• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner


just another sleep deprived being
Going to keep this short and sweet, hopefully.

My Rules

  • No one-liners, please. I tend to write between 1-4 paragraphs per response or to match with whomever I'm role-playing with.
  • No godmoding.
  • Please have decent grammar. I know that everyone has their ups and downs, but please try.
  • I only every role-play using male characters.
    • I can do 1st or 3rd person.
  • Be active, I will reply probably 2+ times a day.
    • If you are inactive, please notice me.
      • If you want to drop, please notice me about it. I'm fine with it, but please don't ghost me.
Types of RPs I'm Interested In (more will be added later)
  • anything dark is fine, I actually prefer it
  • mxm, mxnb or mxf romance
  • vampire x werewolf
  • serial killer x victim
  • kidnapper x victim
  • lost 'soul' x mundane person
  • roomates
  • open to about anything.
  • I do not do fandom role plays.
About Me
  • I'm 18 years old
    • I only do smut role plays with 18+
    [*]I will role play with 14+
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Hey I know it's a long shot, but for Voltron would you maybe be willing to do an AdamXShiro rp with Keith ship on the side?
If not may I ask what you had in mind for vampXwolf?
Hey I know it's a long shot, but for Voltron would you maybe be willing to do an AdamXShiro rp with Keith ship on the side?
If not may I ask what you had in mind for vampXwolf?

I'm not too comfortable doing a ShiroxAdam rp, but thanks for asking.
For the vampire x werewolf, I was thinking of a revenge type plot.
Oh, can I hear more about over a pm maybe?

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