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Fantasy looking for a roleplay partner :3


New Member
Hello there
I'm looking for a new roleplay partner I would prefer males but I'm open to females as well I do have certain rps i do like romance, fantasy, dark, and medieval type of roleplays I do have ideas all ready ill list them and starters down below but I am picky I do post a lot through when I find a roleplay interesting

evil demon king x demon peasant girl
starter 1...the sun started to sink behind the hills as the merchants in the village started to close up early...at least the ones wanting to stay open in the heavy snowstorm waiting in the shadows stood a small figure as the time ticked by the cloaked figure rushed forward from her hiding place taking a loaf of bread before running off covered by the cloak of the snow it took her some time but she got to a run-down home getting inside and shutting and locking the door she dusted herself off before lowering her hood dirty pale skin long mid-back brown hair up in a ponytail could be seen her red eyes and dirty white wolf ears sat on her head as well taking a seat she rested to catch her breath...

starter 2...The sun was starting to set as the small festival started to get wilder among the festive people was a young girl dancing to earn some coins her dirty appearance showed she lived on the streets so dancing to earn some coins from the rich wasnt that lowly of her, dirty wolf ears and skin long brown hair and red eyes she stuck out among the humans but she was attractive no one would deny this finishing up a song she wripped her forehead before picking up a few coins people had dropped, her outfit was an old dress holy and in need of a fix but it covered her and she could run in it that's all she needed it for taking a break she went and sat next to a tree sighing looking at the coins it had been five years since she showed up here five lonely years ago....

evil demon personal guard x demon princess/queen

The sun started to sink behind the forest mountain line as the snow fall started to pick up the vendors of the village started to close up as a cloak figure started to run away from them and twords the castle it didnt take the cloak figure long to get to the tall wall jumping up a few times they finnaly grabbed the edge pulling them selves over avoiding guards and servents as well as the maids she made her way through the castle a trail of snow and water behind her as she got to her room sliding inside shivering she hid her cloak under her bed shaking off she glanced into the vanity mirror her pale skin glowing red from the cold her waist lenght brown hair a mess up in a ponytail behind her as her red eyes went over her tiny body she let out a sigh glanceing over at a ball dress that hung for her, her parents bless them had recently left her thanks to a assassin lucky they were caught before they got to her but how lucky was she really, shaking her head she had to get ready for the coming of age ball but she didnt want to scratching her white wolfish ears her tail swayed behind her as she sat on her bed

apocalyptic (a few years after zombies/a nuclear bomb after the zombies have died down and/or when the land and water and air as become clean again )
no one starter depends on the rp we discuss

a little info
1.she is a mutt demon in the first two rp types shes a wolf, vixen, and phoenix

2. in the last one there are mutants animals and humans as well as humans with animal features there's humans, humans with animal features like ears or tails, their mutations, and there are animals that have mutated like for example dears that ear meat

3.in the last rp type she is a wolf human

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