rooms):student quarters.jpg

Earth temple (This is where all earth magic will be taught. Also a good place to pray and meditate. Master Iori lives in the temple): Real earth temple.jpg

Water and air temple (All water and air magic will be taught here, water and air share the same temples as the master teaches both. It is located by the foot of the main mountain. Master Baisho Bakin lives in the temple):
Water, Air temple.jpg

Fire temple (This is where all fire magic will be taught. It is located on an overhang of the main mountain. Master Otsuka lives in the fire temple):fire temple.jpg

Healing Valley (this is a seperated area, where students go to if they need to regain energy from fights, heal from injuries, or pray for ancestors. Healing is also being taught to some. Master Kuse lives in the temple that this valley holds);Healing valley.jpg

Master Tokuda Shiro/blade master: Master Tokuda Shiro.jpg

Master Kuse/healer: Master Kuse.jpg

Master Baisho Bakin/ air/water master: Master Baisho Bakin.jpg

Master Iori/earth master: Master Iori.jpg

Master Sumida/combat master: Master Suida.jpg

Master Otsuka/fire master: Master Otsuka.jpg

So! Now that i have fully bored you out with this it actually time for the plot! :3D::3D::3D:

Little backstory​

The Naymeda Rise was once one of the greatest training facilities in the whole of Asia. Thousands of the greatest students picked out to train under the supervision of the famous maters, to become the saviors if the threatening war really came upon them. There were six main groups; the water students, the earth students, the fire students, the air students, the weapon students and the combat students. Before, each category had five masters to make sure each student was getting better and not misusing their abilities while accepting every race.

However, the predicted war did break out and everything went down with it. The earlier students fought until the usually green fields were now mountains of mangled bodies, and the crystal clear rivers ran red with blood. Legend says that the mountains of the dead are still there now covered in a layer of stone, but if you listen closely, you will be able to hear the souls banging on the mountain walls, unable to reconnect with their ancestors in the kingdom of the dead, where never-ending peace would wash them away. No one knows who won the battle. Maybe it was no one, simply too many died for the battle to continue, and the conflict faded away.

There were a few survivors. They returned to the Naymeda Rise, but it was a ghost town. All the masters had sacrificed themselves to reach the peace everyone wanted. The survivors were six students. Some older, some younger, but all trained by different masters.

Tokuda, one of the best at melee duels and one of the favorite students took over the position of the blade master, continuing to train and perfect his skills, to maybe one-day take in his own students.

Baisho Bakin was only a kid when the great war broke out, but his talent was not comparable to his age. He was an extraordinary kid, his body finding the balance to control both water and air, something only the oldest masters had managed. He got away from the main clash and followed the others back to the temple. He was too young to be a master, so through the years he kept training, his skills growing even more till he got older, becoming a water and air master.

Iori was a healer in the war, but one the enemy attacked the infirmary something in him sparked. Most say that ones powers get unlocked and let loose in times of need. Maybe this is exactly what happened? Iori saved one other student and himself, and with the new power he escaped like the others. Taking the place of the earth master and learning to control his powers.

Simuda was in on one of the first attacks, getting to the front and holding the enemy back and giving the others some time to attack with a bigger force. He was taken down, and left on the battleground to bleed, but a healer had swept through the grounds, taking in the ones that were still alive before the next clash. Simuda didn’t remember much after being taken into the infirmary, but only a few weeks later he was back at the mountain, his wounds still healing. He, like the others continued training, and once old enough and in good condition became the master of combat.

Otsuka and Kuse were sent back to the mountain in the middle of the war, their mission to get a collection of old scrolls from the healing valley, as the old writings held spells of healing men in battle. Once there they found the scrolls decayed into dust, too fragile to be picked up, or even opened. Before they could set out back to the war grounds four of the other students had returned, bringing the horrific news. Kuse, completely broken by what was happening stayed in the healing valley, digging up scrolls and memorizing everything, in case this would all happen again. Maybe then he wouldn’t be late and things would turn out better? Otsuka went back to the fire temple, praying to the gods and giving his best to train and prove to his ancestors that he was worth something. Over time as the others took over the master titles, so did he, and soon enough all the slots were filled.

With some time the mountain started taking in students, not nearly as many as before, but it was amazing to see the place being used for it is intended for. The amount of students changed through the years, growing and dropping, as the masters remained the same. More and more students starting to study and train with more than one master.


Okuda woke up early as always. Not that she had a choice anyways. The elders would walk around with the drums till you rolled out of the mattress or went crazy. The sun shined brightly though the paper walls, casting strange shadow gradients over the small room. Today was far more exiting though, and Okuda found some motivation to sit up and get dressed, even though her whole body was aching from getting a pretty good beating in Master Sumida’s lesion.

A new student was supposed to start. And that was a pretty big deal here as there were only about three hundred now. The numbers having dropped this year once again. Many people spoke about it. She had heard that the student had trained in other facilities and was talented. It was rare to get a new student in the middle of the year and even rarer to get one that has experience.

She dressed in the white and black uniform like outfit, tying her hair and making herself look presentable. The uniform indicating that she would have to go through another one of Sumida’s classes. She tied a black scarf around her waist so it would hold the white outfit in place, and show others that she was of a higher rank. The newer students having white or grey scarves. Sliding the bamboo door open she took in the sun shining down on the mountain. It would be another warm day.

Closing the slide doors behind her, she made her way down the stairs and to the main training field. Her eyes were discretely scanning the area for the new student. She was curios, maybe it was in her race or simply a feature that she had.

Aaaaaaand thats it!​


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