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Multiple Settings Looking for a whump/angst rp partner!


Call me Kaci! Come yell at me about fandoms!
Hiya! I'm Kaci, or Kitty is fine too.
She/her or they/them is fine with me. I'm also 17 years old, so a minor, and if that makes you uncomfortable to rp with me that's fine!

I'm looking for someone that also enjoys making their characters :bishiesparklesl: suffer :bishiesparklesr: lmao

if yall know the term whump then please hmu ive got a whumpee boy whom i love very much and i really want to take him for a spin ;)) preferably with a whumper

I'm looking for something in a modern-ish setting? The time span can go anywhere from the early 1900s to current day, and the world has fantasy/vague sci-fi elements, including but not limited to non-human characters such as fae, demons, kitsune, shifters, ability users, etc (my boy is in fact a half-demon), freedom of creativity for weaponry/technology within reason, and a variety of sketchy organizations. To be honest though, if you have a preference for a world, my boy is a fairly catch-all character and I can insert him wherever! :))

As I said, I'm in the mood to make my boy's life even more painful emotionally and physically so this would be featuring some less than pleasant scenes and potentially uncomfortable topics, probably, so if you're still interested let me know if you have anything you can't see and we can make sure to steer clear of that!

pm me and I can tell you more about my kiddo, and we can discuss a plot!
Hiya! I'm Kaci, or Kitty is fine too.
She/her or they/them is fine with me. I'm also 17 years old, so a minor, and if that makes you uncomfortable to rp with me that's fine!

I'm looking for someone that also enjoys making their characters :bishiesparklesl: suffer :bishiesparklesr: lmao

if yall know the term whump then please hmu ive got a whumpee boy whom i love very much and i really want to take him for a spin ;)) preferably with a whumper

I'm looking for something in a modern-ish setting? The time span can go anywhere from the early 1900s to current day, and the world has fantasy/vague sci-fi elements, including but not limited to non-human characters such as fae, demons, kitsune, shifters, ability users, etc (my boy is in fact a half-demon), freedom of creativity for weaponry/technology within reason, and a variety of sketchy organizations. To be honest though, if you have a preference for a world, my boy is a fairly catch-all character and I can insert him wherever! :))

As I said, I'm in the mood to make my boy's life even more painful emotionally and physically so this would be featuring some less than pleasant scenes and potentially uncomfortable topics, probably, so if you're still interested let me know if you have anything you can't see and we can make sure to steer clear of that!

pm me and I can tell you more about my kiddo, and we can discuss a plot!
Hello! I don't know if you are still available but I would love to whump roleplay

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