Looking for a Plot (1 on 1 rping)


That Silly Lookin Girl

This is my first time here and I really want to try rping here soon!

I decided to do 1 on 1 rping (just to be safe) but I have a slight problem with plots.

Like I don't want it to be too complicated, too confusing (especially when doing multiple charcacters: example. army, guards, henchmen...etc) and other stuff...

I picked 2 plots

a. Medeival plot - A classic assassin/guard

b. Zombie Apocalypse plot - something similar to Walking Dead and The Last of Us

Hope you guys can give me some advice! Thanks for reading ☺
Hey there. (:

I pride myself and being able to write decent plots, but I'm a bit curious what you're asking for? Are you asking for someone to bounce ideas off of? If so, I'm always happy to be a soundboard for your ideas and give my input and thoughts.

Also, if you're unsure, you can just post a thread in the one on one interest check forum with that list you gave me and you and your new partner(s) can bounce ideas around to. You don't have to have a completed plot set and ready to make an interest check. (: Heck, 99% of my interest checks are just a list of pairings, ie: assassin x guard.

Good luck!
It is always worth asking your partner to contribute to half of the plotting and the world. My last Partner asked me to contribute more and as a result, the RP was excellent. Had she not asked me to, it would have died off a lot sooner then it did.(Inactivity due to life caused it to die).

Ask your partner for suggestions and what they don't want to see in it. As Morcedai(sorry for the wrong spelling) suggested, check out the 1x1 interest check forum. There are literally hundreds of ideas floating around in there and whilst some are your common X idea. There may be something that may surprise you and go "Ooo, this is interesting. I'll use general concept of it and create my original plot.)

Or if it's just ideas for the plots that you are after:

Use an existing world. It could help you and your partner may know everything about that world. For example, i'm well versed in TES and if i was in a TES Assassain x guard RP, i would use my knowledge to help the RP. It's easier in terms of planning. TLOU has a lot of room for plots. Some could be simple, such as just trying to survive whilst others could be complex.

But i would advise waiting for someone to show interest to avoid a situation where they don't like your plot and quit. Being flexible with it does help. Hope this helps. If not, blame Rabbits.

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