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Fantasy Looking for a Partner!


Hi~ My name is Secca; I'm looking for some new role-play partners to dive into some plots with!
  1. I like multi-para or novella style.
  2. Medieval type setting (no modern)
  3. Romance is fine with me
  4. Action and combat is always a plus

- I'm looking for possibly my character and another finding themselves in a demon-like labyrinth that is overrun by hordes of demons, and they have to fight their way out. We can do anything similar to this.
- Or our characters are forced to become partners to overtake a strong character and have alpha-like mentalities so they clash constantly

My character, Saccaro, is a very stubborn, overconfident she-wolf who is found hanging in taverns or hunting in the forest. She is a bounty-hunter and sometimes bouncer at discrete locations (I can always give you more info on her).

Thank you~


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