Looking for a RP partner


Hi! I'm still kinda new to this site. I've never RPed before and I'm looking for a RP partner. I don't have any preferences for an RP. Anyone interested?
I know you were already asked to move this into a different forum, but I'd be interested to write with you if you like. I'm very openminded about plot and will not expect you to write huge paragraphs - as long as it's fun for us, I'm good.

It would be the first time posting on this site for me, so I have a lot to learn about formatting here.
Catatronic said:
I know you were already asked to move this into a different forum, but I'd be interested to write with you if you like. I'm very openminded about plot and will not expect you to write huge paragraphs - as long as it's fun for us, I'm good.
It would be the first time posting on this site for me, so I have a lot to learn about formatting here.
of course. I'm new with formatting and stuff too.

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