Looking for a touch of realism :)


Queen of Stydia Trash
I'm really just looking for a realistic roleplay. Something drama or action packed with an even level of romance :) Below are some of the things I expect from a roleplay partner :)

»I post around 1-4 paragraphs per reply depending on how much I'm given to work with. With that being said, please refrain from one or two liners for the sake of keeping the roleplay going!

»I'm fond of good grammar and I'd really like for my partner to be as well. A couple of misspelled words here and there is no big deal but not every other word.

»I will play as a male in one RP if you do the same for me in another. I'll also double up on characters. If you're a male and have read the rest of this post, just go ahead and reply if interested.

»Try to reply at least once or twice a day. If you can't, at leastshoot for every few days as I will try to do the same. Sometimes I experience writers block, it happens. I also understand that we all have normal lives outside of RPnation so if you'll be busy, just send me a message letting me know if you'll be unable to reply for a while :)

»Real face claims only, please and thank you. I like anime but I don't like roleplaying as anime characters.

»I'm open to new plot ideas and I'm willing to brainstorm so throw your ideas my way and I'll tell you if I'm interested or not.

»It's not realistic, but I'm craving a Teen Wolf RP if someone wants to take the male role in that :3

»TW Pairings








Well, if you're interested reply or send me a message :)

*Udpated July 17th, 2014
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