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Looking for a partner


When Winter comes, the lone wolf dies
Hey, my name's Whitefang, just got onto the site a day before posting this, so I'm looking for an RP.

Things to keep in mind

  • I am 16, if that bothers you, should probably stop here
  • I'm Australian, to gauge timezones a bit, I'm about 16 hours ahead of LA and about 9-10 hours ahead of London.
  • I do go to school, so during the midday for Americans will be slow, on the weekends however, should be fine.
  • I sometimes go through dry periods, I lose a fair bit of creativity, bear with me, if you can, it'll be just as frustrating for me as you
  • I have never been good at long paragraphs, on a good day a maximum of 3 if I'm cooking that on the spot, if it's over longer periods, it will be longer
  • I can't do homosexual relations, just makes me uncomfortable

On to what I like then? Yeah:

  • Fandoms (eg. GoT/ASoIaF, The Elder Scrolls) they can go with the canon or be separate (this is preferable)
  • History, it can be real (eg. Attila the Hun) or manipulated (eg. Attila the Hun with magic)
  • Fantasy in general is usually fine
  • I have some tolerance for the future, I may get bored with it though

I'm not quite sure on pairings at this point, I'd be open to most, so pitch anything and I'll go from there.

Thanks in advance for any possible replies.
I too am new here and I'd be very much interested in doing a game with you, if you are.

I was thinking a fantasy setting that involves a fair bit of background with a plethora of options. If you're interested to discuss some ideas that you have as well, I'd be very open to hear them!
Murmur said:
I too am new here and I'd be very much interested in doing a game with you, if you are.
I was thinking a fantasy setting that involves a fair bit of background with a plethora of options. If you're interested to discuss some ideas that you have as well, I'd be very open to hear them!
I'd be down to discuss ideas, issue is, I got none.
Whitefang said:
I'd be down to discuss ideas, issue is, I got none.
I don't think I have any issues, if I do think of any I'll let you know. I haven't done much fantasy, but what I have done I have loved so far so I'm up for anything that you want to do. :)
Awh man I'd love to RP with you (seriously it sounds like youre an awesome person) since we are in the same timezone and seem to have similar styles (just from what Ive read) but I swear 90% of my OCs are gay XDD

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