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Looking for a patient mentor.


Junior Member
Hey there! I have noticed over the time that I have spent role-playing that I am sadly lacking in good and proper bladed weapon combat writing. This being said, I am hoping that perhaps I could find someone willing to play the role of mentor to a female character who has run off into the world fully intent upon learning to use a blade. Please understand that this role may require a bit of patience as I work on my own combat rp skills but I will devote my all to making it as painless as humanly possible. My character would be starting out with absolutely no experience, probably running away from some antagonist or another but will show themselves to be quite dedicated to the task at hand. I have a lot of time on my hands so you can expect me to be able to post quite often and my posts to be double triple and quadruple checked before I send them. If this interests you please let me know!

Ah yes, on a side note, the trainer does not need to be patient at all, just the master behind the puppet. Any attitude is acceptable. I am very open minded when it comes to the treatment of my characters.
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I haven't done a mentor-type roll for a very long time....Perhaps I could lend you a hand? I don't mind if you have someone already lined up or whatever, I just would like the chance...I don't know how to fight with the sword/staff and such in a "style" as such....But I can try ;) Its all about learning right?

Forgive me if my words sound jumbled....I'm half tired =p
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]I haven't done a mentor-type roll for a very long time....Perhaps I could lend you a hand? I don't mind if you have someone already lined up or whatever, I just would like the chance...I don't know how to fight with the sword/staff and such in a "style" as such....But I can try ;) Its all about learning right?
Forgive me if my words sound jumbled....I'm half tired =p

Yes, of course! Any and all help is always greatly appreciated as it all helps in one form or another. As you said, it is all about learning! Just let me know what you would like to do and when you are available (seeing how you are tired) and we can go from there, yes?
Sounds like a plan to me! ^^ I'll go to sleep and I'll be up tomorrow....I ain't sure exactly when...Maybe start a general beginning and I can follow you in? =D I'll do what I can. Judging from your description, you'd like someone to be a mentor/master type figure to someone who (basically) ran away from say...a castle like environment?
Hmm, time to fully develop a storyline! *cheers* Elinia, a 23 year old human woman flees her home after learning of the death of her beloved twin brother and his murderer's possible intent to track her down as well. She shall hail from the kingdom of Kalendrell, I suppose, where she previously worked as a huntress for good king Erabus. As she flees for her life, she comes to the decision that she will not always be able to depend upon others for her protection and so seeks out a mentor to train her in swordplay. I will start up a thread with an opening post if this works for you. Would you prefer detailed character sheets? Do you have any preferences on how our characters shall meet? I just want to be sure everything is set up as comfortably as possible. I hope I managed to get this in before you passed out.
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Surprisingly enough you did xD I'll answer the three questions in quick and simple mode =p Hope you don't mind :)

1) I don't mind on the detailed sheets because I can develop a character with you....More secrets (not too many! =p) make for a good RP system in my view.

2) It'd help me if you would do the thread'y thing =D

3) Maybe yours could see mine training? Or perhaps see an ad for someone to fetch something and my character ends up following yours?

4) Any age preference? I have too many I can use =p I have a 42 year old sorcerer for example ;p
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]Surprisingly enough you did xD I'll answer the three questions in quick and simple mode =p Hope you don't mind :)
1) I don't mind on the detailed sheets because I can develop a character with you....More secrets (not too many! =p) make for a good RP system in my view.

2) It'd help me if you would do the thread'y thing =D

3) Maybe yours could see mine training? Or perhaps see an ad for someone to fetch something and my character ends up following yours?

4) Any age preference? I have too many I can use =p I have a 42 year old sorcerer for example ;p

Quick and simple is fine with me! I'm fine with bare and simple character sheets as my characters are never quite what they seem to be anyways. They tend to grow and change and develop a life of their own. I will make the thread asap. How about I start it out with her entering a small crossroads style village to rest for the night? Then we can let our characters run into each other in a natural flow. As far as age is concerned I am open on age so long as your character isn't a child as that would be awkward at best. "Child, could you possibly educate me in the art of sword fighting?"
eheh, no worries, I'll use a character I have in my army of OC's...I'll let you know via the character sheet. I assume I put the character sheet up first?
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]eheh, no worries, I'll use a character I have in my army of OC's...I'll let you know via the character sheet. I assume I put the character sheet up first?

Mhmm, sure thing. You sound as bad as I am when it comes to characters. The list just grows and yet new ones won't stop appearing.
Liralli said:
Mhmm, sure thing. You sound as bad as I am when it comes to characters. The list just grows and yet new ones won't stop appearing.
Oh trust me, my list of OC's are....Well....Let's just say I could make a huge cyber-city with them =p Past, Present, Future and all that ;D
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]Oh trust me, my list of OC's are....Well....Let's just say I could make a huge cyber-city with them =p Past, Present, Future and all that ;D

Hah, that would make for an awesome rp. A group of roleplayers' characters all become sentient beings. Banding together, they struggle to steal control from their puppet masters.
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Idea said:
If you're still looking, I'm volunteering as well
Oh, it's you! Of course, I would love the chance to rp with you. You have a scenario in mind or would you prefer I build something up? Pm me if you want and we can work out the details.
Liralli said:
Oh, it's you! Of course, I would love the chance to rp with you. You have a scenario in mind or would you prefer I build something up? Pm me if you want and we can work out the details.
I would actually prefer it if you could PM me with the link to this thread
Idea said:
I would actually prefer it if you could PM me with the link to this thread
A link to this specific thread? Just making sure I am reading this correctly. If so then will do.
[QUOTE="Robin man]I'm more then interested in having this type of pairing plot thing to my list

Wow, I thought this was going to be a difficult task! Thank you so much!
Liralli said:
A link to this specific thread? Just making sure I am reading this correctly. If so then will do.
Yes, to this specific thread. I like having that link in case I ever forget what the search thread was all about
Yo guys! ^^ I'll be around later, have some more medical stuff to get done :( But I'll try to be around later as I said ;D

I hope ya'll haven't forgotten me! =p
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]Yo guys! ^^ I'll be around later, have some more medical stuff to get done :( But I'll try to be around later as I said ;D
I hope ya'll haven't forgotten me! =p

Nobody has forgotten you (I think)
[QUOTE="Time Traveller]Glad to know you haven't xD
Also....Have a cookie *clicks on the hype cookie for you* xD

Nope, not forgotten at all.
Hey there! I'd be interested in helping out as well, if you're still looking for any assistance. I've got experience with both combat rp and sword fighting in real life (woot woot, go fencing!)

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