Looking for a role-playing partner


Ready to RP
Hello to anyone who is reading this, I'm Nimthiriel11  I have roleplayed before and love it, althrough not as much as I like to. I prefer playing female but l am interested in playing male. I am busy and will reply when I can. If you want to stop say so don't leave me hanging for days I will drop you.

I do have some problems with speling and grammar so please bare with me.

For my Rp ideas there are a lot so I try to keep it simple; bold is craving


Fullmetal Alchemist

Captain American








Wild West

Elsa/Jack Frost

General Pairing:

Ghost x Human

Brother x Sibling’s Friend

Sister x Sibling’s Enemy

Brother x Sibling’s Rnemy

Enemy x Enemy

Bad Boy x Shy Girl

Bad Girl x Shy Boy

Country Boy x City Girl

Country Girl x City Boy

Step Sibling x Step Sibling

Gang Member x Leader’s Sibling

Gang Member x Leader

Gang Member x Opposing Gang Member

Gang Member x Opposing Gang Leader

Royality x Commoner

Royality x Guard

Popular x Outcast

Prep x Jock

Geek x Artist 

Jock x Geek

Jock x Artist 

Mermaid/merman x Human

Angel x Demon

Angel x Human

Fallen Angel x Human

Fallen Angel x Demon

Human x Demon

Shapeshift × Human

Thanks for your time

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If you don't mind me asking, what has made you lose your spark in roleplaying?
IAmTheBurger said:
If you don't mind me asking, what has made you lose your spark in roleplaying?
My schedule is pretty much at night but I do play pathfinder once a week well try to.
Hi, Jenn. Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. I certainly don't mind spelling and grammar errors, as long as you're trying your best. An admin will also come by with a super post with helpful tips, links, rules and other info. In the meantime, I may be able to answer any questions you may have.
Kestrel said:
Hi, Jenn. Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. I certainly don't mind spelling and grammar errors, as long as you're trying your best. An admin will also come by with a super post with helpful tips, links, rules and other info. In the meantime, I may be able to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks you for your honest and I appreciate the help.
Nimthiriel11 said:
I'm a little confused with this 10 post message I keep getting.
To unlock full access to the site, you have to have an account for 24 hours, and make 10 posts. It's a safety feature to prevent spam bots from showing up.
Kestrel said:
To unlock full access to the site, you have to have an account for 24 hours, and make 10 posts. It's a safety feature to prevent spam bots from showing up.
How did you apply your beastmaster.

Nimthiriel11 said:
How did you apply your beastmaster.

It's the result of a personality test. If you click on it, it's a link that will take you to the start of the test. Once you get your result, you can copy and paste it into your signature.

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