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Multiple Settings Looking for a RomCom type rp partner :D


A Very Starving Now Graduated Artist
Hello! Skye again! I'm a 22 something Drawing and Painting student in her junior year of college. This year is going to the busiest yet since I will be working my literal ass off not only promoting my personal work/commissions but also taking on a real job to save up for my own place. That being said I am pretty active on this site and I'm always on the lookout for really good role plays and partners!

Also, I'm currently watching paint dry so....

I am currently looking to add just one more partner to my list! I tend to keep three active role plays and I am doing two with my current partner that are awesome! My heart just needs one more xD I'm really wanting a generic life kind of roleplay, either in a school setting (though it would be around a college setting) or something else.

My Rules:

1. Please no one liners if you can avoid it, I like good LITERATE paragraphs, I personally try to do at least 2-3 with dialogue between them, just to keep the roleplay going. Though I do understand if the plot seems to be thinning a bit or the lack of creativity. I myself have trouble with grammar at times but I at least try my best to improve my writing skills. Also if you see a mistake please tell me...I'll fix it immediately!

2. I really can only play females (currently still learning how to do the male role) and am mostly interested in MxF if it will be a romantic rp, I can do MxM as well or we can double, otherwise feel free to be whatever gender you want!

3. I would love to have someone who can post more than once a day or once a week, I know lives can get busy but I have found myself always on this site even if no one has replied to my current ongoing roleplays. :) My life will get busy at times and I can usually tell you when I won't be able to reply. If I don't and it's been a few days feel free to poke me!

4. If you want to do character sheets that's cool, but I really like to start my rps off not knowing anything about the characters (sorta like in a story) and developing them as the story goes along.

5. While that being said, I would like to have some idea of a plot just so we won't get lost and always have a path to go back to if we do. We can also keep up a conversation on the side to discuss where we want to take the story. (Or just general chatter :P)

6. PM role play is what I do most of the time, but I can also do threads or e-mail/skype. Whatever you prefer!

7. Adding this to clear up one thing...I do NOT do smutty roleplay! Not even on other platforms so do NOT ask for it. If our characters happen to get to that point let the scene fade and come back AFTER! I want a story people not another porn novel...

Make it this far and like what you are reading? Cool! Let's make an ice breaker for that PM shall we and how about you tell me your all time favorite artist and piece!
Mine is (haha) Van Gogh and his Starry Night.
Even more so after we covered him in my art history class this summer :)

'Plot ideas' :
Really these are just worlds I would enjoy making and playing characters in! We can make a plot together!!

Bold means I really want to do one!

(Note: I don't enjoy playing characters already set up by these worlds. I feel like I am stealing them if I do that so all characters will be original and by us during these roleplays!)

Modern Day RomCom?
Harry Potter inspired rp

Eragon Inspired
Skyrim inspired
Modern Day Supernatural (not the show)
(I have a demon-esc character I enjoy using :3 She's written below in the spoilers should you be interested. I'm also craving something vampiry for some reason...Or a stranger things type of roleplay since I change up how powerful she is all the time xD)
15th century supernatural (same as above)[/B]
Avatar the last airbender inspired
My Little Pony inspired
(Because why not?? I was thinking something like slice of life for this one)

*If you can somehow mix some of these that would be awesome!*

If you have an rp idea you really want to do let me know!

Here are a few snippets to give you a sense of my writing style.

(Two bits from this rp :) )

~Rise all powerful beast from the underworld~

A dark figure hunched over a circle drawn hastily in chalk, blood splattered around the form, pooling in the center mass of the circle. The figure raised up both arms, both palms split open from middle finger down to the wrist. The figure held its hands over the pooled blood, fisting them together and squeezing till more blood dripped out. Ripples danced across the blood though not from the source of the dripping blood from the figures hands, the ripples were moving into the center of the pool. Slowly at first then speeding up, a large bubble forming where the ripples met.

~Rise and meet your new master~

The bubble grew, shifted. Slowly a new figure formed. The body of a girl, seated with her knees pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped around them formed from the sphere of blood until it seeped into her skin, leaving her to sit before the dark figure before her. More blood rose, gliding over her body to form rags of cloth as she slowly lifted her head. Golden glowing cat eyes meeting frightened dark brown. He lips lifted in a small smirk.

"I have no master...." The girl said, getting to her feet slowly. Dark blue hair falling over her shoulder, long ears of the same cover flipping back to lay flat on her head as she snarled. A long tail thrashing behind her. "How dare you wake me from my slumber you rat..."

The dark figure scrambled back, holding up both palms to show her his sacrifice. "I called you! I summoned you to do my bidding! I paid!"

The girl laughed, taking a step from the pool of blood then another out of the cirl leaving bloodied footprints in her path. "And for that I thank you...but you still have a debt...You are a fool to summon me on your own and a pitiful sacrifice like this isn't enough payment...for that I'll take your life...a soul like yours should be enough...though just barely..."

The figure backed up his breath coming in huge sobs as he cried for mercy. The girl laughed again, going into a crouch. He brought his hands up again as she let out a snarl and pounced on top of him, sinking her jaws into his neck and snapping it in two in one swift bite.


The demon's ears twitched, flipping forward a bit before resting back against her hair. Indeed, she had felt how powerful this world's Lady was, or the hopes of those who believed in such things. She watched the Priest impressed by how well he kept his composure.

Her mouth spread in another smirk and she let out a laughed, throwing her head back, hair falling off her shoulders. "Oh....for once you can trust a demon to speak the truth...No, I've never faced a real priest...or any priest before." She shrugged, tail twisting around to rest on her feet once more, the tip twitching with annoyance. "But there is always a first time...for you last I suppose since I can smell that you've never really faced a demon like mebefore..."

Those eyes narrowed a bit, he could still cause her a great deal of pain and with the state she was in he may even had a slight chance of killing her. Slight. She could feel she didn't have her full strength, and had already tested the rust scented air around them with no results. She was powerless in this world, or just a bit. Something had cut her off of her true power, sealed it. The demon lifted her upper lip in a small snarl, she would be forced to draw on her strength and sheer speed only in this fight, unable to call on her beloved air for assistance.

"You are truly a pitiful human...For a Priest should know what the identity of a Demon is just by sight instead of stooping so low to ask for it...your carpenter buddy knew or, if I'm honest again, knew what to ask for..." She dropped her arm down to her side, rolling her shoulder a bit.

"His daughter has been taken you see...And no one in this town would listen to the poor man when he told them who had taken her...so he called me..." She brought a hand up to her heart, sticking out her bottom lip and looked up at the Priest again with sad eyes. "Please...Please find my daughter and slay those who took her...I beg of you..." The demon spoke, mimicking the man pleading voice almost perfectly before she threw back her head in another laugh.

"Oh it was sad really....and annoying...he just kept wailing until I finally woke up just to shut him up..." She smirked, flicking hair over her shoulder, "I'll follow orders of course...but only because I'll get more blood out of it...maybe even the girls...the fool..." The demon laughed once more her tail flicking behind her now.

"Now...if you would do me a favor...and get out of my way...rat..." She said, in a sudden snarl and lept forward. Her form changed, shrinking down as fur ripped from her skin and she let out a snarling growl as claws grew from hands that formed into paws. Her jaws opened as she made for the Preist's neck, the blue furred cat like beast a blur of motion.

(Aftermath after my character jinxed the school bully with a spell that caused flowers to bloom all over his skin xD)

It didn’t take long for the nurse to send for the head of both Slytherin and Hufflepuff houses out to find Mari, and it wasn’t hard to find her. The girl had practically stayed in place, feet planted on the cold stone of the corridor, wand half lifted, and her eyes wide and staring where Isaac had run off. Petals still littered the ground before her.

Never before, to her knowledge, had she lost control of her anger and lashed out at someone for it. Not since she had come to the school. Sure, she had child tantrums that had led to bursts of magic, but that was before she could even think about controlling her magic. It was something every child wizard did. But now she was a fully-fledged witch and had no excuse for what she had just done. As she started to hear foot steps clatter down the hall, she was snapped out of her trance, slowly dropping her wand down to her side.

The heads of houses hurried up, stepping on the petals as they drew nearer. The Hufflepuff head being a short stocky woman in her mid to late sixties, with grey hair sticking out every which way from under a fading yellow wizard hat smushed atop her head. She let out a small sound that was a mix of a huff and a sigh, shaking her head in disappointment.

“Of all the students, you where the last one I would think to do something like this, Mari…” The woman said, putting large hands on her large hips, looking down at the petals.

“She’s just lucky that the jinx only hit the exposed skin and didn’t have time enough to spread inside Issac.” Said the tall slender head of Slytherin. Even his face and hands were long and skinny, the pin striped suit adding to his height.

“Well…lets go, Mari. We need to discuss your punishment. And I suppose go to the hospital wing as well. Your hands are cut up.” The Hufflepuff house waved at the girl to follow.

Mari looked down at her free hand where the bowtruckles had dug their tiny spiked fingers into her flesh. The cuts had since scabbed over but they were red and irritated. She didn’t really want to go, Issac would probably be there whining about his stupid face and she would probably be forced to apologize. But she followed the professors anyway, sticking her wand back into her pocket with a small sigh. The petals swirling away as they walked through them, coming back to rest on the could floor to be swept up later by the many house elves that worked inside the walls of the large castle.


Isaac was fine of course. The school nurse knew what she was doing and by the time Mari had forced out the apology, most of the budding flowers had fallen from his face. Leaving large pockmarks and red splotches all over the exposed skin. He accepted through a hidden smirk, working hard to keep his face in pained lines, though the sensation of the jinx was at best a gentle tickle.

Mari sat now at the other side of the hospital wing, the nurse wrapping that last bit of gauze around her hands. A sickly yellow goo covering the worse of the nicks, the slight irritation already cooling off from the treatment.

Off to another end the two heads of house had their heads down, voices low while they discussed her punishment. The Hufflepuff sending disappointed looks her way, arms now crossed over her bosom while the Slytherin head gestured from Issac to Mari every know and then.

The nurse clipped the wrap into place and straightened, examining her work.

“You’ll do…Come back to me in the morning so I can check the cuts. Should be back to normal by end of day tomorrow.” She gave Mari’s hand a pat along with a small smile.

“I normally wouldn’t say this…but that was a well-placed jinx…the boy has had it coming but try to keep the magic to a minimum ok? Jinxing everyone out of spite usually doesn’t fix the problem.”

Mari tilted her head, unable to meet the gaze of the kind nurse. She gave a small nod and the woman stood up to walk over and check on Issac. Mari looked over at the professors then at the clock over the door leading to the nurse’s office. Her stomach gave a growl when she noticed just how late it was and that she was going to miss dinner if they kept her any longer.

Today just wasn’t going the way she had wanted it to at all. Just her luck.

She looked over at the sound of the Hufflepuff head walking over to the bed she was sitting on. The solemn expression on the woman’s face sending a new wave of shame through Mari. The Slytherin head looked on before turning to walk over to Isaac’s bed.

“We are still discussing your punishment but be prepared to serve it next weekend…that should be time enough for you to heal and get some homework done beforehand…”

“Yes ma’am…” Mari sighed, getting to her feet. The woman was so short that the girl was a good few inches taller than her.

“That’s a good girl…I’ll send you a note on when and where when the professor and I have agreed on one. Now off to dinner with you or you’ll miss it.” And with that the woman waved Mari off, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder as the girl passed by.


Mari stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets as she ducked into the dinning hall, lowering her head to shield her face from a few students starting to make their way out. The large room was still buzzing with noise despite the hour, typical of the Saturday nights in the castle and she noted that her usual spot at the edge of the Hufflepuff table had been taken up by a bunch of chatty second years.

Standing awkwardly in the doorway, Mari looked around, chewing on her lower lip while she searched for a spot. Secluded would be best, so she could eat quickly and go up to her dorm room. The day had been long and now she just wanted it to end. But her eyes fell on a table of familiar faces and she couldn’t help but feel a small surge of happiness to see an open spot next to a tall messy haired boy.

She stepped over, stopping at the empty spot, and mustered up a small shy smile as she looked at the table.

“Hey guys…sorry about ditching earlier….” Mari said, “Mind if I join you? I haven’t eaten since I got back…”

She sat down quickly, lifting her hands from her jacket to tug over a plate as a small buffet materialized before her. Mari began loading the plate with food, reaching over for a bowl of steaming soup.

“What did I miss?”

Welp, there you go! Just comment or PM if you're interested and we can hatch out the details/plot!

Thanks for reading!
I'd be interested in writing a Harry Potter rp! If you're still looking let me know~~
"My Little Pony inspired"

You caught my interest with this part alone.

1- I'll right about as much as you will, so one-liner's aren't a problem.
2- I can play any of the two genders, btu I tend to use males more often.
3- I can post daily, typically several posts a day. I'll mostly adjust to your post frequency.
4- If we were to do an original setting I'd do character sheets, but if we do the MLP one, there's no need for that. I've got plenty of OCs under my belt to use there, and I can also roleplay a few canon characters as well.
5- I love planning out the plot of the RP before starting, so if you're interested, PM me so we can start discussing the plot of our RP.
6- Roleplaying through PMs works for me.
7- Yeah, not only that it's against the rules, but I wouldn't even roleplay that kind of content even if it was allowed. It just makes me uncomfortable.

So yeah, I'm really interested in that My Little Pony inspired RP. However, I could also do a modern day RomCom as well as a second option. PM me if you think I'd be a good roleplaying partner for you. Good day!
I don't know much about paintings, I'm afraid. Can I copy your answer? The Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who's one of my favourites, too, so I have a soft spot for it, but this is probably less about the painting and more about the story (fictional or otherwise!) behind it.

You down to do a simple, lighthearted RomCom-y RP then? Like a single parent and a teacher (or a sub!), that sort of deal?
I don't know much about paintings, I'm afraid. Can I copy your answer? The Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who's one of my favourites, too, so I have a soft spot for it, but this is probably less about the painting and more about the story (fictional or otherwise!) behind it.

You down to do a simple, lighthearted RomCom-y RP then? Like a single parent and a teacher (or a sub!), that sort of deal?

I'd be so down! And I agree, the story in that episode was so amazing even if it isn't true :3 Send me a pm?
I'd be so down! And I agree, the story in that episode was so amazing even if it isn't true :3 Send me a pm?

The site isn't letting me. :( How abouts you send me a PM with the name of your character, and I'll maybe work on a starter which I should be able to send to you by the end of today? ^^. I'm on PST if that matters.

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