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Looking for a small Test and Development team


Well earlier I asked for some advice from DMs, now I'm looking for a small group to well, test on and get feed back on systems and such. I'm working with a friend to "Format" Final Fantasy X (10) to a more DnD hybrid system for table top, or in this case forms and other internet means. Please note I mostly have no idea what I'm doing. I am looking for DMs and PCs to work with. If you have Discord and or Line that will be a big help.
Hay thanks :D I'm at work most of the day but I do work on stuff slowly though out the day. I haven't heard from my friend today when I get some feed back from him ill post an update here!
Well if there are no objections, I'd like to give the Summoner a whirl. Sounds like an interesting way to play a character, and I like interesting things.
I haven't any and my friend sorta doesn't wanna be a summoner on the first go either problem is I have no experience DMing so it'll be a bit awkward also waiting on things to happen so ill add you on discord when I get home and hopefully work from there
I have a quick break at the moment from teaching. I'll add you to discord as soon as the moment presents itself. Long day already. 
Don't worry about DMing. It can seem daunting, but once you get the hang of it, it's easier as time progresses. If you need help with understanding the basics of running a game don't be afraid to ask. I've run many a game and D&D is in my blood. I skipped 4th though as it is an abomination in the eyes of both men and gods. I went with Pathfinder that particular generation. I'm back at 5th, and it's better now. Though a special place in my heart goes to other games. 7th Sea, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Paranoia, L5R. All those will live on in me forever. Though try running a game of any of those on here. It's like pulling chicken teeth. I tried but only got nibbles. 
so I'm going to bed now and I forgot the update so here

Final Fantasy X Alternative Universe D&D (Rule Set)

The fight against Sin and Sin Spawn.

Each party must have a summoner. While this doesn't mean they have to fight or play blitz, the summoner must be an active element to defeat Sin. If your summoner dies the chances of defeating Sin is slim.


Humans: Well balanced mix of skills making up the vast majority of Spira.

[Stat boost]

Same as DnD counterpart

Al Bhed: Typically frowned upon for their use of machina, but years of working with machines have made them very smart and great with their hands.

[Stat boost]

Same as above knowledge of the language and common machina and advanced machina

Guado: Highly skilled in the arts of the arcane, this group of higher beings bring forth great magics to the battle, typically overlooking the field as a tactician. Their proximity to the Farplane permits a keen sense capable of detecting the dead, and can even summon fiends to fight for them.

[Stat boost]

Ronso: Tribal beings dwelling on Mt. Gagazet. Each one packs great strength of many men, though they are not often considered intellectual types. This is, of course, purely dependent on the individual, though the stereotype is not entirely lacking in merit.

[Stat boost]

CON + 2

INT, CHR - 2

Hypello: Amphibious species dwelling primarily at the Moonflow river, operating the shoopuf transportation business. Though remarkably quick in water, the Hypellos are generally laid back and lackadaisical.

Aeons only recover when the summoner successfully receives a long rest.

Followers of Yevon typically shun the use of machina and the Al Bhed for their use of machina. This mindset dwindles with the less devout, such as many Crusaders, who occasionally utilize machina weapons.

GEAR: Due to the traveling involved in the summoner’s pilgrimage, the equipment of the summoner and their guardians usually consist of a weapon and a light defensive armor piece.


Characters still follow their class roles as guidance to "Change" classes the PC must drift far off the sphere grid recommended path why there are no negatives to said event classes offer a variety of grid bonuses.


Ga - Cast on Group

Ra - More powerful version

Auto - Self-cast
















Dark Attack













Warrior (WAR): Basic melee combatant.

        Skills: Provoke

White Mage(WHM): Mana healers

        Skills: Pray

Black Mage (BLM): Mana damage dealers

        Skills: Focus

Red Mage (RDM): jack of all trades

        Skills: Jinx

Blue Mage (BLU): Ronso class; employ Lancet to steal enemy powers.

        Skills: Lancet

Thief (THF): Ability and dex heavy melee class.

        Skills: Steal, Flee

Ninja (NIN): Evasion tank Fast Attacks

        Skills: Reflex, Shadows

Crusader (CRD): Versatile combatant; can use machina, melee, and chocobo mount

        Skills: 2d3 on def/att on sinspawn enemies

Machinist (MHC): Machina weapon purist; bonus against machina enemies; uses Mix.

        Skills: Delay Attack, 1d4 Machina based enemies

Blitzer (BTZ): Fights with blitzball, ranged physical combatant; status spells.

        Skills: Luck

Warrior Monk (WRM): Heavy melee combatant; debuffs enemies.


Guardian (GDN)(Race Lock): Guado combatant; fast, heavy emphasis on magic; fiend summoner.

        Skills: Fiend Summon

SMN: Naturally weak combatants; summons Aeons as avatars.

        Skills: Summon, Pray

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